About Storg DragondropperTraits Medium, Dwarf, Rock Dwarf, Humanoid
Botting Instructions:
- Storg automatically recovers 1 HP per minute due to his aeon stone.
- Storg uses a reaction to cast air bubble at the earliest opportunity, such as when someone is Swallowed Whole. - Storg uses a reaction to cast gentle landing if someone is about to suffer a damaging fall. - He often uses Reach Spell to make up for his poor Speed. - He uses Bespell Strikes to enhance hand of the apprentice. - Though he has no qualms against killing enemies, he is happy to use Nonlethal Spell if the rest of the party wishes to spare the enemies. - He typically saves single-target debuff spells like fear for single opponents, saving slow in particular for what he expects to be the final combat in a day. Faction Vigilant Seal Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Fey, Jotun, Petran Skills:
Acrobatics +3 Arcana +15 (expert) Athletics +0 Crafting +15 (expert) Deception -1 Diplomacy -1 (or +10 with expert hireling) - expert hireling has Group Impression Intimidation -1 Medicine +11 (trained) Nature +11 (trained) Occultism +12 (trained) Performance -1 Religion +11 (trained) Society +12 (trained) Stealth +11 (trained) Survival +3 Thievery +3 Cave Lore +12 (trained)
Str +0, Dex +3, Con +3, Int +4 (partial), Wis +3, Cha -1 Provision scroll of dispel magic (3rd rank) Items:
Held +1 Striking Warhammer Worn Currency: 127.23 Backpack Buckler (Hardness 3, HP 6, BT 3) +1 Explorer's Clothing +1 Striking Crossbow - Bolts (20) +1 Striking Handwraps of Mighty Blows (Invested) Crafter's Eyepiece (Invested) Dagger Healer's Toolkit Mage's Hat (Invested) Marvelous Miniature (Ladder) Scroll of Earthbind (3) Scroll of Resist Energy (2) Staff Wayfinder (Invested) - Aeon Stone (Pearly White Spindle) (Invested & Set) Stowed Backpack - Bedroll - Chalk (10) - Clan Dagger (bonded item) - Flint and Steel - Rope - Soap - Spacious Pouch I - Torch (5) - Waterskin Spacious Pouch I - Clothing (Cold-weather) - Formula Book (Healing Potion (minor), Weapon Potency +1, Weapon Striking, Marvelous Miniature (Ladder), 1st-rank Scroll) - Rations (2) - Repair Kit - Spellbook - Tool (Long) (shovel) (4) - Writing Set Strikes:
Melee Fist +12 (Agile, Finess, Nonlethal, Unarmed, Magical), Damage 2d4 B
Melee +1 Striking Warhammer +9 (Shove, Magical), Damage 2d8 B Melee Dagger +11 (Agile, Finesse, Thrown 10 ft., Versatile S), Damage 1d4 P Melee Staff +8 (Monk, Two-Hand d8), Damage 1d4 B Melee Clan Dagger +8 (Agile, Dwarf, Parry, Uncommon, Versatile B), Damage 1d4 P Ranged Crossbow +11 (Crossbow), Damage 1d8 P Battle Medicine◆ (General, Healing, Manipulate, Skill):
Prerequisites trained in Medicine Requirements You're holding or wearing a healer's toolkit. You can patch up wounds, even in combat. Attempt a Medicine check with the same DC as for Treat Wounds and restore the corresponding amount of HP; this doesn't remove the wounded condition. As with Treat Wounds, you can attempt checks against higher DCs if you have the minimum proficiency rank. The target is then immune to your Battle Medicine for 1 day. This does not make them immune to, or otherwise count as, Treat Wounds. Nonlethal Spell◆ (Manipulate, Spellshape):
You can alter offensive spells to be less deadly. If your next action is to Cast a Spell that deals damage and doesn't have the death or void trait, that spell gains the nonlethal trait. Bespell Strikes◇ (Wizard):
Frequency once per turn Requirements Your most recent action was to cast a non-cantrip spell. You siphon spell energy into one weapon you're wielding, or into one of your unarmed attacks, such as a fist. Until the end of your turn, the weapon or unarmed attack deals an extra 1d6 force damage and gains the arcane trait if it didn't have it already. If the spell dealt a different type of damage, the Strike deals this type of damage instead (or one type of your choice if the spell could deal multiple types of damage). Reach Spell◆ (Concentrate, Spellshape):
You can extend the range of your spells. If the next action you use is to Cast a Spell that has a range, increase that spell's range by 30 feet. As is standard for increasing spell ranges, if the spell normally has a range of touch, you extend its range to 30 feet. Drain Bonded Item◇ (Arcane, Wizard):
