Current Effects: Cover: Orbius Onx, sea elf sailor. HP 8/8, AC 14, CMD 11, Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3, Init +2, Per +7, Admixture 9/9
Oh, that's funny. So, the page is "New Age Bull Shit generator" and as you can see, Paizo's profanity filter kicks in, so the link itself got censored and created a bad gateway. You'll have to google it yourself. It's worth seeing, especially for someone trying to badly pretend to talk like a monk. :)
Current Effects: Cover: Orbius Onx, sea elf sailor. HP 8/8, AC 14, CMD 11, Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3, Init +2, Per +7, Admixture 9/9
Spectrum did not bother to unpack. He simply dropped his pack on the bed and set a visible Arcane Mark glowing brightly on the outer flap. It would do little on it's own, but to anyone untrained in the ways of magic who might be snooping in his room, it would deter them from disturbing his things. He made his way to the common lounge and ordered himself a glass of mead, watching to see who else he would be working with on this expedition.
Current Effects: Cover: Orbius Onx, sea elf sailor. HP 8/8, AC 14, CMD 11, Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3, Init +2, Per +7, Admixture 9/9
Tsaong Cho wrote: Headed to a Boy Scout Shooting Sports campout to run the archery range. In the Hill Country and a valley, so there is no cell service after I get there. I worked at a Boy Scout camp for a few summers. Taught COPE and Wilderness Survival. Some of the most fun I've ever had in my life. That's camp is also how I found out that I am a hopelessly bad archer.
Current Effects: Cover: Orbius Onx, sea elf sailor. HP 8/8, AC 14, CMD 11, Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3, Init +2, Per +7, Admixture 9/9
GM: "Some, yes. As an amphibious person, my concerns are different than yours are. I do not have to worry about infections setting in from not staying dry. I do have a greater concern regarding parasites entering through my gills. I have learned the alchemical formula for anti-plague tablets that help fend off tropical illnesses. Also, periodically paying for a Restoration spell just in case is worth the extra coin. So far, I don't think I have caught anything."
"As for organizing expeditions, my strength is in logistics. I can come up with a list of provisions and equipment and see to their distribution better than most. I've always left the actual leadership to others. I tend to be too busy."
Current Effects: Cover: Orbius Onx, sea elf sailor. HP 8/8, AC 14, CMD 11, Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3, Init +2, Per +7, Admixture 9/9
"I am Orbius Onx" Spectrum said. "I am a sailor and deep sea spelunker. I have sailed most of the world, but stayed most frequently along the Mwangi coast. The undersea ruins there are full of old relics. I've done quite a bit of research on ancient cultures to make sure I knew what I was bringing up and so I wouldn't get cheated by buyers. I read Azlanti, and a few other old languages, and I know what's valuable and what isn't."
Current Effects: Cover: Orbius Onx, sea elf sailor. HP 8/8, AC 14, CMD 11, Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3, Init +2, Per +7, Admixture 9/9
"Orbius" showed the patience elves were renowned for, moving to the end of the line without comment. It occurred to him that meeting the other members of their newly formed secret society might be useful, but he deferred to maintaining the cover of everyone involved. He could make contact with the people he did not know if they were picked for the expedition. For now, literally and figuratively, he waited.
Current Effects: Cover: Orbius Onx, sea elf sailor. HP 8/8, AC 14, CMD 11, Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3, Init +2, Per +7, Admixture 9/9
Spectrum was all business on the ship. He had collected a set of nautical books. When they were anchored, he read. When they were at sea, he watched, and did what he could to help. He learned prodigiously. By the time they arrived at the Citadel you'd never know that he'd only been a sailor a few days.
