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Male Aasimar Warlock (Hexblade) 1, AC 18, HP 11/11, Passive Perception 14, Init +2

[Going back in time a bit, before the portal, to answer Zeb's question.]

Nathaniel weighs his words before answering the old warrior, then says "I have a calling - that is I am sworn to a higher power. I was lead here to do something important, and now I know what that something is. So I go because I choose to try and rid the world of this evil, but also because ultimately I must." Then, with a wry smile as he passes a hand over his lean body he says "Despite my perhaps unimpressive physique I can assure you that I have seen my share of fighting already. My faith and force of will guides my sword arm as surely as your muscles guide yours."

[Back to the present.]

Nathaniel seems a bit surprised as the bag of gold appears in his hands, and a portal appears in the room. However he is eager to begin this quest and steps confidently through the gate after Syndra is carried through.