
Spyder25's page

Organized Play Member. 542 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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Ciaran Barnes wrote:

I think I understand your intention in letting the gerudo use either Charisma or Strength for Intimidate checks, but since they have a Charisma bonus I feel that this is a wasted racial feature. If you want them to be a fierce people, just give them a +2 bonus to the skill. I don’t like allowing a character to always take 10 on a skill at 1st level. I think that giving them a Stealth bonus does the trick just fine.

Rather than giving Gorons the effects of the stone fist spell, just say what it does. Making it a spell allows their fists to be dispelled.

The Sheikah’s swift escape ability has a problem. What if the different enemies each have a different Perception bonus and the character rolls higher than one but lower than another? Maybe instead you can let them use Withdraw as a move action once per day?

Dang, you bring up some good points. Looks like I have some things to change lol. Give me a few and I'll make those changes.

*Edit* I have updated the pdf and I think the changes were warranted.

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Well this is for my game, but I’m glad it’s able to help others run a LoZ game.

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I updated the pdf. I gave the rito the Dessert Runner trait, renaming it Insulated Feathers, and changing hot environments to high altitudes.

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The pdf has been updated.

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I updated the pdf.

I left the immunity to sleep effects for the koroks. And I gave them +2 racial bonus to saving throws against mind-affecting, paralysis effects, and stunning effects. I took out the poison immunity because lets face it plants can be poisoned, thats basically what weed killer is. I left the sleep effects immunity because in the LoZ games I've never seen them sleep, I've seen them rest but not fully sleep.

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I have updated the pdf to add the twili and skull kids. I could really use feed back on those two.

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I was going to give the gorons IUS, but I imagine them hitting harder than the other races so I went with a slam attack. I could drop Greed and replace it with Craftsman, which I did, and I think it's splitting hairs a little bit allowing them to hold their breath like the one in TP. I was also thinking of making the skull kid and twili race, but I would like to make it that the twili would stay small. Midna is just so cute in that form lol. The Plane of Shadow would be perfect for them to live while not in Hyrule. Also would the the twili and skull kids be fey type or just humanoid? I want to be carful adding too many races in my game so as to not clutter it up.

And I fixed the rito's Wing & Eye Coordination trait.

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I was wondering if anyone could look at the racial traits I have for the for the races of Breath of the Wild? I wouldn't doubt that there have been numerous threads about races from the Legend of Zelda, but I would really appreciate the help!

Go to here to view the pdf.

Thank you,

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Arcanemuses wrote:

It's missing one thing; my real name. I would be honored to see it on there instead of my screen name. I encourage all the other contributors to request the same. My name is Aaron Hollingsworth.

Well done, Spyder25. I can tell you worked your butt off bringing this idea up to a worthy level of presentation. You have my gratitude and respect, sir.

Well then I shall add your real name to the PDF as well. And thank you, I had fun working on this. It involved two things that I like, art and RPG's.

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I'm glad you created this class. My setting is a combination of the He-man and Thundercats universes. So this will fit quite well in my setting.

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Inkwell wrote:
Spyder25 wrote:
Inkwell wrote:
I had come up with a new race that's based on the Kitsune. My Gm approved it. [...]
Did you get the idea for this race from the show Supernatural?
This is actually a Korean version of the Kitsune. Moreover, I have not seen that show. I actually wanted to write an asian inspired pathfinder campaign before even the Jade Regent AP was announced. It was a monster I looked into adding but never got around to the mechanics of making.

Oh, very cool. Didn't know Korea had their own Kitsune. Well any way, i like the race. Good job.

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I'm creating my world like this: Take 1/2 Eberron and 1/2 Iron Kingdoms pick out what races you don't want and/or add races you do want, then sprinkle with a bit of Conan's myths and cosmology. Bake at 350 degrees for as long as you need. Let it cool for a bit, and then serve it to the players.

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Ok, so I have to give thanks to Northbrb, for lighting a fire under my rear to get this done. If he didn't post the thread for his reptile race, it would have taken me for ever to get around to it. So, I give you the Saurials from the Dragon Magazine. I changed them up a bit, mainly to fit them in my setting. Also sorry for the long post, I'm not sure how to use the spoiler thing on here. Also, I'm still working on them. I just posted them to get some feed back.