Current Effects: Cover: Orbius Onx, sea elf sailor. HP 8/8, AC 14, CMD 11, Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3, Init +2, Per +7, Admixture 9/9
I was hoping you would say that. It leads into my idea for how Glimmer connects to Jatembe's Wayfinder. Ioun Wyrds are described as some small stones orbiting a larger central stone, so I think Jatembe's Wayfinder is actually a small Armillary Sphere. Glimmer fits into the armillary rings into her orbit stones and creates a whirling defense system that she can fire out of (acting as a Familiar Satchel that only works for Ioun Wyrds). When not in combat, she hovers over Spectrum's hand like a Wizard's Orb or flattens her rings and sits on his chest like an inanimate amulet. How does that sound to you?
Current Effects: Cover: Orbius Onx, sea elf sailor. HP 8/8, AC 14, CMD 11, Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3, Init +2, Per +7, Admixture 9/9
...which brings me to my follow up question. Can the air holes in a Familiar Satchel be made to act like an arrow slit?
Current Effects: Cover: Orbius Onx, sea elf sailor. HP 8/8, AC 14, CMD 11, Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3, Init +2, Per +7, Admixture 9/9
"If history is any indicator, you will need me to ensure your findings do not become lost in minutia." The corners of the his mouth were turned up just enough to betray the fact that he was making fun of Ayse rather than offering actual criticism. He was clearly in a good mood. As the Pathfinder Masters discussed the covers of the various Society initiates, Specrum raised an eyebrow at his. "A sailor? What use have my people of boats?" he shrugged. "It will suffice. I will educate myself on such things during the journey."
Current Effects: Cover: Orbius Onx, sea elf sailor. HP 8/8, AC 14, CMD 11, Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3, Init +2, Per +7, Admixture 9/9
Spectrum had no questions. He stood next to Ayse, his face impassive but his eyes shining with excitement. "Thank you for this." he said to his friend and rival, a rare showing of gratitude from the usually stoic elf.
Current Effects: Cover: Orbius Onx, sea elf sailor. HP 8/8, AC 14, CMD 11, Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3, Init +2, Per +7, Admixture 9/9
The Interview: Quote: What kind of experience do you have studying objects and structures recovered by excavation to identify, date, and authenticate them and to interpret their significance? "I studied history and archaeology at the Arcanamirum Academy for five years. It is my belief that the ancient civilizations of Golarion, Azlant in particular, understood the laws of magic more fundamentally than any current civilization. It is my intention to rediscover those secrets. Thus, I am well versed in all manor of archaeological techniques for recognizing, documenting and transporting relics." Quote: What skills do you possess that would be an asset to a colony with no readily available resources? "I am a wizard. That alone makes me an asset in any situation. In addition, I am an alchemist. If the ruins provide the usual reagents found in such places, I can turn them into all manor of things. Further, I can breath water. I'm sure I do not need to elaborate on the usefulness of that trait." Quote: Provide an example of a time when you successfully organized a diverse group of people to accomplish a task. "I took part in a number of group projects during my time at the Academy. For the most part I found them to be trying. The gifted often took up the slack of those unwilling or unable to do their part. Eventually, I learned that was the lesson. Sometimes we are all less adept. We must rely on the abilities of others to accomplish some tasks. Once I realized that, I was far more willing to do extra work for the benefit of others, and to allow others to work harder for me in the instances where I had insufficient skill. That is how Ayse and I were partnered. Our approaches to problems could not be more different. However, once we were willing to set aside our egos and work together we found there was no problem we could not overcome together." Quote: What experiences have you had surviving in tropical climates? "None. I have only read books on the subject." Quote: Share an experience you had in dealing with a difficult person and how you handled the situation. "My research into Azlant led me to believe that Old Mage Jatembe had made some discoveries at the end of his life that might fill in some gaps in my own theories. There was mention in a tome I had read that 'Jatembe's Way Found The Key to the Lost Empire.' I believed that to be a mistake in translation. My own translation of the original text led me to think that 'Way Found' should have been 'Wayfinder.' So, I went looking for Jatembe's compass." "The Master of Relics at the Grand Lodge does not allow non-Pathfinders to access their museum or records. So, I went through the lengthy process of joining the Pathfinder Society. Then, once I thought I had the credentials necessary to do the research I wanted, I