Darl Quethos

Stanley Cramer's page

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Gary Teter wrote:
Stanley Cramer wrote:
Pathfinder is an excellent resource... but I am no longer interested in recieving it. How do I go about cancelling my subscription? Do I just post a request here, and ask? If so... then please cancel it. If there is something else I need to do... then what is it?
I've cancelled your subscription (and you won't get Pathfinder #5, that's been cancelled too).

When will the charge to my card be credited back? It is showing as a pending charge still? For Pathfinder #5. And thank you for your quick attention to the matter of cancellation. As I said, it is an excellent source, but it is one I no longer need.

Pathfinder is an excellent resource... but I am no longer interested in recieving it. How do I go about cancelling my subscription? Do I just post a request here, and ask? If so... then please cancel it. If there is something else I need to do... then what is it?

Yes, hopefully we can actually get something done next Saturday. It has been to long since we actually got this AP advanced in story at all.

Ok, well I was going to post but I am just not feeling it... so hopefully I will be feeling it later this week...

I had decided that I was done with this issue. All I shall say is this. Paul, any venting I did toward anyone in the group was just that, venting. As for all the other issues... I wash my hands of it all. I enjoy playing with the people I play with, and I forgive everyone I know of thier "faults" And Paul any ill will you picked up from me toward anyone we know is not something I ment to pass on, for I have no ill will toward any of them.

Paul, Paul, Paul... What can I say, Until just recently I thought of you as an ok guy. A little on the crazy side, but aren't we all, but ok nontheless. Then I go and read your posts here and all I can think of is the countless times we as a group did make plans, only for your paladin, and yes it was always a paladin, to go and break them.

I resent to a very high degree being labled as a "chicken", yes, my CHARACTERS are for the most part chatoic, and they do things that often cause more trouble for those around them, but I must say I play this game for fun. As for morality, I am a very moral person, outside the game. And it appears to me that you have a very hard time distinguishing from the game and real life, because yes Paul, there is a difference. So, pull your head out of your "donkey" and move on. And as for your "callings" to come back to the game, get over it, you have not, nor will you ever get a higher calling from God to play D&D, it is just a need to have fun like the rest of us, you just need to let yourself have the fun when you decided to play again. And realize, please for all that are involved that it a game, just a game, and what people do around the table has nothing to do with who they are in real life, unless they are crazies, like you.

Mental note.... hmmm it appears as though Sarina will maybe just get this cloak after all, for it looks like I will not be making it out of this cursed ship alive... These freaking weeds are really beginning to piss me off. Even with the bag of tricks my new friend has, I do not think that he will be able to help me out of this. Oh well, it was a fun ride while it lasted.

Journal # 2

I sit here in quiet contemplation, I have let people get close to me, and what happens, they die. Yes death happens, but why does it seem to follow me around. I was perfectly happy with just surviving, and being a loner, but then, I start to actually care what happens to the people around me, and BAM, death. It does not matter why Joe died, just that he died. Some would argue that friendly fire is worse, but, in the heat of battle things happen, and while Bosco does feel really bad, I try to tell him, that sometimes things happen, and you can not be held accountable for every little thing that you cause in combat. I will miss Joe, more than I really care to admit, but I will continue to live, and fight on. And with that my final thoughts on Joe, may his spirit rest with his god, where ever that maybe.

And speaking of spirits, it appears as though we now reside on a haunted ship. The wizard that was part of these Rusty Raiders whom I happen to fallen in with is apparently “to powerful for death”, his words, not mine. The ghost of this Id person leaves everyone alone, as long as they leave him alone and allow him to study his books at night. I have no thoughts on this one way or the other, but I am not sure how our passengers would feel if they found out they are on a haunted ship. Most of them feel we are doomed anyway, with all the bad things that have happened on this voyage. It is not my place to tell them though, so as long as the owners of this ship have no problem with him staying then, I have nothing more to say about it.

And speaking of the Sea Wyvern being doomed, it appears as though we really are. We have run into something called a sargaso, it normally is something that is a little bit of an inconvenience to sailors, a patch of nasty sea weed stretching for a mile or so, but this batch, which we have ended up stuck in and when I say stuck, I mean really stuck, at least a fourth of a mile or so to the nearest edge, stretches to the horizon as for as the eye can see. Looking out over the water we see other ships which have fallen into the grasp of this killer. There was one not far away, and so we decided to go explore it, and see it there is anything that might help us. This exploration would end in Joe’s death. We did retrieve the captain’s log though, so maybe we did find something that will help us. Well I should go and see what was in that log, and find out what the captain needs me to do… I have not given in yet, this stupid sea weed will not beat us.

And a note on our Fourth session... it was Denick and Sarina in the tiled room where the Mouther came out of the Well... not Bosco, and it was Sekeema, that ran for Joe, after he snapped out of his "little" episode. The spiked chain was put to very good use against the beast...

*Searching Id's cabin aboard the Sea Wyvern* Hmm this looks like it will do nicely.

Journal Entry #1

Wow, it has been a long time since I have had this much fun. I have been in hiding for some time, but with the problems of my past handled by people other than me, I can finally be myself once again. There really isn't much to me, but I do like what there is. I grew up in the back alleys and dark streets of Sasserine's Shadow District, and there I learned the most important lesson of all... Walk like you can use the big stick you should be carrying... And did I ever take that to heart, and I got the biggest "stick" I could find, well actually it is a chain, but it does good at keeping even the big tall ugly mofo's a little over arms reach. Any way, since it has been a very long time since I have found some people who I could consider friends, I thought this the perfect time to start writing down what happens to me, and besides this boat ride is getting boring. I have spent so much of my live learning to battle people in "close" range that I would like to see much more of it. The whole "let the archers handle it" is a little annoying to me. But I am getting a little off subject here. I have found a group of people in the Rusty Raiders that I like, and actually care about, to some degree. Joe, the wanna be fighter... no I kid... Paladins are great, they are there on the front lines, most of the time, to help get you back into the fun, when need be. He is young, but I actually see great things in his future. Bosco, now there is a guy that comes in super handy for me, when ever we are entering combat, he wiggles his fingers and chants some words, and "BOOM" we have Denick the "Big" , Sarina, now here is a little halfling unlike most I have meet, she works for the good side as a "bad guy". Yup she is one of those I will learn the tricks of your trade to better catch you kind of rogue type people, but she does like to get in there and mix it up when she can... And that leaves us with the elf... the one Joe has taken to calling Mr. Raven, he like me is quite and keeps to himself quite a bit, but I say there is nothing wrong with that, and even though I am tired of the archer getting all the fun, I am glad he is here, after all his "stick" might not be that big... but many small ones come at you fast and together they can add up to be one big one.

