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We need a template book from paizo with rules and such. I submit this to paizo. Though I'm partially joking, I'm also being very serious.

Secret Wizard wrote:

You are restricted by your lowest Max Dex.

Armor Training DOES increase your Max Dex for your Tower Shield too, so if you are wearing full plate, you work off that +1 MD.

I think I understand now. The +2 MD(Max Dex) bonus from armor training would make the Shield go from a +2 to +4 and the armor go from +1 to +3. As you said the shield is considered armor for armor training purposes. I just go with the lowest MD of the two, and the ACP(Armor Check Penalty) from both are stacked together and the reduction is taken away from the total of both combined, correct?

I'm still a little confused here. Do the max dex mods stack making the +1 MD(Max Dex) for full plate and the +2 MD for tower shield a grand total of plus three. Or is the MD for both limited by the total allowed by the tower shield's MD of +2 no matter how high the armor goes. My usual GM is saying I can only go by which ever is lower because the shield is a shield and not armor. Maybe I'm over thinking this.