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Spidercat wrote:
The breath attack says it's similar to Glitterdust, not at all like poison. It's more like their fire is very bright or contain sand like particles that enters the eyes. IMO, as I read it, even a creature that takes no damage (due to resistance to fire, for example) will still be blinded on a failed save.

Wait nevermind, I reread the breath attack description: Creatures that take damage are also temporarily blinded by the fumes as though by glitterdust for 4 rounds.

It specifies "take damage", so no damage thanks to fire resistance or a successful save prevents being blinded.

Azothath wrote:
I want to clarify (as it could be misread), generally taking no damage from an attack negates any riders like injury poison (there are a few exceptions like touch spells, some creatures that poison with no damage, and gaseous/inhaled poison). The forked-tailed wyvern breath weapon says the target's save negates blindness.

The breath attack says it's similar to Glitterdust, not at all like poison. It's more like their fire is very bright or contain sand like particles that enters the eyes. IMO, as I read it, even a creature that takes no damage (due to resistance to fire, for example) will still be blinded on a failed save.

Thanks for the answers everyone. It is as I thought, but having the explanation will go over smoother when telling my players next session.

We are using the Unchained Rogue, but the way you explained, it doesn't change anything even with the classic rogue.

Today my group fought a few wyverns, including a couple of forked-tail wyverns: https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/dragons/wyvern/wyvern-fo rked-tail/

Against one of the breath attacks, the rogue (who has improved evasion) failed her saving throw, while everyone else succeeded. No one else has evasion, which means half damage all around. However, the breath attack also has the effect of temporarily blinding those that fails the reflex saving throw. I may be answering my own question here (since I just said she failed the saving throw) but the question was still raised around the table: everyone took only half damage, but only the rogue was blinded? Doesn't improved evasion halving the damage also means she avoids the additional effects of the breath attack? We couldn't find the answer online, so I'm asking here, was I correct in having the rogue blinded (until she managed a good reflex at the end of her next turn)?

Thank you!