These dinosaur-like beings, known as saurials, were stranded in Lyria on the jungle continent Valboryn during the giants rule of the continent.

Several saurial subraces exist: bladebacks, finheads, flyers, and hornheads to be exact. Hornheads are a little taller than orcs and flyers are as small as halflings, but the other two subraces are similar to humans in height and weight.
All saurials are generally humanoid in shape. Each has two arms that end in clawed hands, two legs, and a lizardlike tail. A member of the flyer subrace also has two “wings”—actually flaps of skin that extend from its wrists to its waist that allow it to fly. The scales that cover a saurial’s body are primarily green, with patterns of yellow on its back. Very rarely, a pure white saurial is hatched, but this coloration carries no stigma, and the event is not considered an omen.

Saurial Traits
All of the saurial subraces share the following traits.

Cold Torpor (Ex): Saurials are warm-blooded creatures, but they retain heat poorly in cold environments. Thus, a saurial takes a –4 penalty on Fortitude saving throws made to avoid nonlethal damage from cold environments, and it takes double the normal amount of nonlethal damage for failing such a saving throw.
In cooler climates, saurials can easily die from exposure in an environment that a human would find merely uncomfortable. Thus, they usually bundle up to keep warm.

Protection from Sonic Attacks (Ex): Because a saurial’s earholes are well protected, it gains a +2 circumstance bonus on saving throws against sonic effects and attacks.

Scent (Ex): Saurials have the scent special quality, as described in the Bestiary.

Vulnerability to Gas Attacks (Ex): A saurial’s metabolism and reliance on scent make it vulnerable to attacks conveyed through gas, including stinking cloud, cloudkill, and poisonous gas. It thus takes a -4 penalty on saving throws against gas-based effects and attacks.

This bipedal lizard looks taller and stockier than a human; in fact, it’s built much like a half-orc. A line of sharp scales runs down its spine from its head to the tip of its tail, which is about as long as its body.

Type: Humanoid (Reptilian)
• +2 Strength, +2 Charisma: Bladebacks are naturally strong and outgoing.
• Medium: As Medium creatures, bladebacks have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
• Speed: A bladeback’s base speed is 30 feet.
• Natural Armor Bonus: A bladeback has a +2 natural armor bonus.
• Special Qualities: A bladeback has cold torpor, protection from sonic attacks, scent, and vulnerability to gas attacks, as described above.
Automatic Languages: Common and Draconic. Bonus Languages: Elven, Sylvan, and Giant.

This reptilian creature stands slightly shorter than a typical human and has roughly human shape and proportions. Its tail measures slightly more than half its body length, and a pronounced fin crowns its head

Type: Humanoid (Reptilian)
• +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom: Finheads have good reflexes and exceptional insight.
• Medium: As Medium creatures, finheads have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
• Speed: Finhead base speed is 30 feet.
Natural Armor Bonus: A finhead has a +2 natural armor bonus.
• Special Qualities: A finhead has cold torpor, protection from sonic attacks, scent, and vulnerability to gas attacks, as described above.
Automatic Languages: Common and Draconic. Bonus Languages:Elven, Sylvan, and Giant.

This reptile is about the size of a halfling and has similar proportions. It has a short tail and a flap of scaly skin beneath each of its arms. These primitive wings stretch from its wrists to its waist.

Type: Humanoid (Reptilian)
• +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Strength: Flyers can soar through the air with exceptional grace and are quite bright. Though they are physically weak compared to the others.
• Small: Flyers are Small creatures and gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty to their Combat Maneuver Bonus and Combat Maneuver Defense, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.
• Speed: Flyer base speed is 20 feet, and the creature can fly at a speed of 50 feet with average maneuverability.
• Natural Armor Bonus: A flyer has a +2 natural armor bonus.
• Special Qualities: A flyer has cold torpor, protection from sonic attacks, scent, and vulnerability to gas attacks, as described above.
Automatic Languages: Common and Draconic. Bonus Languages: Elven, Sylvan, and Giant.

