Ilverae Parastric

Spect_Spidey's page

21 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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I prefer the Beginner's Box rules because I run the game for my wife and 8 year old son. Neither of which want to learn too many rules or options. The complexity of the Corebook and determining what feats, spells, ect. to keep in our game would detract from the limited time I have to design adventures for them. A second box set would allow me to make some higher level adventures, add more class/race variety and maybe a few more rules without having to teach them alot of new stuff. For example it is a whole lot easier to teach them that at level 6 a fighter can make an extra attack and casting a spell with an adjacent enemy can evoke an attack of opportunity than it is to try and explain combat maneuvers etc. It is basically me paying Paizo to do the work of simplifying and streamlining the game for me so I have more time to play. If I had to read a 500+ page rulebook AND determine what rules I wanted to keep and omit, I wouldn't have time to play. Which would mean I would have no reason to buy any Paizo products.

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I completely agree. My wife and 8 year old son wouldn't play the full version of Pathfinder, too many options & too many rules. But this they can play and enjoy. I would love to be able to take them beyond level 5. I think to level 10 would be good for the next box. It could also include haflings, half elves, and gnomes. And add in another four classes. Maybe paladins, druids, bards, and sorcerers?

Heck when I discovered the Beginner Box, I read lots of reviews on it. I bought the PDF version and was so impressed when I finished reading it that I went right out and bought the retail version. I have not been excited about role playing in years, but this product has brought back the joy. I look forward to playing this whenever my family has a chance.