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Today, Steve Jackson Games released a bunch of GURPS PDFs on OneBookShelf/DriveThruRPG/RPGNow. It's a far cry from the much larger library of PDFs they are selling on their own store. Prior to today, Steve Jackson Games sold PDFs exclusively on their own store, making them one of only two moderate-sized RPG publishers not selling through OBS. There is now only one medium-sized RPG publisher who refuses to sell their PDFs through DrivethruRPG: Paizo. ![]()
Wizards of the Cost just released a reprint of the Spell Compendium, more than a year after bringing it back as a PDF. As far as I can tell, there are no changes from the 2013 edition. They also released a reprint of the AD&D module I6: Ravenloft. This represents a minor change in course for WotC. Since 2015, most of their classic reprints have been of AD&D products, and this is only the second "major" 3rd edition hardcover to be reprinted in the last two years (after the Draconomicon) Like with other recent reprints, and like with the PDFs they've been releasing, there was no announcement or publicity effort on WotC's part. Instead, they just quietly added a few more print products to their OneBookShelf library, along with a few more PDFs like they usually do on Tuesdays. The Spell Compendium is also, as far as I know, the first 3rd edition rulebook to be reprinted twice after the release of 4e. I think we can probably expect to see continuing slow trickle of the more popular pre-5e D&D books getting reprints, likely without announcements. ![]()
How is it that there isn't already a thread about this thing? Open Gaming Store wrote:
The only thing I like about Paizo's Paladin is the Mercy class feature. I'm wondering what methods are available to get Mercy without being a paladin. In other words, I am looking either for another class that gets Mercy by default, another class which can choose Mercy as one of its options, or another class and archetype combination which gets Mercy. The ways to get Mercy that I am currently aware of are: 1)RJ Grady's Merciful Oracle Curse (though it gives delayed advancement and comes with extra restrictions).
Are there any others? ![]()
You and your allies have been
Greetings, Paizonians! For a little over two years now, I have been running a Pathfinder game called The Pyramid of Shadows on this forum. For almost the entire time, we have had four players, but one of those four was just recently dropped for reasons completely unrelated to the game Spoiler: . Hence, the three remaining players and I are looking for one new player to join the game.
(they were banned from the paizo.com forums) This campaign is loosely based on the 4e adventure module Pyramid of Shadows. The original module contains almost no plot, or NPC details, and consists mostly of descriptions of locations where an adventure could happen, along with stat-blocks (the latter of which I can't use, since they all use 4e rules). However, the adventure location is sufficiently strong that it inspired me to run a campaign set in the Pyramid of Shadows, but with my own NPCs and plot mixed in. We're just over two years in, and we're probably about half-way done with the adventure/campaign. The game is set in the Planescape/Spelljammer/D&D universe, but so far has taken place almost entirely inside a demi-plane prison, the titular Pyramid of Shadows, in which the PCs were entrapped at the beginning of the campaign. The Pyramid travels around the Great Wheel, and engulfs unwitting planeswalkers, most of whom assimilate into the Pyramid's internal society. There are no known exits. Your character should either just now be sucked into the Pyramid (so that you can meet up with the other PCs), or you can write the backstory of your character's prior life in the Pyramid up to this point in time. Either way, your character should be willing and able to team up with the three current PCs. As a player, I do not require you to have in-depth knowledge of Planescape. Wait, so what's going on? What happened in the last two years? What are we trying to do now?
The campaign began in Sigil, and the PCs encountered a pair of dragonborn bandits, who claimed that the rest of their group had mysteriously vanished a few weeks earlier. At that point, all the players saw the spectre of a tiefling appear, and the specter spoke separately into each of their minds. The tiefling, who called himself Karavakos, lured the PCs and the dragonborn towards a miniature pyramid, which expaned and engulfed the PCs, trapping them in the extra-dimensional Pyramid of Shadows. Karavakos' specter told the PCs that the only way to escape is to kill him "three times." West of the entry chamber, the PCs made acquaintance with a group of sahuagin and harpies. The sahuagin explained that the Pyramid of Shadows travels around the Great Wheel, entrapping people from various planes. They explain that Karavakos, the Pyramid's first prisoner, can steer its location, and that there are no known ways to escape. No one needs to eat, drink or sleep in the Pyramid, nor do they feel the negative effects of aging. There is an arbitrary convention among the Pyramid's residents dictating which direction "North" and "South" are. The harpies also reveal that the remainder of the dragonborn's group had entered the Pyramid a few weeks earlier, and the dragonborn seperate from the PCs. At the suggestion of the sahuagin, the PCs return to the entry chamber and retrieve an artifact called the Head of Vyrellis.
