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My question was not if Remove B/D would work, but if it would have the permanent effect or if it would be back to default.

For example, is there magic present that gives the eyesight back, or is it back to how your eyesight normally works without magic?

Hey, one of my players has been affected the a nymph's blinding beauty, a supernatural ability. I know Blindness/Deafness can be dispelled because of the Permanent duration, but SU abilities cannot.

I was wondering if the remove Blindness/Deafness had the same restrictions. If a creature is cured by Remove Blindness/Deafness are they completely healed or can it be dispelled?

The duration of Remove B/D says instantaneous, which means the magic fixes the eyesight and disappears right, making it NOT vulnerable to dispel magic?

I'm unsure about the ruling, would appreciate some input :)

e.g. how Fire Emblem does it, if you've played those games

Backdrop: The party fell died in a cave with some important items, in the hands of some questionable duergars. Their new characters will be prisoners of these duergars, and they get help to escape, since they brought their leader down with them. They get the chance to escape or to run into danger and enact revenge.

They will come into an open area, where an evil cleric can clearly be heard chanting, calling forth the evil spirits within the artefact. I was thinking of having them start at one end, and having to fight or figure out a way for everyone to get through the tiles on the other side of the mat, to get there in time to disrupt him.

They are lvl 6, a sorcerer, barbarian, druid and a monk. Does anyone have any tips on how I can make it difficult, fun AND challenging? I want them to feel the pressure, while not being exasperated or feeling hopeless.

By now I have planned having summoning circles spawning new enemies every round so they won't necessarily stop and try to fight all the enemies. I was thinking traps or including parts that require skill checks to reduce the time it takes to get through. It will be difficult enough that they definitely can't just run through it all.

TLDR; I want to make a whole mat of obstacles, while they are on a time-limit. Any advice on making it fun and feeling different?

thanks in advance!

@Chess Pwn
I'm leaning towards going for an animal companion. In addition I'm playing Suli so I get elemental blast once a day, for rds=my lvl. I should go with my heart on this one and just pick the darn animal companion, thanks for helping me get over my indeciciveness :D

Hey, I'm a level 4 paladin, and I know that I'm going to level up next session. We're a party of 4, me, summoner, witch and a ninja. I'm the only tanky one, and they heavily depend on me to take or deflect the hits. We already know who we must fight (High level antipaladin) later in the campaign, because he's hunting down our ninja (his sister).

My question is, would taking animal companion debilitate my abilities as a paladin severely, especially since the weapon bond scales so well. Is it too big a sacrifice to take the animal companion, especially if I'm going to fight an antipaladin?!

Secondly, my GM says he will give me more options if I choose the animal companion, and I'm not stuck to mounts necessarily. I can take small cats and constrictor snakes, and potentially dinosaurs, if he so has decided (they're in the campaign).

I know from most guides, they say take the weapon because it's so good, but the potential of an animal companion tripping or overrunning your target is now open to me, does that sway this the other way?

sorry for the long post, thanks for any answers!

TLDR It's my inner min/max needing a reason to pick animal companion over the corrupting forces of the divine weapon bond.

I see that a masterwork weapon gives it the +1 enhancement bonus needed to add a special quality, yet I see threads saying you need the +1 magic enhancement bonus.

I suppose there is some rule I've missed that specifies this, and I was wondering if anyone could tell me with reference to RAW how this works. I am asking because our group had a disagreeance, and we are interested in what the rules specifically allows or disallows.

In other words: Where is the rule saying the enhancement bonus on a mwk weapon does not qualify for the special magic qualities.

Thanks in advance!

@Backpack - sounds like good things to get. Mind that if I get a +3 weapon or armor I automatically get a +3 special quality for free because they are intertwined.

@TrustNo1 Thanks for the tip, I am going use a Greatsword so sadly not this time :)

*Spelling mistake

Thanks for the answer! I may have explained the armor/weapon enchantment rule badly.

Basically, a +5 vorpal Greatsword costs 50. A +5 fullplate with 19 spell resistance costs 25k + fullplate cost. The only restriction is that you cannot have more than one special quality (eg +1 Greatsword furious AND courageus).

It is like the enchantment bonus is a part of the special quality connected to it. You choose from the special quiality tables, choose for example flaming with +1 cost, you pay 2k and you get a +1 flaming. Another example, you choose the speed special quality, it costs +3. You pay 18000 gp.

Qaianna, yea those sounds like safe options! Those are the things I am looking at currently beside armor/weapon combos :D

Hello, I am making a back-up character for the campaign I am playing in and decided to ask the fine forums for help!

Build - Core only
Human barbarian 9
Stats Str 21 Dex 14 Con 16 Int 12 Wis 12 Cha 10

Feats: 1st toughness, 1st power attack, 3rd improved initiative, 5th weapon focus: greatsword, 7th vital strike, 9th improved crit Greatsword(undecided)

Rage powers: 2nd strength surge, 4th superstition, 6th rousing anger, 8th unexpected strike

Now for the kicker, in this campaign weapon and armor enchantments are a lot cheaper, a +5 Full-plate 19 Spell resistance costs 25000 (The same as +5). Having multiple enchantments are not allowed however, so you cannot exceed the +5 cost for any weapon or armor. I and my GM knows this is not how it is supposed to be, and that a +1 enhancement bonus is needed for special qualities to be added and that they are supposed to be a lot more expensive, so no need to discuss it :D.