So any way, I have been traveling around with these fellows for some time now, and have had many chances to use George, that would be my chain's name, even when I upgrade and get better ones, it is still George and I have thought, you know maybe some day I might settle down, and start a family, and if I do, my kids might want to know what kind of adventures there Pops went on, so from now on, I will be trying to recount my adventures here, in this black book left by the late Id, my his soul rest where ever he wishes it to rest.

Hmm who are these people my cousin has fallen in with? We all decide to go and check out this dungeon, this mythical dungeon of rust and fire, a place no one has ever come back from. And so what, they think it will be easy to over come the things we come across? After hiking through the jungle, well ok maybe hiking is not the correct term, it is more like hacking our way through the jungle, and then a harrowing climb, no make that two harrowing climbs it is like they think that is all there will be. But no, of course that is not all, I mean come on, two little climbs and a little hacking, people would be coming back from that all day, so when we come upon this big "bad" guy in shinny armor why is every one so suprized? Yeah, ok, he dropped one of our guys in the first couple of swings he took, but it was the guy who always stands in the back, well I guess not always, for this time he was right up front, but one of those swings looks to have struck in a place I would strike, if you get my meaning. So what does every one do? I'll tell you they all decide to leave. I was stalling, asking if I could administer healing to my fallen compainion, when what I was really looking for is my cousin to do her thing and get behind him, so we could "bring the hurting", but no, even she thinks running from this guy would be the best. And so after all this it looks like we are going to run with our tails between our legs... so again, I ask, just what kind of people have I fallen in with?

Steve Greer wrote:
Stanley Cramer wrote:
What is this? It seems as though we come to Sasserine on the night of the Wormfall. Oh joy, it has been so long since I partook in the pleasures that are Wormfall.
Heh. Try never, considering it's the first one :p

Well, sorry, I thought, they way you explained it, it was a yearly celebration that had been going on for quite some time. So I guess change that to....

What is this? It seems as though we come to Sasserine on the night of a great party... I wonder what is happening?

Ah, Sasserine, I haven't seen your docks in quite some time. I wonder if anyone will even believe it is me. I have no doubt they believe me to be dead, it has been seven years after all. I wonder how the Vanderboren's are fairing. I do so hope that my dear mother, Kora, is still working for them, or if not they know where she is. It will be so very nice to see the whole family again, even little Sarina. I have often wondered about her, she was such a little trouble maker...

What is this? It seems as though we come to Sasserine on the night of the Wormfall. Oh joy, it has been so long since I partook in the pleasures that are Wormfall. Sadly though I must head straight away to Vanderboren Manor, hopefully mom will still be there and she will have a place for me to stay, for I know every inn will be full to its busting points this eve.

(enter into the wonderful Rusty Raiders Tarren Whistlegap, son of Kora Whistlegap, cousin to Sarina) Halfling Rogue

It is I, everyone's favorite bard. I have not been feeling myself as of late though. I feel that this adventuring thing is not for me. I thought it was, but the more I leave home, and the futher I get from it, the more I want to go back. These friends I have made are great, for the most part, and so leaving them is going to be hard. Maybe I should just take off and not let them know I am going. That will probably be the best, I will just, borrow the little row boat that brought my two friends and that will be the last they see of dear Zanrry... unless of course they happen to find me in Sasserine, but I do not believe they will be looking very hard. I wonder if I can get my old gig back, if not I will have to find something else, maybe work with a certain noble... hmmmm....

Ah yes, I know what you are all thinking a bard who does not regulary write in his journal, how you may ask is he to remeber what happens to make great and ledgendary songs? Well I simply will tell you this, I have a little voice in my head, and I like to call him DM or sometimes even Steve who writes all the fun adventures I go on down for me, and he even posts them for all to read. What I am trying to say is this, I promise will all my little bard heart that eventually, quite soon in fact I will have the time to sit down and tell the story of what has been happening in the lifes of Zanrry and his trusty Rusty Raiders, but now is not the time. But fear not my friends look again in but a few short days and there you shall see the ramblings of your favorite bard.

Ah my first great adventure. Oh what fun this shall be, and I am sure that some day this will make a great story, but for now I will just be jotting down a few thoughts, so that when it comes time to compose the great ballad of my life the details will only be slighly fuzzy.

Well it all started with a note, deliverd by a wonderful little halfling woman. This note requested me to attend dinner at the house of a noble, who recently had fallen on some hard times, I will not go into detail about her hard times, nor will I discuss what noble I went to see, let us just say that there I met, what could possibly become the people I will leave this fair city with.

The young lady who was our hostess asked of us a favor, well not really a favor, since she would be paying us hansomly. Anyway she said that her fortune, what little there was left was not accessable to her, for the "key" to getting was lost and or hidden away, but if she could just board her father's boat then she could possible find out what was happening to her fortune.

After much disscussion we all decided to do what we could to help. And thus begins the first adventure of Zanrry Swiftflight...

As my time this day is running short I shall have to recount what happened at another time, but fear not the wait shall be worth it.

My thoughts are growing more and more conflicting. I know Ah-Leph is an OK guy, but I still can not forgive him for his not being there when we needed him most. It is because of him people I had for some time considered my friends are no longer with us. I know Macabee taught me forgiveness, by the simple act of forgiving me for my past, but I can't seem to let it go. For that reason I must be going on my own way. I will be leaving my friends behind, but stangely that does not hurt me as much as I orginally thought it would. I will not be saying my good byes, they will just simple never see me again. I do not know for sure where I am going from here, but I can tell you the lands of the Furyondy will never be under my boots again.

I would like to take a moment to say that Steve, you are quite simply the best DM I have ever had the pleasure of playing with. I am not saying just to boost your ego, it is just the truth. I must say that this campaign is the longest capaing I have ever been in, that had an actual plot. I am a little sad that we are leaving it up in the air like we did, but truth be told I was getting a little burned out of it myself. I am very excited about this new AP for after all, I will be revisiting my favorite class, the bard, and hopefully this one will last a little long than the ill fated Kymble, but the dice just never liked poor Kymble. And so I leave this Journal saying, please all keep up on our little group of friends, although they are all new, for when the game is ran by Steve you know that there will be most interesting little twists and turns, even if you "know" what is coming.

