This was my second delving into Abandoned Arts products and I was very pleased with what I found. Despite many people thinking the Rogue is a substandard class its still my favorite and Class Act: Rogues certainly elevates them even more.
There's a plethora of talents to choose form to make your rogue even more specialized and to seperate them from the rest of the pack. I'll try to focus on what hasn't already been reviewed. Although those really stood out to me as well.
Low Cunning is a must for those rogues that didnt bank on Charisma as it allows the use of your Wisdom modifier in place of Charisma for Bluff and Intimidate. Sneak Attack Spree allows you to do additional damage equal to the number of Sneak Attack dice when you deal Sneak Attack damage. More sneak damage?! Yep, its that sweet. Then I read Urban Network. Awesome. This flavorful talent reduces the time to Gather Information to just 1 hour instead of the standard 1d4 hours. Definitely gives me the vision of my rogue touching base with his slew of informants in short order versus randomly asking people if they saw anything. Last in the standard talents that caught my eye is one I praised the Rogue Abondoned Arts for. Talented allows one additional use of every talent that has limited number of daily uses. A must have!
In the Advance Talents Sneak Attack Assault set my teeth on edge in anticipation of gettng approval from my DM for. At the start of your turn, whenever hidden from enemies; you may apply sneak attack damage to every attack you make that round! Even if you are revealed after the first. Jump for joy now fellow rogues or save it for Sly Blade which allows you to add sneak damage to Attacks of Opportunity if using a light, piercing or slahing weapon. Great stuff! I'm itching for levels with my rogue characters now.
The only thing that could be changed is River Rat and Escape Route and the only thing that I think needs is changed is their titles and only because there is already a Trait and Teamwork feat claiming those respectively. Mechanic wise there are par with everything else.
Again, great source material from Abandoned Arts. I'm sold on their work so far.