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Hi, I am new at dming and I am having my first session next week. I have planned an event in a mine. There are 4 pcs, no one has created their character yet.

I am thinking of giving them loot throughout the mine. They will be fighting drows, dogs, guardsmen and a lvl 3 LE cleric, maybe a cave fisher.

I am planning on doing fast exp. The mine is "abandoned", they start as a mercenary crew and is hired to check it out. They find out its a place where nobles conspire against the king. prisoners there are mining, but only to be sacrificed to Zon-Kuthon, eaten by the cave fisher or killed to the joy of the nobles... The story is good, I think, but I'll leave it out of this post.

1st encounter: 3 drows, 2 shortswords, 1 handcrossbow. All leather
- loot: 1 cure light wounds, 3d6 gp

2nd encounter: 5 drows, 3 with whips, 2 with handcrossbows. All leather. The room with prisoners mining, they can free the prisoners, but they wont fight. (Maybe some will with a very good skill check though..)
-loot: 2 drow poison, 2 cure light wounds, 10d6 gp

3rd encounter: 2 drows, 2 dogs. 2 daggers and leather armors.
-loot: A chance at getting a dog and its puppy as companions, 3d6 gp, 10 rations (in the drow camp/sleeping area, so they could get bedrolls etc. if they want...), 1 alchemy crafting kit

4th encounter: 3 guardsmen. 2 longswords and chainmails, 1 leather and short sword. In this room the cleric is speaking to a crowd of nobles. The nobles are fleeing when they enter, the cleric is moving further into the mine.
-loot: 1 mwk longsword, 2 chainmails, 3d4 pp

Sidequest: defeat the cave fisher. Chance at saving important npc. When the nobles are fleeing, they hear a scream of desperation from a narrow sideway. They can choose to explore or go straight for the cleric.
-Loot: 100gp black pears, human bones(?)

5th encounter: 1 LE cleric lvl 3, 1 lemure (summoned) Chained spike.
-Loot: Ceremonial dagger, mwk breastplate, 20pp, goggles of night, 1 slaying arrow (story item), circlet of persuasion

10pp and 100gp each for the mercenary quest completion.

Im sorry for the long post, I am just a little stressed out. Am I giving too much loot, or does the dungeon have boring encounters?

I am planning on giving them lvl 2 at the end of this quest, as it is the first "story" quest I think they will complete, and from there they will do whatever they like. (Of course they could ignore this quest completely, but then idk what will happen...)

Would appreciate constructive feedback or criticism! Any tips?

First post on any Pathfinder forum by the way :) Thanks for reading and have a good day! (or night)