Hello to all, I am Zanrry Swiftflight, and this is the first installment in what I hope to be a very long accounting of my adventuring life. I have worked for most of my life helping my father tend bar in The Rusty Pirate, one of Sasserine's finest taverns. The Pirate is located in the Merchant's District, so I have had the opportunity to meet many different "characters". I have picked up a wide range of skills getting to know these various patrons. I recently started to try my hand, so to speak, at entertaining the patrons of The Pirate, and I was told I was doing quite well. And wouldn't you know it a wondering troupe came to town, and decided to hold a few small competitions, and wouldn't you know it, there was a preformance section. I decided to enter, after all, the prize was a spot with there troupe. Well to make a long story short, I took 4th place, not good enough to be offered a spot, but not to bad either. I continue practice my craft here at The Rusty Pirate, but I will be leaving soon, for I realized what made the winners preformances so much better than mine, simple experience, the other who entered have it, and all I have is what I have seen and heard here in the The Pirate, and so, I will be expanding my horizons soon. My parents go not want me to go, they have heard to many stories about young men setting out and never returning. I have told them that I need to do this, and while they do not want me to go, they know that it is my decision. My friends on the other hand are all excited for me, and while they all express sentiments about wanting to go, I know none of them will be able to over come strong pull of staying safe here at home. That saddens me quite a bit, for I was hoping to start out with some one beside me, for there is safety in numbers, but alas that diswades me not, my future is out there, and I will be claiming it. As for now, I must go and gather my things.

This is a most interesting change, I feel stronger, yet slower. My body feels tougher, and I do believe I can withstand a greater deal of pain. Well, anyway this is all something I will have to investigate futher, but at a later time, for now I have a castle to explore, mayhap I can find something in here that will help with my quest. And besides I need to take some time away from the others, especially Ah-Leph, I just don't feel as close to him as I did before, I just can't totally forgive him for not being there when the others fell.

The others... hmmm it has been a long time since I thought of people as simply the others, normally I would call them friends, if even only to myself. No matter, it must be that a weight has finally lifted off my shoulders... Blackhawk keep is finally retaken, and Blades better honor her dead brothers wishes and let me erect a tower of my own, if not, then she shall be dealt with...

And now the question becomes what to do with this sword, this Brightflame, I had thought about giving it back to Savaun, but he is dead, and I really see no reason to bother the gods in asking to send his soul back to inherit his body, I mean if he could not keep it from being split in twain in the first place why should I use my spoils to bring him back? Would Blades want it? Brightflame is not the type of sword she seems to favor. Is there something I could gain by giving it to her? Or should I just hold on to it until the time comes that I can find some one who would like to purchase it?

Wait what am I thinking of course I will assist in bringing him back from the dead and returning his precious sword, that is what a friend would do... but his he truely a friend? What did he ever do for me?... And not only that, but if we bring him back where does it stop? Tysis? Corallis? Padril? I mean do we bring all these failures back? Do we use all the loot we just acquired to revive those who played no part in its retrieval? Well maybe not no part, but a very small part?

Of course we do, what the hell am I thinking? But why, why is this so important me? I know not, I think at one time it might have been important, but it does not seems so now...

Hmmm this is something I might have to think on a little longer... I wonder what Blades has to say about the whole thing? She seems to be the only other one who went through what I went through... I shall have to talk with her about this.

Steve Greer wrote:

I almost feel bad for you guys. It seems that bad luck, bad tactics, and crucial oversights (like the DM making vulture noises as you approached the keep for the first time yet no vultures were in sight) have been plaguing this group. But it seems appropriate considering the Furyondians have attempted to retake this patch of land for so long and been beaten badly every time they did. I imagine it was much the same for them.

So cheer up, you're in good company!

Steve, it is not nice to lie, if you were even close to feeling bad for us, the already insanely hard to take castle would not keep adding surprizes for us. I mean they bad guys have held this little patch of land for long enough that I think they would be secure enough in their own abilities with out having to call in back up. That said, I am having a blast! And if Andrew happens to die, he has at least got to use all of his attacks at least once, in the sneaky type way.

Aarrgh, three more deaths, and Sauvan among them. So now this accursed castle has taken 4 of my friends. This place is worse than Maure. How is it the gods expect us to actually reclaim this keep when our healer has been taken from us. And Tysis, he was a surly old guy, but I did grow to care for him. And then of course Sauvan, he was the one truely binding me to this quest, and its insanity and almost certain death. So the question is what to do now? I sit here holding Brightflame and my future seems so unclear. Should I sell this wonderful piece of equipment, to bring Sauvan back, or should I even care? I know there is no way to bring back all my friends that have fallen in our ill fated attempts to reclaim these grounds. I am beginning to understand why we get laughs when we tell people of our quest, and I can undestand why Blackhawk keep has remained in Iuz's hands for these 30 years. Hopefully in the morning my head will be clear and I will understand in what direction my future lies.

Oh what fun I am having!... all I see around me is how badly this is going to end for all of us. We had our first casualty today, and it was in the form of my very good friend Solstin, and what is more his body was spirited away by some thing I thought was our friend, or at least called in and paid to help us. But I guess that cannot truely be blamed on him, after all, it appeared as though we were one big disorganized bunch of drunken frat boys trying to liberate a keg of ale. I mean how often do parties split up and then live to tell about it? Not very often from what I have heard, from the one or two remaining, who were smart enough to GTFO, when things looked there bleakest. But we went for the grand old divide and die routine, and well some how most of us made it out. As for the damn minions of hell the vrocks, them I can not understand (and this is the part where I correct steve) I found them, and they were doing some sort of dance that was sending out wave after wave of deadly energy, I tried telling my fellows when to duck and cover, but no one would listen to me, even after they could tell I was not getting hurt. Any way, so I step up, and see 12 of these vile creatures, and I know, this will be the end of me, but alas I have lived a rather good life, and I have given up on my fellow adventures as lost anyway, I mean how can we hope to take on the insides of this keep if we can't even defeat those gaurding the outside as a group? This is where I learn that only some of these images I see before me are real, and that shortly I shall know the real from the fake. Well anyway I am there stabbing away at one of them and I finally send back to where it came from, so that leaves 3 for one still enough to continue this vile dance they had been doing, and our new ally, this angel planetar thing, decides to quit using his magics, which are not working that well anyway, and wade into combat, he sets himself up in a flanking postion with me, and just as I am ready to open that wonderful keg of whoop ass, the vrocks decide that now is the time to stop there dance and flee. I did manage to cut another one to shreds as he attemped to flee, leaving only two left. It still plagues my mind as to why they decided at that moment to flee after we had been attacking them for a few rounds, and they just seemed to be content to stay and do what they do best that damned old "chicken dance"

Well anyway, I have learned from this experience and I know that I will be better equiped to fight them next time we foolhardly adventure back to Blackhawk Keep. I keep thinking to myself that now is the time to just disappear into the night and leave these friends, and this life behind. And then this little voice in the back of my head tells me how wrong that would be, for these are my true friends, and I know that none of them would ever leave me, in fact most of them would die to protect me, and so even though I am most certain of my doom, I shall continue on with them, and maybe just maybe if I do perish then Sauvan, if he lives though it will erect a monument to me, within the walls of Blackhawk, so all can know that even though I knew my death was coming, I stayed and fought on, and maybe, just maybe, if my family finds out what I did here, they can forgive me.

