Roy Greenhilt

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Raging and unRaging is a free action for a Barbarian... But, could he rage also when it's not in his turn?

Hi everybody,

I'm about to begin DMing Slumbering Tsar and I'd like some clarifications.

The book states that the Desolation spans 50 miles north-soouth and 70 miles east-west (pag. 35)... but looking at the overall map of the Desolation it seems exactly the opposite (the esat-west span seems shorter than the north-south span). Also, the maps of the single quadrants are roughly 15 miles north-south and 12 miles or so East-West. I really cannot measure distances and time traveling. Are the distances at page 35 (50x70 miles) the right ones or I should just look the quadrants scale?

Also in the arsh environment of the Desolation, what's the travelling rate? 12 miles a day for a band of adventurers with 30' mv.? Less? And on the main road? If I take the quadrant indication right, a party could traverse a quadrant in only two days, maybe three... Am I getting this right?

Thanks and sorry for the rant.

A character can do just a single attack in a round, using the feat Vital Strike? Or the bonus is applied to just one attack in a full round with two or more attacks?


Using counterspell while invisible, will turn me visible?

I believe so, because I think is a lot like targeting a foe with a spell... sort of, but I'm not sure.

I got this situation:
A Vrock shrieked with the players around it. The barbarian failed the con save and he got stunned for one round. When does the stunning effect ends, exactly? At the beginning of the Vrock next turn, is the barbarian still stunned? When does the barbarian regains his senses? Before the Vrock turn? After its round of attacks? At the beginning of the barbarian next turn?

Thanks in advance for any insight...

If a cleric who cast prayer, bless, shield other, etc. falls unconscious, his spells end or stay active till his death?

Same for a wizard with shield, mage armor, etc etc... do the spells dissipate falling unconscious? Or not?

Thanks for anybody who shed light on this

As in the subject: is it possible to cast a spell directly from a borrowed spellbook, like it was a scroll? I did not find this in the pathfinder rules, so I believe not... any insight? Thanks!

My players intend to use the conjured horse from the 1st level spell Mount for something other than simple travel.

- Summon and send it running in dungeon corridors or caverns to activate traps and lure monsters.

- Making it run wildly with a slap to explore dark places with a magical light on the saddle.

- observe reactions from a distance, while the horse fall victim to varous hazards...

I think you got the point.

Is it a correct use of the spell? Yes, it's a smart and lateral thing to do... but I'm just a bit suspicious about this use, because it's not like the spell was intended. Should I permit everything? Or maybe the horse would behave badly? I do not know... any advice?

Can a barbarian in rage Ready an Action or is it considered an ability based on patience?

thanks again for any good soul who can provide an answer...

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I presume it was already answered but I can't find it...

When a creature fail a save vs fear:
it starts escaping at once OR only when it starts its initiative count? (at once or just when its next turn begins?)

thanks for any insight

Does Improved channel's bonus apply to the Turn Undead Feat?


The rules for the Sorcerer (Elemental Bloodline, of course) Elemental Ray (1st level power) states: "targeting any foe within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack".

It means "every possible target in a 30 feet line" OR "a single target within the range"?

Thanks in advance for any advice...

Sorry to bother on topics I bet were explained a long time ago...
but I can't find exaustive explanations.

1. Is there a complete list of creature (maybe creature types) that are not subject to Sneak Attacks?

2. Is there a similar list of creatures that are not subject to criticals?

Sorry for my poor english
and thanks.