Spacemage9508's page

* Pathfinder Society GM. 1 post. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 16 Organized Play characters.



As they say, long time reader, first time poster. I would also be lying if I said that I have read all 315 prior posts on this topic so I apologize if I am recovering old ground. Although I understand the desire to replay a scenario, particularly if you have burned it as the GM, I strongly feel that the single play policy is what has defined and separated the PFS from LFR. I enjoy the mystery of the story of the mod, and have found LFR frustrating when the table is mostly power gamers replaying the mod for the 5th time in order to mini-max their characters. In fact, I feel it has been difficult to judge the value of 4E as a game due to the format and agenda of the way its organized play has been implemented. On the other hand, as a casual once or twice a month player I do find that if I miss a month I miss several mods and will probably never get to play them because people can't replay them. I also admit that not all judges are created equal, and some really great mods deserve a second run when the judge ends up "lacking" for some reason. For these reasons I ask that a change to the current system be made with extreme caution. The Pathfinder RPG has won me over due to the talent and craftsmanship of its writers, and I would hate to see the game lose this due to the creation of a replay system that makes the crunch of the mods lose their relevance.