The PCs left the arboreans and continued exploring the Pyramid. They recovered a moonstone containing one Splinter of Vyrellis, but their confidence in Vyrellis was further shaken when they encountered her headless body, which was animated as a golem and attacked them.
Needing to rest, the PCs returned to the lair of the sahuagin and harpies, and found that many of their allies were either dead or taken captive. While the PCs were exploring, the dragonborn clan that the PCs heard about earlier raided the sahuagin and took two harpies hostage.
Driven by their two current tasks and the fact that they had explored much of the first floor, the PCs journey to the second floor of the pyramid. The PCs made their way to the Blizzard Caverns, a series of very cold chambers in the Pyramid in which the ice dragon Thoraska resides, along with a retinue of fey.
The staff of Medragal turned out to be an intelligent item, which pressured the PCs to head to the third floor, but the PCs resisted. The PCs concocted a plan to defeat Karavakos: they would seek to recruit people from various factions of the Pyramid into a cross-factional alliance, which they would lead to face the real Karavakos and/or escape the Pyramid.
Rules for Character Creation
There are two big options you have for your character's background. The first (and easiest) is that your character is just now being brought into the Pyramid, in the same way the current PCs were at the beginning of the game. You have a great deal of freedom in deciding what your character experienced before becoming trapped in the Pyramid.
When will recruitment end?
In this game, you must come up with entertaining, sarcastic, and comedic reasons for Paizo to hate various things. In each post, you should state a thing for Paizo to hate. In every post except for the first one, you should explain why Paizo hates the thing stated in the post above yours. So, the thread should go like this: First Post: Paizo hates A! Second Post: Paizo hates A because B.
Third Post: Paizo hates C because D.
Fourth post: Paizo hates E because F.
etc. VERY IMPORTANT RULES 1. Explanations must be humorous! Please do not try to turn this thread into an argument, or propose "real" reasons Paizo might actually "hate" something. Even if you can think of a serious reason Paizo might hate something, don't say it: give a sarcastic and/or comedic reason instead.
2. Explanations should be unexpected!
3. Do not insult other players, or any other real people. 4. Declarations of hate may be followed by an exclamation point (i.e. "Paizo hates X!"), but it is not required. 5. By posting in this thread, you implicitly agree to the Terms and Conditions of this thread. Terms may include sending anonymous usage data to a server for analysis, forfeiture of soul, and anything else I haven't bothered to say. A complete list of the Terms and Conditions may be found at www.realsarcasmdragon.137ben.gov/threads/let-the-hate-flow-through-you/term sofuse/souls. So without further ado, I'll start: Paizo hates plums! ![]()
Bundle of Holding is doing a massive discount bundle on Mongoose Legend PDFs for the next two weeks. $6 gets you the core rules of Legend along with several supplements, and $14 gets a bunch more supplements. For those unfamiliar with the system, Mongoose Legend is a d100-based fantasy RPG system (though it is a lot more universal than other "fantasy" systems). It is distantly related to the Basic Roleplaying system used in CoC, and also related to some editions of Runequest. The core rules for Legend cost only $1 on OBS or £0.66 from the publisher's own store. It is also available in hardcover from the publisher's store, though of course it's more expensive. Much like with Pathfinder, many of the supplements are usually quite a bit more expensive than the core rules, to let people get into core easily. While the Bundle of Holding offer is open, though, you can get almost all the supplements cheap. Also, 100% of the rules of Legend are Open Gaming Content. ![]()
Bundle of Holding is doing two massively-discounted bundles of Monte Cook/Malhavoc Press d20 products. If you aren't familiar with Bundle of Holding, it is a lot like the Humble Bundle Paizo did recently, but BoH deals exclusively with tabletop RPG bundles The first, the Ptolus and Malhavoc bundle, includes both Monte Cook's Ptolus: City by the Spire (which normally costs $60 even for a PDF) and the Ptolus Player's Guide for only $20. If you pay $25, you also get the "bonus collection" which includes several other Monte Cook supplements written for D&D 3.5. At the same time, they are doing another bundle of Malhavoc products, Malhavoc Arcana, which collects Arcana Evolved and some other 3.5 and d20 products by Monte Cook, Mike Mearls, Bruce Cordell and Wolfgang Baur. ![]()
Greetings Paizonians,
The world and setting:
Wait, what happened in the last two years of the game?