Ah, Chendl, if I never see the inside of her walls again, then I will count myself very lucky indeed. There I was walking around the streets minding my own business, trying to stay out of the way of the various locals who were hurrying about their daily routines, when I was acosted by a herd of paladins. They accused me of "skulking" simply because I was leaning against a building, in a shady spot, watching as others went about doing what ever it is they had need to do. The louder I protested the tighter they seemed to clamp the manacles...oh but these are nice manacles... I do finally convince them that I am on a mission of the utmost importance and if they could just swing by the King's Blessing then my friends, a paladin and a high preist of Pelor among them could vouch for me. We show up and that worst thing that can happen does, Coralis labels me a rogue. Well that was enough for these high and mighty better than you or anyone else paladins who had me in there grasp, it was off to spend some time in there "lovely" city buildings, the ones with bars on the doors and windows. I and my friends were told that when they were ready to leave the city they could come by and pick me up, like I was some sort of adventuring equipment to dangerous to be let lose in the city. After about a day of absolute boredom Ah-leph came to sit with me, he said that while exploring the city people treated him like some sort of outcast, which I got to say, as much as I like Ah-leph, I can understand, I mean when we first met him we weren't all so friendly either, I mean, he is a dead guy, well and mostly, kinda, sort of undead, but not the bad kind of undead, guy, yeah sure he works for the good guys, but come on he is kind of creepy. Not that I would tell him that, because I have come to like him, quit a bit actually, he reminds me of Macabee, good ole Macabee, I wonder if he is waiting on me up there with the Big H. Next time I am sent to visit up there I might just stay.
Anyway, it seems as the guards are coming, and wow it not even dinner time yet, not that I eat there crappy meals, but they seem to have brought my breakfast and lunch right on time. Oh, well look here, they say they are going to let me out, my honor has been vouched for, by none other that Sauvan, mayhap I will have to quit calling him black chicken after all. Oh and free ride back to the King's Blessing, how thoughful, I wonder if they will let me keep these wonderful manacles as a reminder of my time with them, apparently not.
Sauvan says that my behavoir is on his honor, so I think I shall just keep myself indoors for the rest of out time here, I would hate to be accused of "skulking" again.
Wow, talk about your fixer upper, man Sauvan, would it not just be easier to get a differnt place and make it the New and Improved Black Hawk Keep, I mean this place has seen much better days, but I guess I did agree to help you reclaim your lands so lets get to it. Oh look a welcoming committe... oh crap, undead, you know how much I love undead. Man I hope once we get more deeper into this little quest we find something with a little more substance to it, or the help I offer to Sauvan and Ah-leph will be minimal indeed.

Wow, so much as happened in my life since last I had a moment to record it. I shall just say this... I have not died in some time. And it is really kind of nice. I did track down the new owner of that Deck of Many Things that we once found, and I decided that hey, why not draw, you never know what can happen. Well it was mostly not good things, I did make a new friend though, Bill. My good buddy the big S did take me to Grey Hawk, but only if I told him why I wanted to go, and well he drew as well, and things turned out much better for him... the little freak. Did some more Planar travel as well, and let me just say yet again, I got enough problems on this plane, I don't need to be going any where else. We did learn a valuable lesson though... DO NOT under any circumstances teleport, in any fashion into a blinking building! It is quite sad me, the sneaky one, had to tell out magic user that, that would be a bad idea. But I guess it all worked out ok. I am here and still alive, though I would like to got back to that lovely castle and get the rest of the treasure in that cozy little room that we just left lying there, but I can't seem to convince everyone else of what a good idea that really is. Heck, maybe I will just sneak off and go back there myself, I am sure Eli, if he finds me will help me get the stuff in exchange for the Destiny Stone, I mean its not like we need it anymore, and I am carrying it after all. But wait, no I am sure that would not be a good idea, and I am not quite that greedy. However, maybe, just maybe I can find a new group of friends who might be up for a little Castle plundering. I did give my word to Savaun that I would help him win back his homeland, but hey, I am sure he would understand if I got a little side tracked. Well any way, much to think about... like why the heck do I feel so crappy this morning, and do my friends all feel the same way?

Well first off Andrew bravely attacked one of the creatures with Ah-leph, in fact he found his kukri's very effective against them. And second it was actually Ah-leph who dragged Savaun's body away, because he acted before Andrew, but Andrew found that ok, because it freed him up to grab at least some loot.

more on my (Andrew) thoughts later.

What is my problem, it seems as though every day I find something else that truely just frightens me to my core. This time it is some sort of bat thing...Oh how I hate ths freaking dungeon.

Hmmm... so Savaun is being a coward... well I guess I will just have to shame him into fighting. Black Chicken.. I like it, mayhap we need call him that from now on, I wonder how he will take it.

Oh, not to well... running off down the corridor like a idiot, well I guess we should go after him...

Oh crap, I guess this means we aren't leaving just yet, for there on the back of that rather mean looking lady, is Bright Flame, just what we are looking for, but at least we don't have to contend with... Crap, there is his Eli himself... well I guess this has to happen sooner or later...

NNNNNOOOOO not Mira Luna.... NNNNNNNOOOOOOO why why are we staying here, this is not going to end well...Oh we are leaving.... great... hopefull Mira is only mostly dead...

Hmmm… Dead again… this is really getting old. However this is new way to die, and at least my friends don’t have to pack my dead lifeless body back, for I am nothing but dust. If my friends bring me back that means I get a whole new body. I wonder if it will be devoid of all my scars? I not sure whether I wish this to be the case or not. For my scars remind me of my past. Well I guess I will just have to wait and see.
The more we explore this place, the more I think I don’t want to. I know, I keep saying “what’s more important than saving the world” but still, all I see around me is death. I am not sure that we are the ones who should be saving the world. Maybe this task should be carried out by those who we go to when we need help. The clerics who keep casting the spell which brings me back from the dead. Or maybe the wizards who have the knowledge of the spells we are encountering. The fighters who can stand to be hit with the major spells and then just shake it off. I have seen these people before and I wonder, why, why is it us who have to save the world. Why don’t these others take up the mantle of “world savoir”. At times it weighs heavily on my mind and my heart I think these things, but then I count the number of times my soul has been sent to what it believes to be its finial resting place, and I think, maybe I should just give up. I wonder how long it will be until my friends decide I am not worth bringing back. But I guess until that time I will stand bravely by their sides and do what my part is in saving the world.

