Stile |
I remember my old party fighting it.
Mostly normal party except one player was playing a sentient flesh golem.
The wizard that created it put his soul inside to hide at one point and gotten trapped. Lots of good backstory.
Anyway... a negative bit about this was every round of combat the golem had 1% then 2% then 3% and so on to go beserk and kill everything until nothing was left. (up to a minute once all living creatures were out of sight.)
The hydra was almost dead and boom - the golem goes nuts. I had allowed the stairs to collapse in two places. I made them attached to the wall so instead of fully collapsing - sections fell out. Making escape hard but not impossible.
Luckily the party realized what happened (they had seen it once before) and ran while the golem finished off the hydra. Once the hydra fell the golem took chase up the stairs after the party that was still in view.
Most of the party made the jump.. the ones that didn't fell. After taking falling damage you now have an angry flesh golem between you and safety.
At one juncture - the partys barb. was on one side and readied an action to jump if the golem jumped. Enter Matrix mid-air style bullrushiness.
And a fall to the bottom. The party eventually got away and outran the golem and he calmed down.
But, thats how I did the stairs and the hyrda was an okay creature. The added bit from the own partys usual tank.. made it a very memorable fight.