Starfleet Command's page

16 posts. Alias of MCKhaos.


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Worf nods at Gerhard and sits, content in letting his crew handle this emergency for the time being.

The Jaradi reappears on the viewscreen and blue lights flash with regularity.

Our engines have been disabled by an incredibly dangerous criminal. He has stolen a shuttlecraft and we are unable to pursue. Please, the criminal cannot be allowed to escape.

The damage appears localized. Gibs, despite the size of the explosion, the number of life signs aboard the ship has not decreased, although there are some injuries. It appears the explosion did not kill any Jaradi.

What do you all do?


Gerhard, you take two members of your security team and board a runabout.

As you are heading towards the Jaradi ship, a small craft appears on your sensors, but quickly vanishes. The Jaradi ship is still venting atmosphere.

What do you do?

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Verelon ... your post is just so ... so perfect. Seriously, it is like you are trying to set up one of my fronts.

Greetings on behalf of the Jaradi Imperatum. I am Ambassador Inglint of the ship Jareth. Your caution in the face of the graviton ellipse speaks volumes of your people. We share your desire for peace and prosperity and would appreciate any navigational data you may have to offer. I have been led to understand that we will have a formal dinner on your vessel this evening. Your vessel is impressive. As a show of good faith, would you be willing to give myself and two aides a tour before the function?

She looks to the side and begins blinking rapidly, a sign that Gibson recognizes as one of anxiety. Apologies Kol, I must attend to a small issue before coming aboard. The hail cuts out and Worf looks to Kol with a bemused expression as the viewscreen changes to show an image of the Jaradi ship. There is a massive explosion in the engine section of the Jaradi ship.

Worf stands to his feet. Report!

What do you all do?

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As Gibson quips, the camera cuts to an exterior view of the Defiant as it jumps to warp speed.

[After these messages, we'll be right back!]

We come back from commercial to find the bridge crew at their stations. The camera pans from face to face, and the expressions range from nervous to excited.

Hock is the first to speak. Jaradi ship in visual range, sir. His voice breaks and he looks embarrassed.

Worf ignores it. On screen. The ship appears to be menacing by design. It is substantially larger than the Defiant.

Gerhard, tactical report. Don't anger them.

Gerhard, passive scans wouldn't require a roll. More in depth scans will require a Make It So roll to avoid detection. What do you do?

As the ships close in, Worf speaks again. Kol, I understand you have been trained for first contact situations. Please hail them.

The channel opens and a female Jaradi waits patiently. What do you do?

Worf keys in a few commands and messages flash on Verelon and Gibson's consoles. Notify me of any other threats in the area.

What do you do?

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Eeee, typos throughout that gameplay post.

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Colonel Verelon wrote:
While the probe net may be sufficient temporary substitution to our navigational quandary, I'd like to suggest an additional strategy. By using an ultra-magnetic dynamo as a makeshift energy converter, we may be able to use some of the emergency ship fuel to produce the desired photon ejection and get the full visual field we truly need to ensure the safety of the Defiant II and her crew.
Tork Gerhard wrote:

Gerhard started speaking, immediately regretting it: We can't use that fuel. I mean, Colonel, sir, I have concerns that use of the emergency anti-matter reserves would impair our ability to fulfill the requirements of Order 2005, should that need arise, Colonel, sir. Current operational guidelines, in particular Star Fleet Regulatory Agency regulation 4832.4, restrict use of emergency and reserve anti-matter and anti-deuterium to combat operations, sir.

Gerhard looks around desperately, seeking someone else to speak.

Worf immediately agrees with Gerhard. There must be another way Colonel.

Ensign Hock pipes up. We could shunt power directly from the reactor core directly the ultra-magnetic dynamo and achieve a similar effect.

This will certainly solve the visibility issue, but you will have to the converted power through the Einstein-Rosen bridge between the reactor core and the sublight engines. You will gain full tactical awareness of your short range scanners (remind me later), but you would have to take the ship condition "Sublight Propulsion Damaged." Verelon, is it worth the trade to you?

Siarzad Kol wrote:
When she can, she will operate a terminal to see the screen. "Computer, show me the course options for Jaradi Prime from our current location."

As the probes launch, you make Gibson's suggested modifications. Once deployed, the computer screen flicker to life showing a number of possible routes. With the new modification, you can tell that the shortest route passes dangerously close to a graviton ellipse. A safe route will result in the ship being an hour late for the rendezvous with the Jaradi. What course do you set?

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The Defiant now has the Minor Condition: Sensors Damaged.

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I updated the rules to make them look pretty. The "Current Rules" links have been updated.

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Still waiting on a few more of our players to create their characters and make their first posts. Then we'll get started.

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Colonel Verelon wrote:
When I post, do I have to do all that crazy formatting if I'm not rolling dice?

What kind of crazy formatting? Generally, I use normal text for narration, [.b]bold[/.b] for speaking, and [.i]italics[/.i] for internal thoughts (remove the periods to make it work). You don't have to do that though.

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Also, if you post in the gameplay thread, even just a placeholder, you will be subscribed to the game and get notifications of new posts on your campaign tab.

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Starfleet Command wrote:
Should we play as Captain Worf's crew on the actual USS Defiant post DS9?

Bah, my ST knowledge check failed. The original Defiant was destroyed during DS9's run.

Apparently in the DS9 novels, the second Defiant goes on a 3 month long exploration mission into the gamma quadrant. That could be a cool setting for our game.

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Should we play as Captain Worf's crew on the actual USS Defiant post DS9?

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The rules are linked in the campaign info tab.

Also linked in this post right under "Starfleet Command."

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This is the discussion thread.

Go ahead and introduce your characters here.

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This is the gameplay thread for Space Trip.

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This is the discussion thread for Space Trip.