Full Name |
Sparhawk |
Race |
Human |
Classes/Levels |
Magus (Bladebound Eldritch Scion of Destiny) 2; HP 20/20, Init +0, AC 15/FF 15/T 10; F5+4, R +0, W +3; Per +4; CMB +4 CMD 13 |
Gender |
Male |
Size |
Medium |
Age |
28 |
Alignment |
NG |
Languages |
Common |
Strength |
16 |
Dexterity |
10 |
Constitution |
14 |
Intelligence |
10 |
Wisdom |
10 |
Charisma |
16 |
About Sparhawk.
Magus 2 (Bladebound Eldritch Scion of Destiny)
NG Male Human, Age: 28, Height: 6ft 1in, Weight: 194 lbs
Senses: Low-light Vision, Perception +4
HP : 20 (2d8+4 con+2 favored)
AC : 15, FF 15, Touch 10 (10 base + 4 armor + 1 shield)
CMD : 13 (10 base + 3 str + 0 dex)
Fort: +5 (3 base, 2 con)
Ref : +0 (0 base)
Will: +3 (3 base)
BAB : +1
CMB : +4
Init: +0
Spd : 30 ft
Melee: Estoc, +4 (2d4+4/18-20x2); Cestus, +4 (1d4+3/19-20/x2); Cold Iron Dagger, +4 (1d4+3/19-20x2); Glaive-Guisarme, +4 (1d10+4/x3, brace); Heavy Flail, +4 (1d10+4/19-20/x2); Sap, +4 (1d4+3/x2, nonlethal); MW Longsword, +5 (1d8+4/19-20/x2)
Ranged: Light Crossbow, +1 (1d8/19-20/x2)
Special Attacks: Arcane Pool (4/4), Spell Combat, Destined Strike (+1 attack 3/day)
Class Abilities:
Magus, Bladebound Eldritch Scion: Weapon Proficiency (All simple, martial), Light Armor Proficiency, Eldritch Pool (4 points, enter mystical focus for 2 rounds, or swift action to grant weapon +1 enhancement for 1 minute for 1 point), Spell Combat (full attack at -2 and cast a spell, can take a penalty on attacks to add to concentration), Cantrips and Spells (as bard using charisma), Bloodrager Bloodline (Destined), Spellstrike (Substitute melee attack for touch attacks at highest BAB, spells can critical x2 damage based on weapon threat range)
Destined Strike (Su): 3/day free action, +1 level insight to one melee attack.
Magical Lineage (Shocking Grasp)
Finding Your Kin (the Bhelliom: +1 hp/skill from magus levels)
Heirloom Weapon (Estoc Proficiency)
Drawback: Family Ties (Knightly order, must fulfill order's requests or -2 penalty to wis/cha checks, DC 20 will save)
Racial Abilities:
Human: +2 Strength, Fey Magic (3 0th level druid spells, one 1st level druid spell per day, Diplomacy and Perception class skills, low-light vision), Focused Study (Diplomacy)
Favored Class (Magus): +1/4 Magus Arcane Pool, HP, or skill point
Human: Skill Focus (Diplomacy)
Level 1: Quickdraw
Magus: 6 (4 base + 2 favored)
Diplomacy +12 (1 rank, 3 cha, 3 class, 3 feat, 2 spell)
Intimidate +7 (1 rank, 3 cha, 3 class)
Know Arcana +4 (1 rank, 0 int, 3 class)
Know Planes +4 (1 rank, 0 int, 3 class)
Perception +4 (1 rank, 0 wis, 3 class)
Spellcraft +4 (1 rank, 0 int, 3 class)
Climb +2 (0 rank, 3 str, -1 armor)
Swim +2 (0 rank, 3 str, -1 armor)
Languages: Common
Slots Per Day: 3
Cantrips: (5) Arcane Mark, Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Light, Open/Close
1st: (3) Shocking Grasp, Keep Watch, +1
Fey Spells: Enhanced Diplomacy, Know Direction, Endure Elements
Concentration +5 (2 level, 3 cha)
Caster Level check: +2 (2 level)
Chain shirt, Light Steel Quickdraw Shield
Bolts, Candles (3), Chalk (4), Crowbar, Fishhook, Flask (2) Grappling Hook, Hammer, Oil (2pt), Magnet, Marbles, Pitons (3), 10ft Pole, Sack, Sewing Needle, Twine (50ft), Fighters Kit (Backpack, Bedroll, Blanket, Flint and Steel, Mess Kit, Pot, Rope (Hemp 50ft), Soap, Trail Rations (5), Torch (10), Pouch, Waterskin), Whetstone, Explorer's outfit, Winter outfit, Tabard.
Funds: 3gp, 7cp