
Ssang's page

5 posts. Alias of spacefurry.

Full Name





Gunslinger 2 / Rogue 1



About Ssang

Ssang was born in the small town of Moonwatch on the edge of The Hilt, in the nation of Breland. There, her family runs a small shop to which her parents had hoped she would take over with her siblings.
To their displeasure, Ssang was drawn instead to the rough life of the dock workers, sailors and occasional adventuring troop. Learning to fight and gamble, the ins and outs of working on a sailing vessel, and even how to wield firearms. Despite attempts by her parents to sway her, Ssang eventually ranaway from home and began her own journey. This eventually brought her to the Lhazaar Principalities and a ship bound for Salona.

An adventures spirit and eye for shinnies, Ssang's motivations are simple: Make her fortune and have fun doing it. As a gambler, she loves to take chances and feels most alive when something is being risked.
She still has a love for ship too, Which is reflected in her choice of a sailor's cutlass on her hip and the less restrictive studded leather armor she dons. Not to mention her tendency to slip up and curse like a sailor when caught off guard.

Raised on stories and tales of the dark fey and evil spirits Sang has what she believes to be a reasonable distrust of dark fey and a 'healthy fear' for the undead. By reasonable distrust, she would probably doubt a drow if they told her it was raining while she was standing in the rain. And by 'healthy fear' she actively avoid any encounter with the undead, tho if forced into it she will target them first if possible.

Gunslinger 2 / Rogue 1

Human Appearance: lightly-tanned human girl with light blonde hair to mid-back.

Str 10 (12-2/race) +0
Dex 18 (15+2/race+1/level) +4
Con 10 +0
Int 13 +1
Wis 14 +2
Cha 15 (13+2/race) +2

Initiative: (+4/dex+2/trait) +6

BAB: +2
Melee: +2
Ranged: +6

AC: (10+4/Dex+1/class+3/armor) 18
Touch: (10+4/Dex+1/class) 15
Flat: (10+3/armor) 13

HP 28 (2d10 + 1d8)

Fort:+3 (+3+0/Con)
Ref: +9 (+5+4/Dex)
Will: +2 (+0+2/Wis)

Racial Abilities:
-2 Str, +2 Dex, & +2 Cha
Medium size
Humanoid Shapeshifter
Speed: 30'
Common and Sylvan bonus languages
Agile (Ex): +2 bonus to Acrobatics checks
Change Shape (Su): Assume human form
Fast Shifter (Su): Change shape as move action (replaces kitsune magic)
Natural Weapons (Ex): bite - 1d4
Low-light Vision: Can see twice as far in low lighting conditions.

Gunslinger Abilities:
Grit: (max = Wis mod) 2
Nimble: +1

Rogue Abilities:
Sneak Attack +1d6

Traits: 2+1/drawback
Reactionary: +2 Initiative
Never Stop Shooting: at 0hp, act as disabled rather then dying. may only draw, reload or fire firearms.
Coincunning: +2 Perception to notice coins, gems, jewelry, and valuable trade goods within 10', even if not actively looking.

Sleepy: -2 vs sleep effects

Feats: 2/level+1/class
'Man with Two Guns is God' (theme feat)
Rapid Reload (single-handed firearms)
Gunsmithing (bonus)

Languages: 2/race+1/Int+3/Skill
Common, Sylvan, Dwarf, Aklo, Sahuagin, Undercommon

Skills: 2*(4+1)+(8+1)+3 = 22
Acrobatics (+4/Dex+1/rank+3/class+2/race) +10
Appraise (+1/Int+1/rank+3/class) +5
Bluff (+2/Cha+2/rank+3/class) +7
Climb (+0/Str) +0
Craft, Alchemy (+1/Int+1/rank+3/class) +5
Craft, Firearms (+1/Int+1/rank+3/class) +5
Diplomacy (+2/Cha) +2
Disable Device (+4/Dex+1/rank+3/class) +8
Disguise (+2/Cha) +2
Escape Artist (+4/Dex) +4
Fly (+4/Dex) +4
Handle Animal (+2/Cha) +2
Heal (+2/Wis) +2
Intimidate (+2/Cha) +2
Knowledge, Local (+1/Int+1/rank+3/class) +5
Knowledge, Engineering (+1/Int+1/rank+3/class) +5
Knowledge (+1/Int) +1
Linguistics (+1/Int+3/rank+3/class) +7
Perception (+2/Wis+3/rank+3/class) +8
Perform (+2/Cha) +2
Profession, Gambling (+2/Wis+2/rank+3/class) +7
Profession, Sailor (+2/Wis+1/rank+3/class) +6
Profession (+2/Wis) +2
Ride (+4/Dex) +4
Sense Motive (+2/Wis+2/rank+3/class) +7
Slight of Hand (+4/Dex+1/ranks+3/class) +8
Spellcraft (+1/Int) +1
Stealth (+4/Dex+1/rank+3/class) +8
Survival (+2/Wis) +2
Swim (+0/Str) +0
Use Magic Device (+2/Cha) +2

Pistol - broken (bonus)
---fixed to mw condition (300g)
Pistol, mw (650g)
Alchemical cartridge, paper x30 (180g)
Bullets x30 (3g)
Black powder, dose x30 (30g)
Powder Horn x3 (9g)
Gunsmith's kit (15g)
Bandolier, Beneficial (1000g)
Dagger (2g)
Cutlass (20g)
Studded leather armor (25g)
Backpack, mw (50g)
Belt pouch (1g)
Small metal mirror (10g)
Compass (10g)
Sunrod x4 (8g)
Candlerod x6 (6g)
Outfit, explorer's (free)
Outfit, traveler's (1g)
Cloak, reversible (20g)
Poncho (5s)
Pocket watch (250g)
Alchemist's crafting kit (25g)
Gambler's kit (75g)
Thieve's tools, mw (100g)
Crowbar (2g)
Flint and steel (1g)
Grooming kit (1g)
Silver brush (20g) (vanity item :p )
Silver mirror (20g) (vanity item :p )
157g 5s