was still turned away. I was told that the Wayfinder had been thoroughly documented by veteran Pathfinders and that I was not going to uncover more than they had. I was directed to the library, where I could read copies of Jatembe's writings instead." "The Librarian is likewise not a helpful person. I had requested one of Old Mage Jatembe's books, believed to be the last he wrote before he vanished. A personal journal. I was given the book in question. It was locked. The Librarian told me there was no key, and that I was not allowed to damage the locking mechanism or remove the book from the premise. I know the book has been unlocked before. There are transcriptions of it and articles written about it's unfinished nature. I had read those. I wanted to see the original text. Apparently, the Librarian considers opening it some sort of test, or, it is simply amusing to him to frustrate researchers." "I have no skill in lockbreaking. Instead, I made a rubbing of the book's cover and the lock mechanism, and did research into Jatembe's belongings. It took some time, but eventually I figured out the answer I sought. It was obvious in retrospect. I went back to the Museum. I explained that I thought the wayfinder was a key to one of Jatembe's journals. The Master of Relics extremely reluctantly agreed to let me bring the Wayfinder to the Librarian to test my hypothesis." "The wayfinder did open the journal, just as I suspected." "However, the wayfinder would not come free from the journal. It became stuck in the mechanism. The Librarian and the Master of Relics were furious with each other over which of them would keep the now-joined historic artifacts. Since it was my fault, I suggested that I should try to figure out how to separate them. In their anger, they told me not to show my face at the library or the museum until it was done." "What they did not know is that before I used the Wayfinder to unlock the journal, I applied an alchemical glue to it." "If they had been willing to work with me, I would have been able to complete my research in a matter of days. Instead, they both decided to waste my time. So, I played them against each other. Now, I have the journal, the wayfinder, and as much time as I require to use them." Quote: Tell us how you organize, plan, and prioritize your work. "That would take days. I will attempt to summarize. There are seven different primary stratagems. In any given situation, the right combination of stratagems will yield success. Knowing the variables ahead of time, having the necessary resources at hand, and having enough time to plan makes it easy to predict which combination of stratagems is best. That said, I have found we are rarely afforded those luxuries. As such, the best way to prepare is an intricate, adaptive web of contingencies." "While the nuance is complex, the results are artistic in their simplicity and execution. Imagine a landmark on the horizon. Move towards it, be prepared for as many things that might get in your way as you possibly can, adapt as you encounter them, and always keep moving in the direction of your goal." Quote: Name a time when you identified strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions to problems. What was the impact that your insights had? "I will reiterate the seven stratagems. They correspond to the seven schools of magic. In any given situation, I am weighing the risks and rewards of all of them, and choosing the best option. It is how I live my life." "The impact of my insights is that I am now the most powerful graduate to come out of the Arcanamirim academy in a human lifetime." Quote: In your experience, what is the key to developing a good team? "Clear goals, a capable leader, team members who are willing to put the team's needs ahead of their own, and time." Quote: How are you affiliated with the Pathfinder Society? "I am a recent member. I joined in order have access to the Society's records. I believe I can add to them significantly." Quote: As you will NOT be able to answer the previous question truthfully in the interview at Almas, explain how and why you are qualified to be accepted on this Expedition for reasons that have nothing to do with your Society Affiliation. "I am an Arcanamirum trained wizard with a background in archaeology, specializing in Azlanti history." Quote: Provide a time when you were able to identify a complex problem, evaluate the options, and implement a solution. Spectrum held up Jatembe's journal. The wayfinder was not stuck to the cover. Quote: Finally, why do YOU want to be a part of this Expedition? "I am an Arcanamirum trained wizard with a background in archaeology, specializing in Azlanti history."
Current Effects: Cover: Orbius Onx, sea elf sailor. HP 8/8, AC 14, CMD 11, Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3, Init +2, Per +7, Admixture 9/9
Answering the interview questions is going to take me a while. I want have a large enough block of time in front of a computer until Monday night. Should be fun though. I already have some fun ideas for answers.