Budget: 46000 gold

What I am wondering is, what items I should pick up... Should I pick up belt of giant's strength and cloak of resistance, or just try to get as much value from Armor/weapon enchants?

I can get any +4 weapon and almost any +5 armor. It works like this: You want a righteous full-plate? ok, it is now +5 righteous for 25k. I am looking forward to your input, and please understand that we know this system is flawed and ridiculous, but its fun, for us at least :D

Wanted to make a poisoner/scout rogue for a new campaign I am playing, and ran the idea by a senior dm. He told me it was ludicrous to think someone would allow two archetypes without atleast multiclassing or being heavily penalized. He stated that having two archetypes was overpowered, and that he could make ridiciously strong characters exploiting this.

I linked him Paizo's Class Archetypes section, telling him the rules would allow it. He said a pre-requisite for scouts was trapfinding, and that I would be breaking the rules. I did not totally get his arguments, and my representation of it here is not fair at all. Bringing up the argument is not fruitful in any way as I would be biased, so let me get to my question.

Am I according to RAW allowed to make a poisoner/scout rogue, where the core abilities simply are replaced with the new ones? If yes/no why?

ALSO, even if it's allowed through RAW, is it generally considered Overpowered or at least quite strong to make a character with two archetypes, and how easy is it to exploit?

Would you as a DM allow or disallow it for unfairness/exploiting?

Would love citations on this if you got them from reliable sources

Can a sorcerer at lvl 8 with the Metamagic empower and quicken spell feats cast quickened empowered ray of enfeeblement + ray of exhaustion in the same round?

Basically, can I use both feats every round on the same spell? Could one theoretically also add maximize into the mix without penalty?

In other words, can you use as many metamagic feats as you want in a round, and if not, where and what is the limit?

Thank you for your answers! I will let him keep his saves then :)

Hello kind fellows!

I have a lvl 3 paladin who rolled quite good stats. We are now seeing that his Fortitude would be 3 base + 4 con + 3 Cha.
All his saves are crazy, so I was wondering if this direct interpretation of the rules are correct?

At level 3 he would have +10 on fortitude, +6 on Reflex and +7 on will saves.

And if it is the correct way of seeing it, do you guys think it is balanced?

Hey, I am currently playing in a campaign with my lvl 2 half-orc rogue knifemaster. I want him to be able to assassinate when he gets to a higher level. My plan is this:

Lvl 1. 1 rogue - Two-weapon fighting, took this before I knew i wanted to be an assassin

Lvl 2. 2 rogue - Weapon finesse

Lvl 3. 3 rogue - wep focus: dagger and blade sense

Lvl 4. 3 rogue / 1 ninja: I get poison use, and an additional d6 on sneak attack. + 1 str, so i get +2 on dmg rolls

Lvl 5. 3 rogue / 2 ninja: ki-pool and ninja trick. Vanishing trick.

Lvl 6. 4 rogue / 2 ninja: uncanny dodge and underhanded.

Lvl 7. 4 rogue / 3 ninja: 4d6 sneak attack, no trace, skill focus stealth?

Lvl 8. 4 rogue / 4 ninja: improved uncanny dodge, ninja trick: fast stealth/acrobatic master?

Main skills: Stealth, acrobatics, escape artist, craft (alchemy), climb, sleight of hand, disguise

Is this a good build for assassinating while still not screwing my party over by being useless in fight?

Ya, maybe I will drop the poisons for this session. Having someone on the sideline not being able to do anything for one entire encounter can suck...

Thanks for the Mite idea! I think I'm actually going to change the drows for mites and centipedes/vermins. They seem exceptionally weak though, how many do you think a lvl 1 party of 4 PCs can take on, with it still being challenging?

@Marvin Ghey
Hm, I see what you mean. I will see what other loot I can give, that is more appropriate. The only thing tho, is that the items aren't gamebreaking. Goggles of night gives you darkvision (ok, maybe thats a little op) and circlet of persuasion will maybe inspire them to rp more. Maybe I will lay of the big loot for a little while after this session, to balance things out!

@Justaworm, Deadmanwalking, Gm 1990
Cutting out xp maybe inspire more roleplaying, and less fighting, i think. I will ask the players what they want, i don't know if they wanna smash skulls or if they want to RP :)
Thanks for your insight though, I appreciate it!

Thanks for all the answers!

@GM 1990
Thanks for the potinos and scrolls advice, and I'll look to maybe throwing some interesting magic loot into the mix aswell! :) I will be doing character creation with them as a group, and I am looking forward to it!