Frequency once per rank per day Requirements Your bonded item is on your person. You expend the magical power stored in your bonded item. During the current turn, you can cast one spell you prepared today and already cast, without spending a spell slot. You must still Cast the Spell and meet the spell’s other requirements. Wayfinder◆ (Uncommon, Invested, Magical):
Activate Light (concentrate) Effect The wayfinder is targeted by a 1st-rank light spell. Spellbook:
3rd: earthbind, feet to fins, fireball, lightning bolt, slow, vampiric feast; 2nd: acid grip, dispel magic, gecko grip, invisibility, laughing fit, noise blast, resist energy, revealing light, see the unseen, stupefy, translate, water breathing; 1st: air bubble, breathe fire, charm, command, create water, dizzying colors, fear, force barrage, gentle landing, grim tendrils, hydraulic push, illusory disguise, jump, mystic armor, sure strike; Cantrips: caustic blast, daze, detect magic, elecrtic arc, frostbite, ignition, light, message, prestidigitation, shield, telekinetic hand, telekinetic projectile Arcane Prepared Spells DC 22, attack +12; 3rd Fear (H+2), Lightning Bolt, Slow; 2nd Acid Grip, Translate, Revealing Light; 1st Air Bubble, Fear, Gentle Landing; Cantrips Detect Magic, Caustic Blast, Electric Arc, Frostbite, Telekinetic Projectile Arcana Innate Spells Cantrips Prestidigitation
PFS Character 2423503-2003 Backstory:
The Dragondropper clan is well known for the exploits of its namesake ancestor, Gelwell Dragondropper. She, and therefore the clan, got the moniker when she used the hand of the apprentice spell to drop an ancient red dragon from the sky. As such, stories about dragons abound in my clan, including the ones with the downer endings. After hearing one too many of those, I hid myself in a cave out of fear. In my solitude, I eventually concluded that the best way to overcome my paranoia was to join the Pathfinder Society. Personal Information:
Ethnicity: Holtaksen
Nationality: Five Kings Mountains Birthplace: Dragondropper Clan Age: 25 Pronouns: He/his/him Height: 4'9" Weight: 145 lbs Appearance: Dwarf with brown eyes, brown hair, and light skin. Attitude: Storg is meticulous and paranoid. Beliefs: Evil should not be left to its own devices. Edicts: Keep your clan dagger close. Anathema: Lose your clan dagger. Likes: The relief that comes from felling a powerful foe. Dislikes: Evil dragons. Catchphrase: "I guess I'm never picking this spell again." Chronicle Boons:
Devil's Keep↺ (advanced); 1/adventure; 1d6+LVL fire (basic Reflex vs Class/Spell DC) when ally attacked by enemy w/in 30'.
Cryptid Scholar↺; 1/3 left; Advantage on Recall Knowledge vs rare/unique creatures. Experienced Mountaineer; constant; Steep slopes -> normal difficult terrain. Adversary Lore; constant; +1 circ. on Recall Knowledge vs [Dragons] (+2 if revered). Heroic Defiance; constant; Heroic Recovery can restore 1 Hit Point. Hireling; constant; Hireling performs [Diplomacy] and [Undead] Lore as 1d20 + 2 + your level. Expert Hireling; constant; Hireling improves to expert, so 1d20 + 4 + your level. Professional Hireling; constant; Hireling gains [Fiend] Lore and [Group Impression]. Ally of the Iruxi; constant; Positive effect in future adventure. Chronicle Boons Less Relevant Mid-Session:
Mentor, Combat; constant; Help lower-level players with attacks.
Vigilant Seal Gear; constant; Access to Sealing Chest. Open Road Lodge Gear; constant; Access to Vermin Repellant Agent. Second Chance; 1/1 left; Extra life covers up to 1000 gp of cost. Farah's Sword; constant; Access to obsidian edge. Stalwart Shield; 1/1 left; Donate 650 gp and pledge to protect innocent for this awesome shield. I haven't done this. Treasure Bundle Insurance; 3/3 left; Gain a missed treasure bundle. Irrelevant Chronicle Boons:
Finadar Leshy; constant; New character can be Finidar Leshy.
Wayfinder; 0/1 left; Gain 1 free wayfinder. Team Player; 0/3 left; Grant advantage with Aid. Blood Offering; constant; Effect limited to 1-16. Danced the Grand Dance; constant; Access to certain LO:IL feats if I have book, which I don't. Awesome Opossum; constant; This opossum does nothing. |