Current Effects: Cover: Orbius Onx, sea elf sailor. HP 8/8, AC 14, CMD 11, Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3, Init +2, Per +7, Admixture 9/9
Prologue: The corner of Spectrum's mouth twitched upward slightly at Ayse's subtle suggestion. "A demonstartion, then." he said. "Not here. I would not risk damaging anything in this room. Or the room itself." He led Shaine and Ayse to a small training yard outside and extended a hand. A fifteen foot torrent of fire erupted from his splayed fingers and left a smoldering ruined triangle on the ground. Burning Hands
Spectrum knew that the practiced eye of the master of scrolls would easily see that the intensity of the flames was much stronger than the typical Burning Hands spell taught at the arcane academies. Even still, throwing fire was not terribly impressive. Spectrum barely moved, but in the wake of the flames a scathing burst of howling blizzard followed, putting out the fire and leaving the scorched ground covered in a layer of rime. Cold Admixture Burning Hands
Spectrum has literally the most powerful evocation available at his level. There's no mechanical way to make it stronger (I looked). And, he can change the energy types around. I'm not sure what the DCs of the Spellcraft and Knowledge Arcana checks would be to know that in game, but i'm betting Shaine has some pretty good ranks there. "If you'd like, I can cast it again, underwater."
Current Effects: Cover: Orbius Onx, sea elf sailor. HP 8/8, AC 14, CMD 11, Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3, Init +2, Per +7, Admixture 9/9
Prologue: Spectrum gave Ayse a small nod before focusing on the Master of Scrolls. The elf's face was stoic and thoughtful but his eyes gleamed with focus and excitement. "I would be happy to. I am unaware of what Ayse has told you, so you will have to be more specific about what I can do to convince you." "My primary fields of study are theories of arcane fundementals, applied evocation, and the history of lost civilizations. How wold you like me to convince you?"
GM, answer to background question:
One of Jatembe's books was locked. It was a moderately difficult lock. The pathfinders had long since opened it, but half out of respect for the Old Mage and half for their own anusement, they kept locking it again. Anyone who wanted to read it had to unlock it. Spectrum wasn't much good at lock picking, but he was very good at research. The lock was shaped strangely. Essentially a disk shaped depression with some flanges. In the pathfinder museum on another floor of the Grand lodge the society had Old Mage Jatembe's wayfinder. In the end, it was a bet that proved spectrum's theory. If the wayfinder opened the locked book, spectrum got to keep the book. If it didnt, Spectrum had to join an expedition and get out of the librarian's hair. The librarians seemed to think the bet was amusing. Spectrum was right. The wayfinder fit into the face of the book, and with a click it opened. That's when Spectrum discovered the joke. The book was nearly empty. Only a few pages of notes, including a to-do list and a recipie for Tien chicken. The joke wasn't quite as funny for the librarians as it seemed. The wayfinder was stuck. It wouldn't come out, and the book now belonged to Spectrum. They sent him on the expedition anyway. [Ooc]there's a little more to my idea about the book and it's wayfinder lock, but this will do for now. We can discuss the rest later when the game gets underway. I'd love a link to the game tables so we can get our dots in.
Current Effects: Cover: Orbius Onx, sea elf sailor. HP 8/8, AC 14, CMD 11, Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3, Init +2, Per +7, Admixture 9/9
"It looks like it will hold if we cross one at a time." Spectrum said eying the bridge. "Still, I think precaution is advisable." He took the short sword from Array and handed him a length of rope instead. Then he passed the short sword to Reynard.
Current Effects: Cover: Orbius Onx, sea elf sailor. HP 8/8, AC 14, CMD 11, Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3, Init +2, Per +7, Admixture 9/9
Spectrum nodded and quickly stacked the equipment with small waves of his hand. The swords he had to move without the aid of magic. "We can come back for this when we are done."