Campaign summary begins here:
Upon landing in Dvaarnava, those four were quickly diverted from the other arriving passengers and were ushered into a hidden cavern. Seemingly by chance, also arriving in the cavern were Helac the kalashtar and Acorn the oakling, both of whom were previous residents of Adar. These were the other two original PCs. Once all six adventurers were together, a kalashtar named Qara (or ‘Q’) revealed herself. Qara explained that she and her partner had orchestrated their arrival in Adar and at this location in particular to recruit them for an important task. Qara claims to be an ally of the Summit Road, a group of Adarans dedicated to protecting their land from Riedra. She also explains that a Riedran conquest would be devastating not just for Adar, but for Khorvaire as well. Qara initially sends the PCs to investigate an anomalous confluence of extra-planar portals detected in Syrkarn, which she fears could be turned into a weapon by the Inspired. Qara’s partner, a xeph named Sidrian (or ‘S’), psychoports the PCs to an area near the western border of Adar, from which the PCs have to proceed on foot. (Neither Q nor S can go with the PCs, as their intelligence suggests they will be needed to ward off an open invasion from Riedra along the eastern border. S couldn’t teleport the PCs directly to where they needed to go because the Shroud restricts teleportation within Adar.) The PCs never actually left Adar, though, as they were quickly side-tracked into another adventure. The PCs found that an Inspired lord had managed to sneak into Adar for the first time in centuries, but that he had already been killed. His killer was not a defender of Adar, but a group of yuan-ti from Syrkarn with unknown motives. The PCs investigated these yuan-ti further, and discovered that they were searching for something called the Tremble Tooth, after previously obtaining the Shadow Tooth. Upon further investigation, the PCs eventually discovered an ancient city buried deep underground in Adar. The city had been inhabited by yuan-ti thousands of years earlier. By the time they had arrived at the city, however, Acorn, Esmeralda, and Haazek had been separated from the other three. Esmeralda’s player announced that they had had a change in work schedule and so needed to drop out of almost all pbps. Haazek’s player disappeared completely without prior notice, and stopped posting anywhere on Paizo.com. Acorn’s player stated that he really disliked psionics and didn’t want to play in a game in which psionics would play a large role (I think he was previously unfamiliar with Eberron, or he would have known not to sign up for a game set in Sarlona.) Those three were made NPCs, separated from the group, and have not been seen in-character since. At this time, the three remaining PCs encountered three others: Kiana, Nik’o, and Tierney the new PCs arrived on the outskirts of the underground city shortly after Helac, Gedeon, and Revion. These three had also been recruited by Q and S, but they had actually been sent to this area. Qara soon contacted all six of the PCs telepathically, and asked them to find the Tremble Tooth from the Starlight Tomb in the center of the city. Along the way, the PCs witnessed a halfling named Charivia being brought back to life by a shapeshifter for unknown purposes. They also encountered a bunch of yuan-ti, all with Syrk accents, in the “abandoned” city. By the time the PCs found and entered the Starlight Tomb, both Gedeon and Tierney had been separated from the group. Tierney’s player posted saying they would no longer be able to access the forum regularly, and so dropped out of all games. Gedeon’s player just vanished without a word, and stopped posting anywhere on this website and didn’t respond to PMs. Once they were inside the Starlight Tomb, the PCs encountered two other groups that had arrived slightly ahead of them. The first was a small group of the Harmonious Shield, led by a changeling named Leehlan. Leehlan and his followers had come to Adar and broken in to the Starlight Tomb to acquire an artifact from the Age of Giants. The other group they encountered in the Tomb were part of a Syrk tribe called the Prugshuuns, consisting of a mix of yuan-ti, eneko, and humans. They are also looking for the Tremble Tooth, but they are just as hostile to the Riedrans as they are to the PCs. The PC learn that the Prugshuun are part of a three-way rivalry among the major Syrk tribes. One of their enemies is the Shaaral tribe from norther Syrkarn, and the Shaaral are widely believed to be under the influence of the Inspired. Kiana also realizes that her family was killed by the Shaaral. The Syrk also claim that their Queen is a direct decended of Fremaryllis, the ancient king who was buried in this tomb. To get into the vault with the Tremble Tooth, the PCs needed to collect four Keys hidden throughout the tomb, as well as a “living key.” They discover through eavesdropping that the leader of the group of Prugshuun, called Lord Anesti, has gone to search outside of the tomb for the living key. The PCs ultimately get