Sokudon Kalitrex's page

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In the CC game I run, Kendra is being used as a DMPC/Cohort for the party, with statblock that levels up once per book. She's generally used for important buffs that nobody's really interested in casting (haste, animal's adjective spells, the occasional lightning bolt), but only learns divination spells on level-up; all of her other spells are always bought for her by the party, and used at the party's behest.

Her major role is shoring up knowledge checks for the party (We're about to start book 5 and no one has any ranks in nature!), as well as providing the occasional driving force for the party's dwarf (who had to be geas'd into doing the adventure at one point, but only in character! Player is enjoying the adventure and fully on board.)

I've also had her introduce the PCs to the various folks around Lepidstadt and the like, and she provides a lot of commentary on the area's politics, given that she's the only one from the area.

If you PC in a Carrion Crown Game on mondays through tabletop simulator, don't read this spoiler! Also, spoilers for book 5!

As we move into book 5, Kendra's basically already been replaced by a simulacrum, as she's the target for the carrion crown formula. Technically, it hasn't happened yet, but will as soon as the PCs take a break for downtime, which we always do between books. Additionally, the PCs are strongly considering...just leaving? So AA will be mostly unopposed. Lucky for me, Tar Baphon has mythic level stats already prepared, so my PCs jaunt into another adventure real quick will bump them up to a level that can theoretically take on that kind of challenge.