Hmm, I just took notice of this board, and it now sheds some light on why Steve takes such delight in killing off his players' characters... He is trying to win a contest. Well Steve, it appears as though you are well ahead, so how 'bout taking it easy on us for a few?

Yeah, I know that is never going to happen. Wishfull thinking on my part. I guess all I can say, is I am glad we have so far found enough treasure to bring back all those who have fallen, if they want to come back, that is. And at least Eli is greedy enough to want Andrew's stuff, for had his gear been disintegrated then his spirit would truely be defeated, and he would elect to spend the rest of eternity with his good paladin friend.

Ahh, shit, its fog, man how I hate the fog. I must not let on to my friends just how much this fog frightens me. I can’t seem to get my bearing straight in here, its almost as if the world has disappeared so there is no north or south, east or west, I think I am going the right way only to be told by half the others that I am not, and the other half are agreeing with me that I am going the right way. What is becoming of us? It is this damn fog, I know it, it is messing with our minds, in its evil little way. Is it normal to be this terrified of the fog? I have always been like this, the others don’t seem to be afraid really they just seem to be finding this mildly annoying, I on the other had am prepared to die with every step I take, I just can’t stand it, its closing in on me…. (slaps him self) get it together man, it is only fog… Oh wait what’s that up a head there, a flashing light, I am sure that is going to be just all kinds of fun. I can tell you this… it is quite annoying. Oh, great, they all want me to step up and investigate it first. Yeah send Andrew, he is expendable. Hmm, that was weird, I felt something… in the back of my mind, but not quite sure what. Oh hi Mira Luna… what where did she go. Oh she left, great, the fog claims its first victim, I am sure it won’t be the last.

Finally we are out of the fog… only one shy, but oh crap, it is the last link we have to the destiny stone… now what, can we still save the world? I am beginning to wonder if it is really worth it. I shouldn’t be thinking like that, but it is this damn fog, I can’t shake it, it has just really gotten to me…

Great we are going back to town… I can’t wait to leave this accursed castle, after we find the stone, maybe, just maybe we can find someway to collapse it upon itself.

You guys can go to the mages if you want, I am going to the tavern, I need a drink…
Oh, hi Mira Luna, I will be right there… Hey bar keep, send over some ale, and keep them coming…(starts drinking) ahh, this is sooooooo much better than the fog…. (keeps drinking and drinking and drinking……….

Wow, now that was tough... but everyone is alright, right?

Oh no, that can't be, its not Macabee is it, is it, he is still alive right, just mostly dead?

NNNNNOOOOOO I can't believe it... why him, why did he not pull back like I told him too, and wait for everyone else... why did he need to continue on his own, we knew what was down there. Why does he feel the need to seperate all the?

I guess we will just have to spend the money to bring him back, I am sure, as lovely as it is, he is not yet ready to spend the rest of eternity with the big H.

Hmm it appears as though I was wrong... Mac was ready. Well Macabee, I most of all will miss you. Your were my shining light and my greatest example. I shall keep you close always and please keep a place ready for me, for I will be there by your side eventually.

Wow, I haven't been that frightened in a long time. Padril walked up to some creatures trapped by own handy new mage who I call Little T and he just fell over dead... gone no more for this world. That the holy bejesus out of me so I ran, and tried to convince everyone else to as well, but no they had to stand thier ground and so I was forced by that nagging little voice in the back of my head to come back. After they were all dead and gone Macabee informed us that they were Bodacks and that Padril would be coming back as one unless we got him raised in the next 24 hours. So I say we should be off post haste, but no, everyone wants to do some exploring... What is it with these people? And for Heironeous's sake what does Macabee have against resting in places we know to be safe when half out numbers are in bad need of a rest for their "fire power" is almost out? I try and think back on how many times Mira Luna, and our other magic user, what ever his name happens to be at the time, has saved all of our skins... and to go into unknown areas when they are not prepared to help, it is just lunacy. But once Macabee gets an idea in his stubborn head he won't let it go. Ok sure this time he was right, but all that is going to do is build up his ego, and one of these times he "knows" he is right it is going to be the end of most if not all of us.

And now for a question I have been asking myself as of late, is it ok to let a little evil stay in the world if by doing so you bring forces that strive to do good back to full power? I can not elaborate on this for I never know who is reading my journal, but if I ever get a answer I will let you know. For now, more of the fun of saving the world.

Wow, I have been having so much fun as of late, can't seem to remember it all, I keep leaving this plane and traveling to what I believe will be my final resting place, only to have my dear friends bring me back again. With just a few of my memories scrambled. All my friends seem to be getting better at what they do and I stay just as good as I am now, no better no worse, but that really frightens me for I know these guys they are gonna pick fights with those who challenge them, but hey, gotta love that feeling of not knowing if this will be my last day in this mortal realm or not.

So we met a "friend" of Padril's just the other day. Well ok maybe not a friend but someone from his past who didn't seem to be a very nice little elf. In fact I would say the man is carring around some serious issues, and that must be hard with that gimpy leg and all. I believe he is just doing that for pitty though, because watching that "man" move around in combat and well, there wasn't no limp then.

I haven't been in a bar fight like that in a long long time, in fact I don't believe I have ever been in one quite like that, them little country bumkins get reall pissed if you disturb their meals, I will have to make a mental note not to do that one again.

Well we are here, where ever the nine hells here is, and I have an uneasy feeling about this place, I really feel that this is going to be the end of me, the last and final chapter of the Book of Andrew, no more suprise chapters to come, but oddly I feel at peace knowing that what I shall be giving my life for is something to make the world at large safe from real big evil nasties. I shall go bravely into the what ever may come, my fate as already been predetermined.

hmmm, can't say much right now, I am in the middle of what could be my death, and the deaths of those around me... gotta go, Padril needs some serious help...

Hmm, maybe I should clean out my Hewards. It has been a while since I have taken inventory or what I got. Wow, I forgot I was trying to keep a jurnal. It has been some time since I wrote in this. Maybe I should catch myself up on what has happened lately.
Lets start with that damn book. I guess Tom the Tomb of Tales heard my thoughts of what I had planned on doing to him. For after we got out of that retched plane, Tom had disappeared from the room I was staying in at Macabee's brother's place. Upon futher thought, I wonder why I was so upset about being in a new place on a new adventure though, after all what is it that adventures like myself do but go on adventures. I would have been better with it I think if I did not have to wait for my friends to show up with all my stuff. After all what is an adventurer without his adventuring gear.

