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![]() I posted this elsewhere and the realised why not create the thread I suggested. It would be really great if this was just left for Paizo to respond to rather than used for some as q target to flame. I am happy to wait although the longer it is the more chance I will cancel my subscription. The only reason I haven't is I thinker s a very good game here just for now anew for me its too messy. I am sure others felt the same and some may even think its part of its charm. St@rm@n wrote:
St@rm@n wrote: What I would like is one thread to RSS that I can monitor to see progress on this , until then for me it is wasting my time checking posts on the forum and a bit disconcerting seeing even more issues adding to the list.
![]() Reading the rules on Between Games if I receive a Loot type it counts towards my card types. So I cannot exceed my card limit. If I receive a reward or loot for a character of a type that it does not possess ,does this character :- 1. Keep it (it still counts against his hand size. or 2. Add it to the pool for other characters who can hold this type of card to select. I suspect its 2. ![]()
![]() Reposted with permission from BGG. To address the Location theme issues and the lack of co-op for the adventurers in a team adventure game. The locations need to be barrier and monster themed, the monsters could do with an icon rather like descent. It would increase set up time but vastly increase the theme. (If printed on the card back it would help and knowing you would find a certain type of monster or barrier in a location type wouldn't exactly be a spoiler) removed as it would clearly give away the encounter , although I am sure spotting a monster up ahead is not that difficult. The locations should also be more freely available e.g. base ones and then randomly choose others. Only the designers would know the play balance required. I haven't the time to play test 3+ player options solo and my game groups first experience was Luke warm (described elsewhere) so I cant see them helping. The co-op and team play should be more fluid , play order determined each go, six markers or just turning the character token. Characters able to give up their turn to take on an encounter. A character reveals an encounter another character at that location takes over if not already played this turn, effectively swapping turns. The original character can now take his turn. Before encounter powers can only be used once per location. |