Thanks for linking that article, good read! I'll try to keep the combat not so lethal, but I also want there to be a risk...
Thanks for the advice on making the surroundings more interesting, that will make the encounters much more fun! I will be putting more cheaper fun magic loots in the mix aswell!
I'll definitely throw something at them if they attempt to rest, thanks for the heads up! :)

@Marvin Ghey
I'm still not sure how those charts works exactly. For me they seemed a little underwhelming, but then again, I do not really understand how they work... :/

Just a question. How does that chart work if you wanna give the party cool loot, but it costs extremely much? Goggles of night is 12k gp according to the core rulebook, slaying arrow 2282gp, circlet of persuasion 4,5k gp.

Thanks for the advice, but I do not want the encounters to be boring. Describing a red-eyed, dark-purple skinned elvish creature is more interesting, i think, instead a plain human. I should probably start with something easier, but if I prepare good enough I think I can pull it off! :D
I will let them RP before the mines. Thanks for the tips on how to let them do that!
Yes, I know some parties do that.. I guess I will have to plan some random encounters in the city or the nearest forest.

Thanks for the advice! I think I can spice things up with the changing the surroundings, like @Rub-Eta suggested. Like the prisoners trying to help them at the second encounter, the nobles fleeing in the 4th encounter, and other things :)
I'll be careful with that ability, but if they steamroll the dungeon, a channel energy might scare them a little, in a good way, and make the fight more intense, but I will be careful!

@GM 1990
Thanks for the podcasts! I think I will keep the drows, but thanks for the heads up :) My friend, who is going to play, is a gm, so if any problems arise when it comes to such matters, I could always ask him :D

@Brother Fen
I did read it, and I've made the encounters to fit CR1, and challenging encounters to CR 2 and 3. Thanks for the advice!

Just a question. Are these always reliable, or should I go for higher or lower CRs?

Thanks for the fun RP advice, I'll try to chuck in some fun magic rp items :D Also, thanks for the advice on dynamic party loot value, got me thinking of something I hadn't before!

@Manly-man teapot
I will ask the players what they prefer. I think some might like having the exp and knowing when they can expect to lvl. Thanks for the advice though!

haha, actually it will be a good guy wizard who hired them :D Thanks for the advice, I will definitely use their backstories and implement their ideas (if they are good) in my campaign!

Yeah, I am a little afraid of critting them when they're lvl 1. Thanks for the heads up, I will heed your advice :)

Just a question. Do you think drow poison could really screw them over in the 2nd encounter? I am a little worried about that, but they are up against 3 whips/daggers and 2 handcrossbows.. (not that much damage)

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Hi, I am new at dming and I am having my first session next week. I have planned an event in a mine. There are 4 pcs, no one has created their character yet.

I am thinking of giving them loot throughout the mine. They will be fighting drows, dogs, guardsmen and a lvl 3 LE cleric, maybe a cave fisher.

I am planning on doing fast exp. The mine is "abandoned", they start as a mercenary crew and is hired to check it out. They find out its a place where nobles conspire against the king. prisoners there are mining, but only to be sacrificed to Zon-Kuthon, eaten by the cave fisher or killed to the joy of the nobles... The story is good, I think, but I'll leave it out of this post.

1st encounter: 3 drows, 2 shortswords, 1 handcrossbow. All leather
- loot: 1 cure light wounds, 3d6 gp

2nd encounter: 5 drows, 3 with whips, 2 with handcrossbows. All leather. The room with prisoners mining, they can free the prisoners, but they wont fight. (Maybe some will with a very good skill check though..)
-loot: 2 drow poison, 2 cure light wounds, 10d6 gp

3rd encounter: 2 drows, 2 dogs. 2 daggers and leather armors.
-loot: A chance at getting a dog and its puppy as companions, 3d6 gp, 10 rations (in the drow camp/sleeping area, so they could get bedrolls etc. if they want...), 1 alchemy crafting kit

4th encounter: 3 guardsmen. 2 longswords and chainmails, 1 leather and short sword. In this room the cleric is speaking to a crowd of nobles. The nobles are fleeing when they enter, the cleric is moving further into the mine.
-loot: 1 mwk longsword, 2 chainmails, 3d4 pp

Sidequest: defeat the cave fisher. Chance at saving important npc. When the nobles are fleeing, they hear a scream of desperation from a narrow sideway. They can choose to explore or go straight for the cleric.
-Loot: 100gp black pears, human bones(?)

5th encounter: 1 LE cleric lvl 3, 1 lemure (summoned) Chained spike.
-Loot: Ceremonial dagger, mwk breastplate, 20pp, goggles of night, 1 slaying arrow (story item), circlet of persuasion

10pp and 100gp each for the mercenary quest completion.

Im sorry for the long post, I am just a little stressed out. Am I giving too much loot, or does the dungeon have boring encounters?

I am planning on giving them lvl 2 at the end of this quest, as it is the first "story" quest I think they will complete, and from there they will do whatever they like. (Of course they could ignore this quest completely, but then idk what will happen...)

Would appreciate constructive feedback or criticism! Any tips?

First post on any Pathfinder forum by the way :) Thanks for reading and have a good day! (or night)