the four keys, and drive off or kill most of the Harmonious Shield soldiers (but not the leader). Anesti returns to the Tomb and negotiates with the PCs over the Tremble Tooth. He agrees to let the PCs get the tooth if they can bring him a locket held by Leehlan (the leader of the Riedrans who are in the tomb). The PCs ultimately fight Leehlan and get his locket, but the changeling himself escapes alive. Once they have the locket, Anesti reveals that he was the one who brought Charivia back to life: she had been the living key before her death 100 years earlier. Bringing her back restored the Key, but also transferred it to Nik’o, making him the living key. Anesti’s followers are abruptly sent back to Syrkarn to deal with an event occurring there, but Anesti himself remains in Adar. With all the keys in tow, the PCs and Anesti enter the vault to encounter the ghost of King Fremaryllis and search for the Tremble Tooth…. Campaign summary ends here And here’s where you come in…
Character Creation First and foremost, your character ought to have a compelling background and motivations that connect them with Sarlona. If your character is not originally from Sarlona, what drove them to come here? What are they trying to accomplish? If your character is from Sarlona, what are their standings with respect to the major Sarlonan nations (Adar, Reidra, Syrkarn, and the Tashana Tundra)? Is your character affiliated with an existing faction within Sarlonan society? For bonus points, include two things your character is deeply afraid of.
Now, let’s move on to the crunch of your character. The PCs already in the game are currently level five (we are using the fast xp track), so you should create 5th level characters. I use a single xp value for all everyone, so you will start with the same xp total as the other PCs (currently 13,135).
Pre-approved sourcebooks:
…Oh, and since this fact caused some confusion for one of the original players who wasn’t familiar with the setting: Sarlona is the continent in Eberron with the most psions and psionics users. There will be many psionics-using NPCs, in addition to at least one psionics-using PC. If you are one of those people who doesn’t want psionics to be a part of your D&D games, this campaign probably isn’t for you. ![]()
The Second Edition of Mage: The Awakening was released today in PDF form. Mage: The Awakening is the third Chronicles of Darkness (formerly nWoD) game to get a second edition, after Vampire: The Requiem and Werewolf: The Forsaken (not counting the core Chronicles of Darkness rulebook). This release comes almost eleven years after the original Mage: the Awakening, and more than 20 years after the original Mage: The Ascension. Personally I've never cared much for the Mage line of WW/OPP products, so I'll probably skip this one, or at least wait for a sale. ![]()
From today through the end of April, OBS is hosting a 25% off sale on 233 5e products. Most of them are third party products, but it also includes 7 WotC adventures for 5e. Do y'all have recommendations for someone who is primarily not a 5e player? A bunch of the top-selling products in this sale are conversions of earlier products from one or more of 3.5, 4e, PF, Savage Worlds, Fate, and 13th Age. A smaller portion of them seem to be 5e-only (and those are the ones I'd be more likely to want to buy and use in a non-5e game). ![]()
Yesterday, the long-awaited Exalted 3rd Edition core rulebook was released to non-backers. This 659 page tome is available in PDF and hardcover. It reached the Gold best-seller status almost immediately, and I suspect it won't be long before it reaches Platinum. I haven't gotten my hands on a copy yet, though I hear it is good. Anyone here tried it yet? ![]()
Okay, I know I'm like, a whole day late on this thread, but the Beast: The Primordial core rules are now available in both print and PDF. If you haven't been following things in the CoD world, Beast: The Primordial is the newest stand-alone game in the Chronicles of Darkness world and franchise. With this release, there are now a grand total of 10 game lines for CoD, twice as many as for WoD Classic. (Overviews of the other nine CoD lines can of course be found on the main Chronicles of Darkness website.) Speaking personally, Beast doesn't sound as appealing to me as many of the previous CoD lines. I didn't back the Kickstarter for it, so I don't have any sort of early access. From what I hear, it can work well for crossover campaigns with other CoD lines, but I don't know the specifics. ![]()
Today, Additional Archetypes reached the level of platinum best-seller on the DMs Guild, the highest level on OBS. How big a deal is it? First, keep in mind that OBS medals only count the number of copies sold, so a $1 product reaching platinum isn't as big a deal as a $25 reaching platinum. They also don't tell us how may sales are required to reach each level. We can get a sense of the significance, however, by looking at other OBS sites. All OneBookShelf stores use the same system for best-seller medals, but they track sales separately across each site.
