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4/5 5/55/5 Venture-Lieutenant, Georgia—Atlanta

Any idea of an ETA for this?



I playtested a level 1 Human Avenger Vigilante at a PFS Game Day last Saturday. Most of the notes I made are PFS-specific and so I will not discuss them here. The biggest question that was not PFS-specific was how many of the Vigilante's abilities are shared between identities. Page 3 states that "Many of the class features of the vigilante are usable only when the vigilante is in one of his two identities, as noted in the ability." This, however, does not cover Feats, Skills, or Traits. The GM at the table and I agreed that these were shared, but Feats went inactive if the prerequisites were not met. For example, the level 1 Avenger Vigilante has the Assault Training ability which gives +1 BAB/ Vigilante level. My PC took Power Attack and Furious Focus for his two Feats. If he was not in his Vigilante identity, he would not receive the benefits of Assault Training and thus could not use either Feat. Were we correct in this?

In play itself, as expected, the Avenger Vigilante was a weaker Fighter. The loss of 1 HP was negligible as the one encounter that took him to negatives would have taken him down regardless. Attacks went the same as they would have for a 1st-level Fighter. The additional skills, particularly the Charisma-based ones, are a welcome sight. I did have the brief opportunity to use his Social identity to go into town and do party business without tying the activity back to the party. I suspect that he will do a number of investigative tasks in his Social identity in the future.

I look forward to playing him some more and leveling him up during the playtest period.



4/5 5/55/5 Venture-Lieutenant, Georgia—Atlanta

Now that the Andoran faction is now Liberty's Edge, how does the Honored by the Twilight Talons boon work? I have a table of this running tomorrow and people are going to ask, I'm sure.



4/5 5/55/5 Venture-Lieutenant, Georgia—Atlanta

Are we going to get an updated set of pregens this year? I ask this of campaign management for two reasons. First, the existing set needs some editing to remove errors. Second, we have a slew of new classes coming out (and some older ones that never got pregens).



4/5 5/55/5 Venture-Lieutenant, Georgia—Atlanta

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

I had assumed that they were until I got the latest beta from PCGen, which they explicitly removed them from PCs for PFS. I looked at the Additional Resources and it does not indicate anything about this, which usually means that they are not PFS-Legal. Is there another place that I can look to nail this down one way or the other?



4/5 5/55/5 Venture-Lieutenant, Georgia—Atlanta

I am trying to figure out if I need to get this ASAP.



4/5 5/55/5 Venture-Lieutenant, Georgia—Atlanta

1) Can a wizard retrain an opposition school via the retraining rules in PFS?

2) If so, is this accomplished by one retraining session of 5 PP or two for 10 PP (basically, training out of the original school and back into it)?



4/5 5/55/5 Venture-Lieutenant, Georgia—Atlanta

When making a Kitsune PC for PFS, do you use the version in Dragon Empires Gazetteer or Advanced Race Guide? I would think ARG would trump the earlier source.

Is it correct that a Summoner using a Wand of Summon Monster casts a spell from the wand as a full round action, and not a standard action like the Summoner's SLA?



4/5 5/55/5 Venture-Lieutenant, Georgia—Atlanta

I have an Alchemist that has Blood Transcription in his formulae book. This spell is now banned in the recent Additional Resources document. Do I just remove the spell from the formulae book or do I get to swap that spell for another one of the same level? Reading the PFS Guide did not make this clear to me.



4/5 5/55/5 Venture-Lieutenant, Georgia—Atlanta


I started out my Alchemist with no archetype and was thinking about adding the Grenadier archetype from the Field Guide. I have some questions regarding retraining. For clarity, I only need these questions answered for PFS:

1) Do I have to do all of the archetype feature retraining on one Chronicle or can I spread it out over several Chronicles?

2) W.r.t. the Brew Poison > Martial Weapon Proficiency retraining, I assume that, for PFS, this is a Extra Bombs > Martial Weapon Proficiency retraining, right?

2) W.r.t the Poison Use > Precise Bombs retraining, if I picked up Precise Bombs at 2nd level, do I have to retrain the discovery at the same time I retrain the Poison Use class feature?