This bipedal lizard is a little taller than a orc and has a tail longer than its own body. Sharp horns protrude from its head, and a bony plate protects its neck.

Type: Humanoid (Reptilian)
• +2 Strength, +2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom: Hornheads are strong and have sharp minds, but they .
• Medium: As Medium creatures, hornheads have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
• Speed: Hornhead base speed is 30 feet.
• Natural Armor Bonus: A hornhead has a +2 natural armor bonus.
• Special Qualities: A hornhead has cold torpor, protection from sonic attacks, scent, and vulnerability to gas attacks, as described above.
• Automatic Languages: Common and Draconic. Bonus Languages: Elven, Sylvan, and Giant.

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Ok, this is what i have for the deity I created. Thanks for all your help with this. I hope you guys like it.

Other Names: The Great Sultan, The Grand Summoner, He Who Guides Us
Holy Symbol: An Egyptian Crown with crossed scimitars underneath
Alignment: Neutral Good
Portfolio: knowledge, magic (mainly summoning), protection, trade
Worshipers: Savaldi elves, summoners, travelers, merchants
Cleric Alignments: LG, NG, CG
Domains: Community, Good, Magic, Protection, and Travel
Favored Weapon: Savaldi Double Scimitar

Asim Savald was known among his people as a great leader and powerful summoner of the beings from beyond (eidolons). He lead his people for 300 years of prosperity until a force of orcs, under the influence of Rovagog, declared war on Savaldia. The orcs claimed the oasis the kingdom as built around belong to them. Savald and his people fought valiantly in the Great 50 Year War. Him and his eidolon, Torenka, fought side by side with his people until the final day the orc leader struck a fatal blow to Savald while merged with Torenka. Everyone thought all was lost, but Sarenrae saw other wise. Before both forces a bronze angelic beauty, with golden hair composed of flowing flame appeared beside Savald’s dying body. Seeing this made the orcs flee in fear, and the elves to neil in reverence, to the holy being. She picked him up, like a mother would a injured child, and told the elves to return home and pay homage for their sultan will watch over them from above. She then carried Savald into the sky and inducted him into godhood.

Savald counts all non-evil gods as companions. He even communicates with evil deities in the hopes of converting them from their dark ways (this he does to help Sarenrae). His true enemy, like Sarenrae, is Rovagug because he stirred the orcs to destroy his people. Some Savaldi elves believe Rovagug did this because Sarenrae favored them.

Appearance and Emissaries
Savald appears as a tall bronze skinned elf wearing the ensemble of an Egyptian Pharaoh. He carries two scimitars that connect together.

Savald has a couple of servants.
His herald, the Holy Torenka, is his faithful eidolon. He looks like an abnormally large sand colored coutal with two arms and legs.
Charlabu: Charlabu is a gold-colored hound archon that often appears in a canine form, the same one as Sarenrae.

Church of Savald
The church of Savald is mostly composed of altruistic priests who are also ready to be stern should it be warranted. The church is known for blessing crops, healing the sick, and providing advice for the Royal Court. They are often consulted to solve feuds and disputes among neighbors and family.

Worshipers and Clergy
A large portion of Savald's priests are composed of clerics and Summoners (some are a combination of summoner/cleric), but within their ranks are also paladins and rangers, as well as a few druids and bards. Some priests work as personal advisers or healers for the Royal Court, while others survive on assistance from congregational worshipers. The double scimitar is a favored weapon and its use is held in high regard. In battle, Savald's clerics become dervishes, ready to defend their homeland and those that travel through it.

Temples and Shrines
The temples of the Savald are open-air buildings. Priests often travel from one temple to the next. The Reflecting Oasis, in the center of the Royal Court, in Savaldia is where the main temple of Savald is located. Church services are held outdoors and are joyous affairs that feature singing, dancing, and music, much like Sarenrae.

Holy Texts
The Birth of Light and Truth, the principal holy book of Sarenrae, is used by the followers of Savald as well.

Every year the week before the summer solstice the Royal Court holds a three day tournament to see who is Savaldia’s greatest summoner.