
Solnes's taig's page

17 posts. Alias of Solnes.


Solnes wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Sweet Synn wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Jilly Bean wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
You planning on getting some tonight? Then go shave. :P
Oh no he didn't
Oh yes he di-id. Now deal with it.
Deal with it? Pshhh
Pshhh me again and you can learn what it feels like to be my shoe.... cause my foot is gonna be up your ass.


he won't hit me in a public forum, not with everyone watching

I don't care who you are, thats funny right there!!

Where am I?


I miss taig post


Aww He**s No its MINE!

Sharoth wrote:
taig wrote:

*Cries in corner*

Where did my dragon go?

~pats the badger on the head~

I'm right here, taig.

*Kisses Sharoth, just so elated to see him*

I missed you! Don't leave me again, the boards are a cold and lonely place when you aren't here!

*Cries in corner*
Where did my dragon go?

lynora wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Why are there so many taigs? This place is going to hell in a handbasket.
Creepy, neh? :)

Its not creepy! Soon teh world will be over run by cute furry badgers and we will rule supreme!

Celestial Healer wrote:
Why are there so many taigs? This place is going to hell in a handbasket.

What are you trying to say? There can never be too many TAIGS!

Where'd the hussie go? She run off already? Its ok Sharoth dear, you can come back now...Taig protect you!

Sebastian's Ugly Stepsister wrote:
tayg wrote:
Sebastian's Ugly Stepsister wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
lynora wrote:
Oh wow, this is so confusing.
Nonsense! Only the TRUE Sharoth would admit to being Sebastian's Pal. All others would know to falsely admit that would bring down the Wrath of Pony!

I luvs my Sharoth. Yessums I do.

Thats MY Sharoth!

Nuh uh, hussy! I saw him first. How else do you think he ended up on Sebastian's Pal list?

You TRAMP! He is my dragon, you...you...you...evil foul loathsome rat!

Sebastian's Ugly Stepsister wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
lynora wrote:
Oh wow, this is so confusing.
Nonsense! Only the TRUE Sharoth would admit to being Sebastian's Pal. All others would know to falsely admit that would bring down the Wrath of Pony!

I luvs my Sharoth. Yessums I do.

Thats MY Sharoth!

lynora wrote:
tayg wrote:

I suppose being doped up on meds doesn't help....

But aren't they so sexy when they fight?
Indeed. Two dragons to puni- I mean flirt with. ;)

What about two badgers? ;)

Sebastian's Ugly Stepsister wrote:

I think I can sort this out!

#Kisses non-purple Sharoth#

Oh yeah, Honey! This is the real deal here.

You get off my dragon hussie!

Sharoth wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
Sharoth wrote:

Would I WHAP someone in the face with carp? No, I'd use...

~pulls out two small fish~


~tickles fake Sharoth with kippers~

~knocks your "kippers" out of your hands and then whaps you across the face with one fish and then nails youa cross the back of your head with the other~ You are facing a TRUE Fish Fencing Master! You are outclassed, knave!

OUCH! Only a shape-shifting badger would know how to fight that well with fish.

~points at fake Sharoth~

You have to do something, Solnes!


Ok how the hell do you manage to do that without spelling the name differently? I had to go with a bit of a flair for mine.

I suppose being doped up on meds doesn't help....
But aren't they so sexy when they fight?