The Core Rulebook says Quote: Dodge Bonuses: Dodge bonuses represent actively avoiding blows. Any situation that denies you your Dexterity bonus also denies you dodge bonuses. (Wearing armor, however, does not limit these bonuses the way it limits a Dexterity bonus to AC.) Unlike most sorts of bonuses, dodge bonuses stack with each other. The magic chapter "combining magical effects" section, however, states Core Rulebook wrote: Same Effect More than Once in Different Strengths: In cases when two or more identical spells are operating in the same area or on the same target, but at different strengths, only the one with the highest strength applies. Haste grants a +1 dodge bonus to AC. If you repeatedly caste haste, the intro to the magic chapter says that the dodge bonuses don't stack, even though dodge bonuses normally stack. Specific overrides general, so going by the Core Rulebook alone, repeated casting of haste does not grant you an arbitrarily high AC, as the dodge bonuses from each casting of haste do not stack. However, Ultimate Magic contradicts this line of reasoning. In the Designing Spells section, Ultimate Magic states
Quote: Spells and magic items should never grant dodge bonuses because dodge bonuses always stack, and it would be a simple matter to stack various low-power items or spells with small dodge bonuses and get an incredibly high Armor Class more cheaply than by achieving that AC using the armor, deflection, enhancement, and natural armor bonuses in the game. If Ultimate Magic is correct, then repeated castings of Haste would have their dodge bonuses stack (the speed bonus still wouldn't stack, because that is an Enhancement bonus, and enhancement bonuses never stack with each other). If Ultimate Magic is correct, then both the CRB magic introduction and the Haste spell are in error. On the other hand, if the CRB is correct, then the line in UM stating that spells never grant dodge bonuses due to potential stacking abuse is wrong. At least two other spells are potentially affected by any ruling on this contradiction. Blessing of Fervor (Advanced Player's Guide) and Extreme Flexibility (Advanced Class Guide) both grant dodge bonuses. Extreme Flexibility was written after UM, suggesting either that it is a mistake, or that the UM rule has been overturned (if UM was ever even correct in the first place). ![]()
Today, the Dungeon Masters Guild hit a milestone: 1000 original 5e products! Also, WotC has updated things to allow Dungeon Masters Guild products for Ravenloft, and released their own guide to writing in Ravenloft for DMG authors. In the past couple of days, a Ravenloft product has become the #1 DMG product on the hottest sellers. I'm hoping the other WotC-owned campaign worlds will follow.... ![]()
Back when WotC was releasing the so-called "Premium Reprints" of older products, they stopped selling PDFs of the products that were up for reprint, presumably to help boost sales of the print products. The only two 3.5 supplements which got Premium Reprints were the Magic Item Compendium and the Spell Compendium. Now, three years, later, WotC has resumed sales of the Spell Compendium and Magic Item Compendium as PDFs. The new PDFs are supposedly based on the premium reprints. Previously when they re-released PDFs, people who had previously purchased the PDFs got them re-added to their library automatically, though sometimes with a delay. I don't know if they are doing it this time. Speaking as someone who has both books in print, I can say that the Magic Item Compendium is a must-have for anyone serious about running D&D 3rd edition or Pathfinder. Aside from a huge collection of magic items, the book presents new optional subsystems for combining and enhancing existing magic items. IMO, it is one of the best supplements I have ever used. The Spell Compendium is...far less spectacular. It's primarily just a big collection of spells, with some setting-specific names stripped out. While there were supposedly revisions to older spells, in reality very few were changed in more than name, except for 3.0 spells which were updated. The Spell Compendium is also far less "complete" than the MiC, as the SpC was released in 2005 and there are three years worth of supplements that weren't included in it. Some people think it's worth it just to have more spells in one place, others don't. In terms of digital products, it might be worth getting for the searcability that comes with digitization...or not. ![]()
EN Publishing, the publishing arm of the ENWorld website, has just released a Pathfinder conversion of Tournaments, Fairs, and Taverns! The original was released nearly 14 years ago and has gotten mostly good reviews (average 4.3/5 on OBS with 50 ratings). I can't tell from the description if there is any actual new content or whether it is just converted to use Pathfinder rules where applicable. ![]()
Shadowrun 5e products are half off on OBS for the rest of December!
