A person in my Pathfinder group has proposed running a homebrew campaign that will be extremely low magic. It will be so low that we are going to be restricted to taking pure martial only classes, that is barbarian, cavalier (no samurai), fighter and rogue (no ninja). The monk and paladin and ranger variants without spellcasting are considered too mystical for the setting. In this setting non-human races compose less than one percent of the world population, there is no divine magic and arcane casters do exist but they are extraordinarily rare. We will not have easy access to any magic items including potions, wands and scrolls. Healing will be done through heal checks. Basically combat will be very deadly. We will mainly only be fighting classed humans. I do not know how he is planning on having us advance as we level.
We will start at third level. Its going to be getsalt but the other class has to be a non-adept NPC class. It mainly gives you a background and extra skill points as everyone will be an expert or aristocrat. My first thought when considering a class was survivability. With no healing magic, a high AC, DR and HP seemed essential. I was thinking of starting with a cavalier of the shield and then going into stalwart defender. The cavalier of the shield ability resolute, which converts a little bit of lethal damage to non-lethal damage, and the bonus to heal checks seemed very powerful. The defender of course has DR, d12 hit die and AC bonuses. I would have a starting AC of 25 or 26 which I think would make me extremely difficult to hit (+9 fullplate + 1 DEX + 4 tower shield + 1 dodge and maybe + 1 shield focus). I would have a +8 to hit which does not seem that bad (+3 BAB +4 STR +1 weapon focus +1 mounted +1 masterwork -2 tower shield).
He also said that he might allow one person to play a non-divine magic user. I normally only play characters that can use magic and thought about playing a sorcerer. The more I thought about it I started to think that a sorcerer would break the game. Enemies would have no magic of their own or anti-magic defenses. If everyone we are fighting are going to be barbarians, cavaliers, fighters and rogues then colorspray, glitterdust, fly and confusion are going to be unstoppable.
I have several concerns about such a setting. It seems that turtling up is the best option and combat would get stale. Saving throws seem marginalized as most saving throws are versus magic especially will and reflex. I think the focus is going to be on roleplaying so my concerns about combat may be unwarranted.
Has anyone played anything such as this? It almost seems like a different system might be better which is designed with no magic and a more detailed melee combat system.