Simulacrum of Vraxeris the Illusionist

Stat Block Hero's page

5 posts. Alias of Steve Greer (Contributor).


Yay! I gets it in one week. One more week! Oooooooo! It's going to be so shiny and cool. :)

Kruelaid wrote:

This is coming in May?

What happened to the 15th?


Hey, me hear there's this keep and it's on the Borderland! Let's go check it out. There's s'posed to be ant bears or insect bears or sumfin like that there. They sound cute!

Ha! Rolling with my first set of dice ever. The yellow ones that came with my basic set that also came with a crayon to color in the numbers on the dice.
::OK. Old yellow d6. Do me proud!::

Strength 17
Intelligence 5
Wisdom 10
Dexterity 6
Constitution 11
Charisma 8

Yes, I AM the big dumb fighter. You can call me Bill the Bruiser. "Der... Attack the dragon while you rescue the treasure? OK! Good idea!" ;)

Stedd Grimwold wrote:
{snip}If RotRL was presented as Stat-Block Goblins, Stat-Block "cultists", Stat-Block Ogres, without any flavor, then the characters end up as Stat-Block heroes. {snip}

Thanks, Stedd. You inspired my new alias. Like it? Like it?