Slavemother Undamesta

Stabatha's page

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Hello all , long time no post :)

Here is my problem , my players ( of which there are 7 +1 my npc ) are hitting the mid levels 10-15 and I am having trouble with my challenges.
I run a home brew of very experienced players. Each player has about 15 -20 years of gaming under the belt.
My history is more spotty but i am a very accomplished story teller. Allays leaving them wanting more.

My question is , because of increased power level and abilities, how do my challenges keep pace with the party's ever growing power.
The campaign is a bit epic, but there are still plenty of plot related character issues to resolve. It kinda difficult to set up a dungeon or event when the players have such high skill focuses , and with such a large group every major class is represented. Cleric wizard , monk ect .

for instants , there is a massive lock that needs picking, I have a thief in the party who can basically roll any lock with a dc 30 or less , just because of skill focus and character set up. and if that doesn't work they can just crush the door or teleport around it ...whats a gm to do ?

I will be using a S.O.A. in a up coming game session and did my required reading. Each round the user needs to make a control roll for the S.O.A, but is there any attack roll or reflex save, when it gets used ?
How does it work ?
Do you just move the black hole of doom and where it stops " PooF!!" or am I missing something?

hey it's me again

I need to know if the divine focus needs a hand to be held in.

reasons for
1 almost every picture of the pathfinder cleric has the HS in hand
2 feats and abilities that allow weapons and shields to be crafted as HS
3 traits that allow divine "birthmarks " so you are never without

reasons against
1 traits that allow divine "birthmarks " so you are never without
2 like a components pouch , have it on you and your good
3 I can't find any rule reference to validate the use of a hand for a HS

just for the record , I am of the school where the item must be a DF not just a picture or replica of faith.

I mean its a "focus " right ?

I have been playing pathfinder for a short time, and I am still trying to grasp some of the subtle nuances of the game.
My primary concern for today has to deal with a clerics use of a holy symbol or HS( divine focus ) during the heat of battle.

I used the search function but the most recent response to my question was over a year old.

To cast a spell with a somatic components and a divine focus, how many hands do I need free?
Bucklers and light shields allow for the use of 1 hand. But if I have a weapon in my other hand can I still cast the spell ? The confusing part to me is where does the holy symbol go ? Some threads have indicated the HS may be anywhere it can be seen. However I can't seem to find any reference to support this ( or I just haven't found it yet ). Plus the visual of a cleric Not grasping there HS and trying to invoke the power of their god seems a little ..well...lame ( think about a vampire hunter wielding a glowing cross in one hand for instance)
Given the concept of just having a HS on my person , and being a heavily armored cleric. I have realized I can't use my heavy shield and a weapon while I cast ( as I need 1 free hand for the somatic part )logic says hide behind the shield but keep that hand free for casting unless you have quick draw and a bunch of weapons to drop at a moments notice.

Any help would be appreciated

As a summoner who loves his kitty eidolon , Why take hooves over claws ? Is there a chain of abilities I don't know about.
I will admit I only skimmed the UM book ...

I want to have a Beholder Construct for my home brew game . What are some of the best ways to go about making one? I noticed there are no beholders in the bestiary.

I have a interesting concept for a diviner specialized wizard for a large group of pc's ( we have a total of 7 players) I was going to be a background info gatherer and soothsayer with a big old bow. the plan is to get to 10th level-ish and start getting ready to make arrows of slaying. in higher levels I thought it would be cool to lob these deadly missiles into combat.I could be a party buffer or controller in the meantime.

I thought the diviner route could make for a fun time knowing everything and magically scouting for trouble , or even ticking off the dm.

