Steve Liss 944's page

No posts. Alias of Karnas Sunderscale.

Dark Archive

I have never found an ample definition of metamagic feats and how it applies to the spell slot used....what has caused confusion is specifically the spontaneous casters...let me explain.
If I am a bard and apply a metamagic feat to a 2nd level spell and it effectively increases the spell slot level 2--to 4th level--then have I just used both a 2nd level spell and a 4th level spell to cast this one metamagically enhanced spell? As it reads to me, it appears so. And if this is the case does the same hold true for the wizard, or does the wizard only sacrifice the enhanced spell slot of the metamagic spell while preparing his daily spells?

Dark Archive

I need some help/advice.
I know I have seen this rule somewhere in the annals of d20 but I can not find it and I do not know if it is a hard/fast rule.
If a PC dies while on the Abyss can he still be resurrected or does the Abyss claim his soul and its game over for that character.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

would a wizard need to use the rod while preparing his spells or can they be used on the fly

Dark Archive

does a wizard have to use the metamagic rod while preparing his spells or can they be used on the fly

Dark Archive

Would a multi-classed sorcerer/wizard wearing a ring of wizardry have a level of spells doubled for both classes?

Dark Archive

So the various strength rings of wizardry effectively double a level of spells either 1st through 9th. So the question is, would a multi-classed wizard/sorcerer have BOTH their class spells doubled? I think so, there is nothing within the context of the explanation for the rings that would seem to indicate not. What do you think?

Dark Archive

Does Death Ward thwart an assassins death attack?

Dark Archive

The logical answer is no, BUT I can not find it in the rules that says anything to the contrary. In other words if a pc gets poisoned by a harpoon spider for 1d6 damage, can he be hit again for the poison damage. And I'm not talking about the secondary damage 1 minute later.

Dark Archive

Does a PC have to bypass SR in order for a weapons special ability, i.e. flaming, frost, sonic et el., to effect the said creature? As a DM I've been befuddled by this question for many a year.