(personal note here)[Fairy Tale was quite a fun adventure, I am only dissapointed in the fact that was our group is known to do we some how found our way to the end without getting to experience all the fun that could have been had. At the end of the adventure Steve gave us an overview of all the things we missed. And oh man would that have been an excellent adventure. I envy the people who are going to get to play it to its fullest extent.]

I most say, dying sucks. I can say this will utmost certainty. That damn stone gaint and his "handlers" They are not on my list of people I like even a little bit at all. I am so glad we had an opportunity to meet them again, even though it looked like it was going to happen the same way again. But some how the battle turned, I don't know when or how because it happened when I was again dying. Man I hate that damn gaint. But in the end they all died, well except that one who teleports away when things aren't going her way. But oh well on to this black egg thingy.
Oh great another gaint, just our luck, I wonder who he is going to go after... Not me... good, to bad for Macabee though. I wonder how we are going to handle this, my vote is to just leave it alone, but I have a feeling we are not going to do that, which my deep down insides tell me is the best, for if I die, it will be for the good of more people than just me, and I feel mostly secure in my own soul.

Ah, Tom I have saved you from my money hunger companions, they wanted to sell you, but I would not have it, I find you a rather interesting "person" and I do so love when you tell me stories to help me sleep. How did I ever get along without you? In this extremly ordered house I am currently staying in, it is quite nice to know that I am going to be in for a wild and crazy treat before it is off to sleep.

Whats that Tom, you say you can "show" me the stories, not just tell them, why that would be quite exciting, lets to that. I think the story of the warty witch would be most pleasant to see, for I do so wonder about those glowing balls hanging from the trees. Wow, this is quite interesting you were right Tom this is great, but I would so like to go back to my room now....Tom? Hey Tom where are you, where am I, I want to go back now.... TOM!! HEY TOM!!...

Oh great, here I am stuck in the woods of some unknown place and nothing but my P.J.s freaking great, I hate that stupid book, I swear to Heironeous I am going to see it slowly desolved it bowl of acid. I hope Tom can feel pain.

I have been here for almost a week now, I would have thought my "friends" would have come looking for me, I mean if they check my room it will look in shambles, that is because truth be told I am not a very tidy house keeper, but no, they have not come looking for me. Or I guess perhaps they have, and the vile tomb that is Tom would not let them in. I guess it wouldn't be so bad here if I could have brought my things, I feel so naked and alone without my daggers.

Wow, would you look at that, a group of children just appeared out of now where. Wait maybe they are a group of halflings for they look to armed and armored to be mere children. but wait no, that has got to be a dwarf child, and look there an elf, Oh could it be, have my friends finially come for me... yes I think so, the armor that little one is where looks remarkably like Macabee's.

Yeah guys over here I am over here. Did you bring my things? You did, oh what great friends you are. Ok, so you guys we all look like children, and hmmm sound like children too, oh what great fun this shall be. If and when we get outta of here I say we burn Tom.

Well, I guess the only way to find a way out is look, and I can say without a doubt that there is not a way out anywhere around here. So let us do what we love most adventure. Oh, look a bridge... I remeber the stories Tom used to tell me about bridges, trolls live under them, I think that perhaps those of us who are sneaky should go up there and look. Nope nothing here. Continue walking I guess. Oh, look she is quite a lovely woman, whats that Padril a Nymph you say... Look she wants Macabee to go with her, thats kind of wrong he is just a little kid after all. Well ok he is not a little kid, but she can't know that, unless of course she knows about what happened to us maybe I should ask her. Oh, she is gone, I guess that was Padril that asked her to leave, ok. Let us continue on.

Oh, what is that lovely smell? I bet it is coming from those flowers over there, maybe I should go check it out. Yes it was coming from here, these smell so good, maybe I should just lie down. I should make some flower angels then when others see these wonder flowers they will know that they are not the only ones who had the pleasure of....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Ouch, what the "f" that hurt, and now there is this arrow sticking out of my leg.... What the hell am I doing laying in all these flowers? Hmm last thing I remember is... oh crap I should get out of here.

Oh, what have we found now, in this "oh so wonderful" little world we are in. A bunch of mirrors this will most likely not be good, because nothing here has been good yet. Macabee is going to investigate what the writing says... What the hell now there are three of them... great wich one to stick, hmm I think I shall stick this one, well I think I am right he didn't look at me and tell me to quite that.

Wow, that was not fun, and I must ask Macabee what that necklace thing was... That was an awsome explosion, I am glad I have been taught not to let those things hurt to much. I wonder what is going to happen to us next in this "wonderful world of children's stories". Tom, I swear you will burn for this... slowly and with as much pain as I can cause to a book.

Wow, I have survived, it was close though, almost died there more than once. The evil that is Strahd is no more. That alone makes me feel good, really good, I could almost get used to feeling like this at all times... I am sure this is how my friend Macabee feels at all times knowing that he is doing all that he can to do good and right. There is quite a bit of treasure here for me as well as for everyone else. I will be getting some new items to help with not getting hit.

After all of this I have decided to let my parents know where I am and why I had to leave. I shall also tell the rest of my party about my past, I feel all of these people should know what kind of person they are traveling with, and I just hope that all of them can forgive me just as Macabee has.

Steve Greer wrote:

I have a feeling this will be the week the party finally destroys Strahd. But he won't be going out alone. He's taking somebody with him! He he he.

Um... may I suggest Killian... (Nothing personal John) or possibly what ever the name of Todd's new character will be... he wants to play another character after Ravenloft anyway. I think it should be one of those, even though I have a feeling it might just be Andrew... He has been alive for quite some time... and we can all look back and see that sir_stanley has a habbit of need to change characters...

Hmmm.... Maybe I should have taken a little longer to tie my shoe. Every where I look my friends are being drained off their life forces, they don't seem to be remembering as all that they did. Man I hope this is only temporary, I mean I remember when it happened to me a while back and man that sucked. Well luckly, it did not happen to me this time, out of only shear luck. You know one of the most confusing things that could happen to a person is fighting somthing that looks and dresses like one of you most closest friends only to hear his voice coming from somewhere else asking where everyone is. That is one nasty trap. Switching your body with that of an undead evil nasty... man who ever thought that up must be a evil genious. And with all this fog, I can't even properly search the ground to find where the trap is triggered, so I can't disarm it either. Oh well, I guess we will just have to rememeber where the areas we should not walk are. We shall be pressing on, after some rest so my friends can hopefull fight off the effects on them. And once and for all rid this world of Strahd.