My brother in law called me a idiot after hearing this. Basically saying I would do better served as a arcane archer.
So the question is " is the diviner a workable concept to explore in a home-brew game or would i be better served as a arcane archer with some diviner background and items ?" ....I could just be a Idiot though

Anyone who is looking for a Summon monster App has got to check out "summoner" by Lanza Giuseppe :)

I play a summoner and am so sick of having reference sheets out or extra pages on my computer open to pfrpg wikkis to stay on top of my monster swamping awesomeness.
pro's : quick access to all summon monster and summon nature ally of every level
con's : no quick toggle for summoner feats. does not have a "in play " section, cannot have more than one spell selected at a time. the app also seems to crash a little to often

over all it is the first of this type of app I have seen, and I am looking forward to more, Now if i could only play a map while face timing my whole crew ;)hmmmm...

I am sorry if this is a inappropriate post , but i just wanted to spread the word a good OGL app .

if you know a lowly code monkey who has created a great app or program aid for all of us, then let me know :)


Double post - see other thread here

Summoner cast a full round spell , eidolon runs defense and gets beat hard . Summoner uses life link to keep her pet from evaporating.
Does the hp transfer/loss cause the summoner to take a concentration check for the spell she is currently in the process of casting ??

I run a campaign loosely based on a bronze aged world. There was some decent info on designing campaign worlds in different eras. However I have had to slash and burn lots of armor , weapons and other Items.
The current campaign has spiraled a little out of control, as I tried a little of everything, and ended up with a hodgepodge of anachronistic settings and equipment.
I chalk most of this up to being a new gm with high hopes. However I have learned a vast amount of what not to do next time around. As much as a bronze aged world ( with a Greek theme ) still interests me, I am beginning to wonder if a Roman themed world would make my job as a Gm a little easier.
That way I could incorporate more cultures and equipment to make my players happier.

So does anyone have any good advice on running a homebrew game world? Also is there any good open content out there with a decent bronze age theme to make my life a little easier?

Hey Gang I need some help naming my character in a upcoming campaign.
it's not that I am not creative, it's just that I want something very different. I want the summoner to have a name that is the same as the eidolon but spelled backwards( like Tomax and Xamot from the old GI Joe cartoon ) but so far I am coming up with a bunch of blanks.

the summoner is a 16ish year old boy from a Indian like culture ( not native american )and the eidolon is a small cat like creature that looks like a burned out shell filled with fiery energy. i was going to call it Cinder till I got this brain storm.

so how about it ? little help.

Hi all, I am new to the forum and have some questions about the interplay of the summoner and eidolon. I have discovered a few relevant threads, but i don't fully understand how to use all the nifty forum features, so I apologize in advance if this info or any questions have been addressed elsewhere ( please direct me in that case ).

Is there any soft wear that can help keep track of creatures summoned by spells in a simple fashion. I started using hero-forge in game and i love the digital tools to help with bns/negs and spell usage. Some thing like that would be real nice. oh and by the way I am a real Luddite in this area.

The eidolon has primary and secondary attacks which are listed in the APA. I have a quadruped with bite and 2claws , both are listed as primary attacks , so according to the rules I use the full BAB for all (3) primary attacks ? is that correct ?

does the eidolon have it's own Initiative or does it use the summoners ?

does the summoner have to touch the eidolon ( in the event of touch spells ) or does the link allow the summoner to cast the touch spell regardless of where the eidolon is ( IE 20 feat away )

the Eidolon starts as a medium creature, does the quadruped occupy a 5x5 spot or is it longer than that ( this may be a legacy question, that got skipped when i read the core book) I seem to remember horses and such begin 5 wide and 10 long.

the eidolon cannot wear armor. is this cast in stone or is there a way around it ?

I have seen some builds with what i assume to be 6 arm bipeds , using swords and such. Granted theses are higher level eidolons. Assuming they have the right feats is this sorta thing legal ? ( legal as in generally accepted , Not a house rule )
further more i am under the impression the eidolon is still limited by it's Max attack cap.

speaking of feats What sort of limitations does the eidolon have ? can I basically get any monster or hero feat that i meet the prerequisites for ?

Is there a thread with Eidolon builds floating around?

well I think thats all I have for now. Thanks in advance :)

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

I apologize in advance if this is a repeat or posted else wear in more clarity.
Can the summoner cast enlarge person on the eidolon, because of the share spells (ex) ability?
thanks for the help :)