There's been a recent trend of "what happened to <person who used to post a lot but stopped recently>?" threads, so I thought I'd continue the pattern. Until recently, LazarX was a frequent forumite who posted here almost every day. He was around in the forum years before me, and had 34,000 posts.
Bundle of Holding is selling a bunch of PDFs useful for GMs and world-creaters for a large discount. Most of the titles are system-neutral, but a couple of them are aimed specifically at d20 rules. You can either get the whole bundle for $18 (the total price would be $110 without the bundle), or just three of the PDFs for $7. This bundle appears to be aimed at those looking to improve their GMing skills.
Prior to seeing this bundle, I didn't know about any of the products in it. I'm reading through now, slowly, with more thorough comments and/or reviews possibly coming in the future.
I feel like I'd need quite a bit more information before purchasing.
In the "random weapon" chart of the Ultimate Equipment appendix, the table determining which type of mundane weapon is generated has a gap. The table jumps straight from 65 to 85. In another thread, Mark Seifter wrote Mark Seifter wrote:
It was suggested in that thread that the "missing" portion of the table should be in the FAQ, to make it easier to find. So the question is,
So if you care, FAQ away!
On page 168 of Ultimate Psionics, it says
(Emphasis mine). Back on page 157, however, Body Purification is listed under 3rd level Vitalist powers. Which is it supposed to be? Is it supposed to be a third level power like it is for the other 9th level manifesters (psion/wilder), or is it supposed to be a 2nd level Vitalist power like it is for the partial manifesters? ![]()
So, as of this writing, it appears that a large portion of Purple Duck Games' Pathfinder products are marked down between 20% and 30% in the OBS store. The price reductions are not currently mirrored in the Paizo store. I can't find any announcement about this sale, or how long it will last. Anyone know anything about it? ![]()
More than ten years after its print release, WotC has finally decided to release the core rules for d20 modern digitally. They might be taking a nod from Paizo in pricing it at a measly ten dollars. Or, it could just be the price they came up with on their own. As someone who's played very little d20 modern, I don't have much else to say on this subject. Do y'all think it is worth getting to mine for potential 3.5 house rules? ![]()
Bundle of Holding has an offer for the Midgard Campaign Setting and a bunch of its supporting material. ![]()
Advanced Race Guide Errata wrote:
(Emphasis mine) In the Advanced Race Guide, at least if the PRD is accurate, the Mask of Stoney Demeanor is a magic item, not a spell. Time to errata the errata? :) ![]()
This thread started in Pathfinder/Pathfinder RPG/General Discussion and was moved to 'Paizo Products'. This thread with the exact same topic involving a lot of the same people and following a near identical discussion trajectory was moved to Pathfinder/Pathfinder RPG/General Discussion. Is there a substantive difference requiring the two threads to be on different forums? Or is it just the result of having multiple human moderators? ![]()
Today, finally, WotC has finally seen fit to digitally rerelease the 1979 edition of the DMG. They released the 1e monster manual one week ago, and the 1e PHB two weeks ago. So at long last, people who still prefer to play 1e but hate physical books (or can't find copies to scan) can legally play. I'm going to guess that this rerelease mans WotC is not planning on reprinting the 1e core rules in the immediate future. Or, if they are, then they don't expect to sell them in the brick-and-mortar game stores, in keeping with the pro-local-store strategy they follow for Magic: The Gathering. ![]()
![]() Inspired by Petty Alchemy, I have created a thread for forum-misspellings of a certain popular D&D class. 1. Rooge
Occasionally, when I make a post with a spoiler-box, the spoiler cannot be opened. Clicking on 'show' has no effect. If I edit the post, the text inside the spoiler is still there, but if I wait an hour until I can no longer edit, the text inside the spoiler box is inaccessible to everyone. This happens only rarely, and if I catch it in the first hour, I can just repost and it is usually gone. The most recent time it happened to me was this post, where the second nested spoiler (titled 'giant') does not open.
Has anyone else experienced this glitch? Does anyone with knowledge of the forum's code know why it might be occurring?