*shakes head vigorously* Man, I need to pay more attention to what my friends are doing. *looks around* Hmmm now where did they get off too... oh well better go find them I am sure they are going to need my help here really soon. I am sure they have been having way to much fun without me.

Ah, I see them there up ahead... "Hey Macabee, wait up man, its me I done tying my shoe... I'm ready for some more killing of the bad guys."

(I am finally coming back to game I am so ready to game, in fact you could say I am jonesing for a game.)

ahhh, again a battle on my back, I truely dislike worgs. But I do believe that on my back is the best place to fight these damn things... That is until I can't see a thing, all of a sudden totally blackness consumes everything... so now it is my time to shine, please Heironeous let me get up and out of this postion. "ouch, that one got me, and that one, and that one and oh no..."

Hmmm this is a little different than last thing I remember, I wonder who is that, can it be Strahd himself? From the looks of my fellows it apears as though I have been out for quite a while, well I still am not fealing quite up to helping, I will just pretend that I am still out, so as though I can drink a potion. Wow it looks like it worked he is not paying attention to me... ahhh crap, he is now standing over my "dead" body... well this is going to suck... "ok what are my options.... hmm I can try and sneak my healing potion out of my backpack, but well I didn't really pay much attention when my teacher was trying to show how manipulate things with my hands without others noticing... but its either that or try and trip this thing.... well here goes... ahhh crap not again....

Well I don't know how, but it appears as though Strahd has been defeated, at least for now... We are all on our way back to the chapel for some rest... good nothing will bother us there.

AAAAAAHHHHHHH what the f was that... Holy Crap gaint spiders... hmmmm well these guys seem to be easy, and stupid too, they fell for the old what was that over there line. I am almost sorry I screamed like a little girl and woke everyone up.

I have had quite an interesting time talking with my new friend Tom. His stroies while, geared more for children, remind me of time of my life wich was much simpler, a time when both my brother and me would sit by the fire and listen to my uncle tell us stories.

Maybe I should write to my mom and tell her what really happened... Well if I make it out of this castle alive I shall do that.

Well, not much to say right now, Nothing much has happened, We did get attacked by a tower with giant beating heart, but you know nothing much suprises me anymore in this gods forsaken place. We did find a place to if we needed climb down to the courtyard, I think, for while I thought for a brief second about checking it out, I didn't, for there will be no running for me anymore. I have started with the my daily prayers to Heirouns and he is filling me with a righteous vengence. Strahd will die as will all others who are evil.
We have accepted another person into our fold, I am trying not to get close to her. For I do not know if I could stand to make and lose another friend. And while in this castle I only give chances of survival of 50 percent. But if we do make it out of this alive I believe Autumn Rain will be a very welcome and helpful memeber of our Ka-Tet

We have entered into Ravenloft itself. I with a lighter heart than I have had in some time. Macabee has forgiven me for somethings I have done in my past that I am not proud of, and while I know he is not a priest, he is a holy man, and I felt a burden lift. And then something terrible happended, I caused the death of two of my new friends, well three actually, but by chance Girt had a scroll of raise dead on him, and I convinced him to use it to bring Macabee back. Shortly after entering Ravenloft we found a room containing a feast and a man playing a large organ. He invited us to sit and eat, but when Macabee came within five feet of him, all the lights went out and he disappeared. After some exploring we found a secret panel and behind that we found the one who was playing the organ, a dummy on a pully system. Well after exploring that area we had to back track, on our way I noticed that the doors we came in were closed. I wanting to know if we needed to we could "run away like scared little girls" decided to go check the front doors and see if they were locked. My friends all grouped together in a room containin what we believed where 4 large dragon statues. I opened the doors to the front foyer with no problems but once I set foot in them the dragon statues came alive and breathed fire, all four of them covering the room in flames, luckly for me in my training I had learned how to more in such a way as to avoid traps like this, but when the flames cleared I saw that most of my friends had not, and there lay Mira Luna, Sheriff, and Macabee. Padril, Girt and I just ran, we didn't think we could dispatch all of these statues and still live.... Back to the banquet room. All I could do was sit think and think... "its my fault, I killed them, its my fault". After a time Padril said he could not hear them pursuing us so he went to check and see if they had reverted back to statues, they had. So we went back, and moved the bodies, and took their gear used what we could and continued on.

I have decided, that there will be no more of this "can we run if we need to" attitude, for I will not rest untill I have killed the monster who's castle caused my friends's deaths.

Ah, on the road again.... There has been many a happening in the short time we have been on the road again, and let me say, I am quite glad to not be in one place anymore. I still feel the need to keep moving... Why? well I have my own reasons, reasons I might need to share, but who should I share them with? I feel that they are something I should tell one of the holy men around me, but who, who will understand what I have been through, and who will be able to help me the most? Any way, that is a thought for another time.

Here we stand, on the brink of what I believe to be our real adventure, all things in Barovia leading up to this are really nothing, he we stand facing the Castle it self, home of this Vampire Strad, Castle Ravenloft, I know nothing about this, but for some reason it sends shivers down my spine. We have faced talking wolves, and bats beyond belief, and now, we prepare to face that which I believe has been sending them "the master" as the wolves call him. Hopeful I come out of this alive.

A true labor of love, IGR. Ran it about 3 times back in the day and it was always my fav. It was a pretty challenging adventure even then... now as a v.3.5 module it's truly FRIGHTENING!

Steve, with as evil as your games can be with out the added evil of Ravenloft it is more than Frightening it is down right HORRIFYINGLY DREADFULLY JUST SCARY BAD. But then again it is also going to be GLORIOUSLY BLISSFULLY FUN. I am so looking forward to friday.

A Knights code is very diffiult to uphold. O thats right your not a KNIGHT!!!But honestly Andrew, knowing how the Pale works it was a forseeable end to the evil beasty. It was the wisest to have the blood shed on their terms than ours. Keep on working on those moral dilemas, by nights end we will all be servants of Rao.LOL:)

Ahh, but Macabee who is to say that I knew how the Pale works? I in fact am quite ignorant of the workings of the Pale for in my journeys I have never had the "pleasure" of traveling this part of the world. Over these last days though I have got a better understanding of why we must hurry ourselves though this kingdom, for even I am getting tired of there ways and what they see of as "justice".

