
Stag Son's page

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So my players presented me with a bit of a conundrum and I wanted to see if any other groups had this issue.

In the final part of the 3rd adventure it says that the players receive a vision of the old woman's face (Kaklatath’s current body) along with the message that if they want to retain their freedom they need to find her.

My players decided that was more important then Mun. So they Scryed her, observed the area (which teleport lists as a meeting viable "seen once" criteria), Teleported in, grabbed her, teleported out to their inn room back in Casomir, and effectively solved the entire plot of the 4th book in less then a minute because it says that Kaklatath tells them Lowle's full plan and were to find the city.

Now obviously level 10 adventurers would get slaughtered on the next path as they are far too underpowered and under equipped. They also felt a little cut short so they decided to rewind and start the adventure path without that strategy, but for the life of me I can't figure out any reason they could not have done it, and with a message like "Find me if you want to stay free" why they would have chosen not to.

Is this just an oversight or did I miss something major?