Pathfinder Adventure Path #115: Trail of the Hunted (Ironfang Invasion 1 of 6) (PFRPG)

Sonya 'Garuda' Kasmarek's page

22 posts. Alias of R0B0GEISHA.


LL0 GMS Everest "The Way She Goes" | H: 0 A: 0 S: 0 E: 2 SIZE: 1 | STRUCTURE: 4/4 HP: 10/10 ARMOR: 0 | STRESS: 4/4 HEAT: 0/8 REPAIR: 4/5 | SPD: 4 EVA: 10 EDEF: 8 SENS: 10 SAVE: 10

About Sonya 'Garuda' Kasmarek