Heavy Wagon Animated Object
Huge Land vehicle
This large, four-wheeled vehicle is primarily used in caravans to transport goods over long stretches of territory.
Animated Object (Huge) Wagon, Heavy
N Huge construct Squares 8 (10 ft. by 20 ft.; 5 feet high)
Init -2 Senses darkvision 60, low-light vision; Perception -5
AC 17, touch 8, flat-footed 17 (-2 Dex, +11 natural, -2 size)
hp 78 (7d10+40 size)
Fort +2, Ref +0, Will -3
Defensive Abilities hardness 10 Immune Construct Traits
Speed 30 ft., fly [clumsy] 40 ft.
Melee slam +15 (1d8+15)
Str 30, Dex 6, Con -, Int -, Wis 1, Cha 1
Base Atk +7 CMB +19 CMD 27
SQ 4 construction points
Construction Points
Huge animated objects have 4 construction points.
Additional Movement (Ex, 1 CP): Gains a new mode of movement (fly [clumsy]) at a speed equal to its base speed.
Faster (Ex, 1 CP): One of the object's movement modes increases by +10 ft.
Metal (Ex, 2 CP): The object is made of common metal. Its hardness increases to 10, and it gains a +2 increase to its natural armor bonus.
Decks 1
Cargo Up to 4,000 lbs.
Spells and Cost
Shrink Item
You are able to shrink one non-magical item (if it is within the size limit) to 1/16 of its normal size in each dimension (to about 1/4,000 the original volume and mass). This change effectively reduces the object's size by four categories. Objects changed by a shrink item spell can be returned to normal composition by a word of command from the original caster.
Shrink item can be made permanent with a permanency spell, in which case the affected object can be shrunk and expanded an indefinite number of times, but only by the original caster.
Permanency Shrink item 11th 7,500 gp
Animate Objects
Permanency Animate objects 14th 15,000 gp
MW Heavy Iron Wagon 500 gp
Cost 23,000 gp 4,600 each