Demon Hunter

SteampunkObrimos's page

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S. J. Digriz wrote:

I'm working on a homebrew setting based on a possible future of an earth very similar to the one on which 'Rasputin Must Die' takes place. The history of this alternate earth includes an atomic holocaust caused by Hitler (who became a lich and whose power was unchecked by the Soviet Union because Rasuputin had vanished) which necessitated the intervention of time travelers to alter the time stream and prevent said holocaust, which caused earth to become ontologically unstable. I am re-skinning Akiton back to Mars, and Castrovel back to Venus (there were earth colonies on both by the early 20th century). There are many other details, like changing the origin of some of the races (Lashunta will be a Martian race, for example).

Sorry for the thread necromancy, but I'd love to learn more about this setting you've postulated! Got anything you can share?

Fletch wrote:

The Dark Watch could send the PCs after something else entirely which turns out to be in the hold of a crashed prototype airship. The Watch get's their McGuffin, and the PCs refit their airship.

Plus, not to talk you out of a homebrew adventure, but wasn't there a "find the crashed airship" adventure published in Dungeon Magazine?

Here it is. Tensions Rising, issue 136.

Thanks! After looking at "Tensions Rising," I've decided to adapt that (and "Riding the Rail," Dragon #143) for "The Hunt For Red Sypheros" - and once the PCs have finished those, we'll be ready for Raiders of the Fever Sea.

Okay, so I've run into a bit of a conundrum...

Between Whispers of the the Vampire's Blade and Raiders of the Fever Sea, I need to run a homebrewed adventure (since I haven't found any "salvage the airship in the Mournland" published scenarios) which I've tentatively named The Hunt for Red Sypheros (it had been The Hunt for Red November originally, but I figured I'd use an Eberron month name)... but I'm trying to figure out how to allow the party to have salvage rights over the Cyran prototype airship. I'd originally planned for the Queen's Dark Watch (King's Dark Lanterns) to be the party's patron for the adventure, but I can't logically see the Citadel allowing the characters to keep the ship rather than turning it over to the crown.

Any ideas?

Kirwyn wrote:

@SteampunkObrimos: That sounds really awesome! These are very cool ideas. I have been messing around with taking historical maps of great cities and tracing over them my own fantasy cities. The furthest I've gotten is London and Prague. I hadn't thought of taking the whole country or whole world or of using an atlas. Genius!

It figures the only way to deal with the Russian winter is with zombies!

Pretty funny, I live in the Demon Wastes.

I was thinking about the North American map earlier on my way to work, and I think I might just merge the Demon Wastes into Cryx (in Mexico), in favor of having a colony of Albion (Breland) in the US Southwest, borrowing an idea from Deadlands (the ghost rock veins in the Great Maze of California)...

<EDIT> ... though all things considered, having the Great Maze in the Demon Wastes makes sense, too...

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Kirwyn wrote:

@ SteampunkObrimos Any chance of posting that map? I'd really like to see it.

I liked Eberron but also felt it was too mapped out. Been working on a semi gothic Eberron influenced Jack Shearesque version of the Palladium Fantasy RPG map and world.

I'll have to download the appropriate maps and colorize them - I've been using a hardcopy atlas and Crayola markers to mark the maps. Here's a listing of where I mapped each nation, though:

Aundair (Kingdom of Asturia) - Scandinavia (Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Iceland, Greenland, Latvia, Estonia)
Breland (Empire of Albion) - British Isles, Northern France (Brittany, Normandy), Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, western Poland, east coast of the United States, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Burma, Australia, New Zealand, the Guianas (Guyana, French Guiana, Surinam)
Cyre/The Mournland - Greece, Albania, former Yugoslavian republics, Bulgaria, Hungary
Karrnath (The United Kingdoms of the Khadoran Red Star) - most of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, eastern Poland, Romania, Moldavia
Thrane (Holy Protectorate of the Silver Flame) - Remainder of France, Switzerland, Lichtenstein, Andorra, Monaco, Italy (including the Vatican), Spain, Portugal

Eldeen Reaches - Canada, Alaska, northwestern US
Darguun - Turkey, Syria, Lebanon
Droaam - Midwestern US (Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan)
Demon Wastes - Southwestern US (California, Nevada, Arizona)
Lhazaar Principalities - Caribbean Islands
Shadow Marches - Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam
Valenar (Imperial Shogunate of Rokugan) - Japan, Manchuria, far eastern Russia, Korea, Taiwan
Mror Holds - Georgia, Armenia, Iran, Azerbaijan
Talenta Plains (Talenta Steppes) - Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan
Zilargo - Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands
Q'barra - Louisiana, Mississippi, east Texas, Arkansas

Xendrik - South America
Argonnessen - Africa
Aerenal - Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines
Riedra - China (less Manchuria and Tibet)
Adar - Tibet, Bhutan

Non-Eberron nations:
Protectorate of Menoth (from Iron Kingdoms) - Iraq, Jordan, Israel, Arabian peninsula
Cryx (from Iron Kingdoms) - Mexico and Central America (associated loosely with Lhazaar Principalities)

Alice Margatroid wrote:

I haven't really thought much about it yet short of what's been written in this thread, largely because I haven't had time to consider starting up a new campaign yet - and my home group is begging me to run Wrath of the Righteous atm. :)

I really like the idea of doing it as a solo campaign with Final Fantasy-style party members, though! It's nice that they could be the captain of the ship with none of the other party members feeling left out of decision making or anything.

Fair enough. I'm planning on having an officer of the Queen's Dark Watch (my campaign's equivalent of the King's Dark Lanterns) commission the party for the Mournland expedition in "The Hunt For Red November," with the intent of finding an experimental airship and setting up as privateers in the Lhazaar Principalities, secretly supported by the Empire of Albion (Breland).

I've actually largely mapped Eberron onto Earth for my campaign, just for fun.

Alice Margatroid wrote:

Did some reading of Dragons of Eberron and some thinking overnight thanks to Wrath and Mr. Bojangles, and this is what I came up with...

** spoiler omitted **

I'm loving this idea, Alice, and I'm planning on borrowing it for a solo campaign I'm running for my wife. She's playing a pair of fraternal twin sisters - one's a level 2 aasimar cleric/inquisitor gestalt, and the other's a level 2 tiefling magus/rogue gestalt - while I'm using a rotating cast of characters for a Final Fantasy/Legend of Dragoon-style gameplay to round out the party. My plan is to run The Forgotten Forge, Shadows of the Last War, and Whispers of the Vampire's Blade before sending the party to the Mournland to recover an airship... which will then lead into Raiders of the Fever Sea.

Would you be willing to share any notes you might have on your conversion of the plot of Skull & Shackles?

In my campaign, I have altered the requirements of the Arcane Hierophant PrC as follows:
Alignment: Must contain a neutral component
Base Attack Bonus: +4
Skills: Knowledge (arcana) 8 ranks, Knowledge (nature) 8 ranks
Spells: Ability to cast 2nd level arcane spells and 2nd level divine spells
Special: Summon Familiar class feature
Special: Animal Companion class feature