A little while ago, I created a silly/joke thread. It was locked a mere 20 minutes after creation, and all replies were deleted. While it is the first time this happened to me, it is not the first time I have seen silly threads get locked almost immediately. Hence, the inquiry in the topic of this thread: is there a forum rule against satirical/comical threads? Are such threads required to be in a specific subforum? If such a rule does exist, I request that it be stated in the Community Guidelines, or somewhere else visible to the public. I believe making the 'real' forum rules (i.e., the rules being enforced) match the publicly stated forum rules would make it easier for users to comply with the rules. ![]()
So, Paizo just recently announced that they are coming out with a fifth bestiary, along with yet another softcover bestiary to tie into Occult Adventures. This is all too much! There's no way I can keep track of every monster in all the books. And it's not just five bestiaries--I also have the Monster Codex, Midgard Bestiary, the Mythic Monster Manual, the Inner Sea Bestiary, ToHC, the Advanced Bestiary, the Book of Monster Templates, 101 Not so Simple Templates, AND the psionic bestiary. And now the occult bestiary and B5. Add in 3.5 monster books and it's even more obscenely bloated--MM 1, 3, 4, and 5, two Fiendish Codices, LoM, Book of Templates, and Dragonomicon. And 3.0 monster books, MM2 and fiend folio. There's just no way anyone who doesn't spend their entire life on this game can hope to keep track of and use every monster. I didn't even want any of them beyond the first bestiary, but I had to waste money on them to keep playing the game! And that's not even counting the insane brokenness and bloat of templates. With just one book full of templates and one bestiary there are more combinations than I could every use. But there isn't just one book of templates, there's several. And several books of base monsters. And they keep getting more complicated with each new tome of bloat. It's too many rules to keep track of when I just want to play a game without having to comb through tens of thousands of pages of cheese. It's even worse due to the absurd levels of power creep. Just compare any bestiary 4 monster to a same-CR bestiary 1 monster. The new one is obviously far more powerful. Yes, obviously: I shouldn't need to explain what about the new monsters is more powerful, they just are. If you can't see the obvious power creep you aren't looking hard enough. The power creep makes everything in all the old monster books TOTALLY UNUSABLE! I feel like Paizo lied to us. Way back when they first introduced pathfinder, Paizo promised that they would avoid Bloating the game with power creep and an overabundance of splats. That was suppose to get us to buy into pathfinder. Lisa Stevens promised me, personally, that after the Bestiary 1 they would never release any content every again to avoid bloat. She said that that way, I could buy the core rulebook and bestiary without being forced to throw money away at a never ending stream of more bestiaries. That way, Pathfinder could remain a Living, Supported system without any new content to bloat it up. Now allegedly, Erik Mona announced as early as January 2009 that they'd be releasing several hardcovers of bloat every year, including bestiary bloat. But that information was hidden. There should have been a warning on the first Bestiary cover saying "DISCLAIMER: IF YOU BUY THIS, YOU WILL BE FORCED TO BUY A NEVER-ENDING STREAM OF MORE BESTIARIES OR THIS BOOK WILL BECOME UNUSABLE!" It's time for a new edition of the Bestiary to clean up the bloat. Frankly, I think it's long overdue. In the new edition, there should just be like three monsters total. Munchkins who want more can make them themselves--no need to ruin the game with bloat for the rest of us who just want to play normally. ![]()
I'm pretty sure I remember threads about D&D 6e before the 5e playtest was even released. IIRC there were threads about D&D 5e pretty early into 4e, as well. I wasn't paying attention to discussions about pathfinder back in 2009, since as far as I knew at the time, Paizo had gone out of business following the loss of the license to Dragon and Dungeon, and I didn't hear about pathfinder as a separately-marketed game until someone described the then-upcoming Ultimate Campaign to me. So for those of you who've been here longer, when was the first time the forums became flooded with threads about a new edition of pathfinder? Was it around the release of the Advanced Player's Guide? The Gamemastery Guide? The Core rulebook? Even earlier? Inquiring minds want to know.
Alignment Good Alignment Alignment Alignment Alignment Good.
If you disagree with anything I just said, you are not only Objectively Wrong, but you are the sole source of everything Wrong with the hobby! ![]()
OneBookShelf is doing a "Celebration of tabletop gaming sale, with an assortment of products 75% off. Among these are Rite Publishing's Heroes of the Jade Oath, by Frank Carr. If you like eastern-themed settings in your d20 games, it's a really good deal. If you don't like eastern-themed settings, a decent amount of the rules are still worth considering. The website gives no indication (that I can see?) as to how long the sale is for.