I have so much to say, and I know that I can not get it all in. I am traviling with people who are always saying that they are crusading for the greater good, and who say they want to rid the world of evil, and yet anytime we are confronted with a evil doer who sees the end of his life in site and then all of a sudden he has an "awakinging" and he will no longer do bad, we are just suppose to believe him/it. And with this particular time when the Lord Captain of the Ice Spire walks over slits his throat it is all good but when I try and put the vile beast out of its and my misery I not only get chasticed I get attacked but someone I thought or as not only as a friend but as a spiritual advisor. This is something that has weighed on my mind for many a day, I mean how far will this go? What if come upon a Vampire who has been preying on a small village for years, and he asked for quarter, are we going to give it to him and if so what will Sheriff think, and if Sheriff kills him, what will Girt do? Our will I get a "this is a different situation" type speach? And is it really so bad to kill those who you know have killed others? I mean really we were in the middle reclaiming a tower which was brutally taken over, I mean how many of the Ice Spire troops got quarter? And hill giant, I am sure he took out his fair share. These things have been waying on my mind, and all I can think is that at least one of my new friends has his head in the right place. I truely believe that Padril with side with me in any "discussion" I might have with Girt over my actions, as I will side with them in the same situations.

Then there is the question is giving quarter to those who ask it what seperates those of us who say we are "good" for those we call "bad"? This is something I shall have to reflect on... hmmmmm

ahhh, some days I wonder do I take to much enjoyment out of killing? When I face off against living foes I always take a little extra care to let some one else distract them so that I can go for the spot that I know will hurt the most, and I do it very well, and I like it... maybe a little too much, but then again I think to myself these creatures are evil, or so my new paladin friend tells me, and I believe him after all he is "touched" by his god so this evil things deserve no mercy, after all, I know they would show none to me. They have proven that already, when I first saw these vile creatures they tried teaming up on me and grabbing me, they both missed horribly put the did succeed in getting a few of my friends, and when I went in for the kill the little bastard moved at just the right time and I dealt a nasty wound to Padril, I am quite glad he forgave me for I do like him, he is quite and sulky most of the time but still a good guy at heart.
I have done more than just killing though, I have learned some from each of my friends in the faith, except of course Girt who says not a lot about anything. I have witnesses the glory of the sun when it shines upon Sheriff, and how much he truely revels in it basking warmth and how he channels that glory when it truly needs channeling whether through healing or though postive engeries radiating from him and destroying undead. I have witnessed the calming influnce of Rao, both on and off the battle field in the vessle of Brandon, and I have witnessed the glory of battle and how Hieroneous shows his might and power though those he choses to fight with him. And I have felt the blessing of the god of the roads, Fharlanghn, who Girt calls upon at least once a day to aid or party.

I myself have no god to speak of, for their are so many out there and how can a person chose just one? This is something I may need to talk with my friends about, I am sure they call all give me some advice.

Stepping away from the rest of the "party" Andrew pulls out a rather weatherbeaten leather journal and a quill.

Oh, great another group of adventures that is going to meet an end like the one that I was just a part of. I wonder is it me, did I recieve a curse and not know it or what. Seems thing to be going fine, everyone seems to be getting along and then... Good Ol' Andy shows up and all of a suddent things start going down hill. In my last "party" the guys had been together for awhile, then I show up with this map needing some help to get to a long lost temple, for some good temple treasure and on the way up there everyone but me dies, and why? Because they couldn't stop fighting about taking a few meager provisions of a couple of dead frozen guys, me, I didn't really care one way or the other... so I let them fight it out, wich left us with 4 guys after the two main instigators fell over the edge. And then Mother nature her self was against us, two more people were taken to the clearing at the end of the path by an avalanch, leaving only me and Ryland. Ryland met his death a little while later while grappling with a yeti, they both went right over the edge.
Now I will admit I was getting some really greedy thoughts in my head... a whole temple full of treasure and it was going to be all mine.... I was rather releaved to see others inside though, I don't know if I could have made it back down by myself or not.
And then the fighting started, and not the good fighting, like when we take on the "bad guys" but the in party fighting, the kind that leads to only destruction. And over what, well over something rather stupid... Now correct me if I am wrong but the purpose of risking live and limb to climb our happy go lucky asses all the way to the top of the world was to loot a forgotten temple. So why is it when there is something stopping us for what I believe to be our desired goal do people suddenly say... ah heck fire, they don't want us in here maybe we should leave... I mean I fully expected something to be blocking the way, normally people, wheather good or bad don't just leave treasure laying around ungaurded. So maybe just maybe I might ask this Brandon fellow why when things were going to get a little nasty he decided that it was not worth it.

Ah, finally, I got to break something, a table, a door, and some chairs. I don't think the people "using" them will have any problems either, after all, they are frozen people sticks. It is a good thing I got to destroy them too, I was getting extremely frustrated, I had just been denied the chance to swing Bob, or Bob 2 in combat against some yetis... Mira Luna used here firey magics to dispatch them before I even knew what was going on... I guess I will just hafta get faster... I most admit though, she is really good with those, and other magics as well, I will hafta remember not to ever get on her bad side, or if I do, stand close real close.
I got to do something today I have never done before, I got to fight a big rock woman, which was quite fun, well that was untill she destroyed Bob, that really pissed me off, lucky I had Bob 2 handy, or I might have done something really stupid. Anyway after she was nothing more than a pile of rubble we went into a room filled with lots and lots of "words" they were almost jumbled enough that I could read them... almost... We did find something in there though, a stick with a blue glowing flame... it makes a purple flame when added to the flame of the paladins burning stick. Shortly after that we found a big ice statue, and well, I admit, he kinda of scared me a little, he reminded me some what of my father... so I made a suggestion that we rest and let those who needed them regain thier spells, I wanted everything we had to take on this, this thing.
The battle proved as hard as I thought it would, in fact I almost died, I was a close as I ever thought I would be, in fact barely into the battle my rage ended and I was extremely fatigued, if not for my friend, Sheriff, I would have been feeling the effects of putting myself fully into the battle. In the end it was not a "mammoth" of a sword that brought down the ice man, but a puny little light mace, I must remember that, it is not always the size of you weapon but how you swing it... hmmmm....

lekdiooged kdksddoe dkdivvdnge. Illdldektldjht llkjtelsdaye dlkjdfme. Idthedktn dhteninge digething dthehgvye ghteldthe dhtelcog latheesare dareggythad theoe. Tyheatsoith theorikad, roathtlthe. Atheldfn thendadybg theanyth gottheoyae thatehrlg
theoagy theodly dtheos toghel zzodye. Cv anldfney ajvnzngdb zbhzhtgdh zvnlernb theoarod thoatoegad....

Sorry all, Rowthk wanted to write his own recounting of the adventure, and well as you can see he is no good at it. So being the nice guy that I am I told him I would relay it for him, so as soon as I can make sense of what he is trying to tell me, I shall let you all know.

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