Current Effects: Cover: Orbius Onx, sea elf sailor. HP 8/8, AC 14, CMD 11, Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3, Init +2, Per +7, Admixture 9/9
Spectrum glanced back over his shoulder at Wyam's words, then moved through the hall and rolled the sphere of water back past himself, making sure to roughly slam the lizards against the wall with the sphere's crashing currents. It stopped next to Wyam. Move action, move. Standard action, move sphere. Self and orb moved on map. Lizards get a new save to try to escape (escape deposits them randomly along the orb's path), but they are both Entangled by the orb until they get free. DC 22 Reflex. Spectrum raised his eyebrow at his partner. If the lizards don't get free they take another 2d6 damage at the beginning of their action.
Current Effects: Cover: Orbius Onx, sea elf sailor. HP 8/8, AC 14, CMD 11, Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3, Init +2, Per +7, Admixture 9/9
Oh, I see what happened. Not that it matters since all the saves were failed, but one of the lizards should have had to roll twice and take the lower (Ill Omen). When I originally read your post I thought I was seeing the top roll for one lizard's save against the sphere and the bottom two for the other lizard's save with Ill Omen.
Current Effects: Cover: Orbius Onx, sea elf sailor. HP 8/8, AC 14, CMD 11, Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3, Init +2, Per +7, Admixture 9/9
Flaming Sphere's rules specifically states that it is snuffed out by anything that can quench a fire of it's size, and Aqua Orb states that it snuffs out any fires it moves across and acts as dispel magic against magical fires. The question is whether those things still apply if the Sphere is no longer made of fire. The other option is that the sphere still counts as fire for all purposes except the damage type (which is the rules-literal ruling, but seems really wrong to me).
Current Effects: Cover: Orbius Onx, sea elf sailor. HP 8/8, AC 14, CMD 11, Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3, Init +2, Per +7, Admixture 9/9
Another question- I think that normally an Aqueous Orb would snuff out a Flaming Sphere. If I were to change a Flaming Sphere's damage type to Electricity or Cold and overlap the two orbs, what would happen?
Current Effects: Cover: Orbius Onx, sea elf sailor. HP 8/8, AC 14, CMD 11, Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3, Init +2, Per +7, Admixture 9/9
I think the tanglefoot save was forgotten. I'm not entirely sure how the tanglefoot bag effect (glue to ground) interacts with the orb effect (forced move). GM, what's your ruling?
Current Effects: Cover: Orbius Onx, sea elf sailor. HP 8/8, AC 14, CMD 11, Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3, Init +2, Per +7, Admixture 9/9
Knowledge Arcana?: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (2) + 22 = 24 Knowing that he did not want the guard creatures escaping or sounding an alert, Spectrum cast a spell to try to contain them. He took a gamble on the creature's electrical nature. A rolling ball of water crashed through the narrow hall and swept up the lizards. [ooc]Moving the orb along the eastern wall, hitting the closest one (and maybe taking it with the orb). Ending the orb's moment where the farther away lizard is. Reflex DC 22. If target fails they take 2d6 damage and have to make another save or be engulfed and moved with the orb.
Current Effects: Cover: Orbius Onx, sea elf sailor. HP 8/8, AC 14, CMD 11, Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3, Init +2, Per +7, Admixture 9/9
I have played myself in the treeline ~200 feet from the south gate. That's where I think we should start from. The icons will need to be resized to fit the 20' scale. Spectrum and the Black Arrows can start with arrows from there, and Wyam can wait until the close distance before charging out. Reynard, do you have a ranged weapon?
Current Effects: Cover: Orbius Onx, sea elf sailor. HP 8/8, AC 14, CMD 11, Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3, Init +2, Per +7, Admixture 9/9
"Perhaps we want to approach things similarly to what we just did. A volley of arrows to get the attention of the ones near the gate should draw them out. If the others inside are too stupid to investigate the sounds, it will divide them."