I was looking through OBS, and noticed a new adventure by Keith Baker, the author of Eberron, released less than a week ago. An additional search reveals that Baker has contributed to three other supplements with the same publisher in the last two weeks. I hadn't heard of Atlas Games until just now. Curiously, there is no mention of any of these supplements on Baker's blog. So, the questions I have for the forum are 1)Has anyone else seen this adventure?
So, there's been a lot of talk the the boards lately* about having too many rules in Pathfinder and needing to ban** a lot of content. Hence, I thought I'd make a thread for people*** to share which content they currently ban. Without further ado, I present my ban list: --Weapon Specialization
*Constantly for at least the last five years.
I've had three people drop out of a current campaign, and I am looking for replacements.
Original recruitment thread
Original recruitment thread wrote:
"Wait! What happened since the campaign started?": Well, you can read through the gameplay thread. But here is the TL, DR version:Most of the PCs arrived in Sarlona by boat (two were already there). After meeting up, they were recruited by a group of kalashtar fighting against the Dreaming Dark. The group was traveling to Sykarn to investigate some unusual phenomenon, but got sidetracked by a mysterious group of yuan-ti. The yuan-ti seem to be opposed both to the Dreaming Dark and to the kalashtar, and their motivations are currently unclear to the party. The party found an ancient 'abandoned' city underground from before humans and kalashtar occupied the region. They've just discovered that the city is not actually abandoned, and were about to search it for someone who they think is hiding there... ...and then three of the players contracted severe cases of Real Life. ![]()
Esmeralda, Haazek, Gedeon, Revion:
It's been a long journey, but it is finally coming to an end. The Lhazaarian ship is overcrowded, with people from all over Khorvaire, and representatives of all of the dragonmarked houses. All heading to the same place: Dvaarnava, Adar. The last part of the voyage had to be made without any navigational tools, magical or mundane, guided by an Adarian ship through a maze of caverns.
"We will dock momentarily!" The cry from behind the wheel continues "Have your belongings ready to leave the vessel and enter the city." "City" is not a word which would normally describe what you can see. Narrow passages along cliffs hanging above turbulent waves. Occasional holes in the cliffs allow passage by foot the mountains, if any city is here it is in these caves. A drawbridge extends from the vessel to one of the rugged paths, and a tall, elderly kalashtar stands at the end, ready to screen passengers for Quori influence. Helac:
To return to Dvaarnava after so long away. And for what? A vision? Every night for the past week, you have had a similar dream.
"Someone from your past shall soon enter through the port of Adar." "Soon, very soon." "Tomorrow, someone from your past shall arrive." The source of the message is never heard, but it resembles a high-pitched kalashtar's voice. Dvaarnava is barely a city--it is more like a scattering of villages throughout a series of caves. Almost immediately upon arrival, you notice a note attached to your bag. It's not something you put there, it just appeared spontaneously. Or someone put it there without you noticing. Meet me in the Thunderous Cavern. I have some allies for you. --Q Acorn: The caves of Dvaarnava are quite different from the forest. Nevertheless, it is far from being a large city, and there is plenty of plant life to go around. Nothing like the grand trees of Acorn's home forest, but cave moss.
Today something weird has happened to the moss on a nearby cave wall. It has been rearranged just as it comes into Acorn's view, into a message. "Allies of the forest await you in the Thunderous Cavern. --Q" Oddly, the message is written in Sylvan, not plant or something you would expect moss to use. ![]()
Posts that are mostly or entirely out of character should go here. The only exception are certain mechanics (e.g., attack rolls), which can go in the main gameplay thread.
A world away from the rest Eberron, Sarlona remains a land of mystery. It holds the secrets of the origins of humans. And an increasing number of scholars in both Khorvaire and Argonesson now believe that the source of the Mourning lies somewhere in Sarlona.
This is an interest check for an Eberron campaign that has been bouncing around my head and notes for awhile that is finally ready to be run. I expect most of the PCs to be from Khorvaire, and the group will just be arriving in Dvaarnava when the campaign starts. However, if you want to make a character native to Sarlona, you might be able to provided you have a sufficiently compelling background for your character. In any case, you should give a reason why your character has come to Dvaarnava. Setting: This game will be set in the Eberron campaign setting, originally written for 3.5. While it will start in Dvaarnava, it won't stay there, and I expect the game will go to a wide range of locations in Adar, Riedra, and Syrkarn.