
DM Patcher || Sceptre of Flame's page

165 posts. Alias of Patcher.

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Several months ago, when I first started running online campaigns, I started up several adventure paths, went through the recruitment process, and had wonderful players submit themselves and showing tremendous effort to bring these campaigns to life.

I then promptly vanished without a trace.

Then I posted an apology. I opened new recruitment topics. I tried again.

And then I vanished. Again.

I apologise for this. I told no-one of the reasons why, nor did I publically call off the stories I had begun. It was mostly my shame that kept me at bay, shame for promising so much and not following through, not once, but twice. I should have told you, the players who came to my campaigns with hopes and expectations.

And I didn't.

I'm sorry.

Welcome! Please, introduce yourselves.

Vizio's tavern. The door to the establishment offers little to impress. A weathered sign with the image of a tankard frothing with ale hangs over the entrance, and there's a peculiar smell in the air. Yet this is where Janiven asked you to arrive for an early dinner. An early dinner and information.

When she approached you, it was with the right words. One way or the other, you were convinced to arrive at the establishment at this hour, "for the greater good of Westcrown."

The goal is the betterment of the city, she told you. A citizen's watch to protect the people, and eventually steps to get rid of that which threatens the people. She never said it outright, though there was no mistaking that she, like some of you, desires the fall of the House of Thrune.

Glancing in though windows show only Janiven inside, working on what looks like food. The streets outside the tavern are empty, save for a couple of cats chasing what looks to be a famished mouse.

There is nothing to do but enter...

Hello, and welcome.

Since I haven't had the chance to truly look at your characters yet, I ask that you sum your character up in a few sentences and paragraphs.

I also ask that you fix your characters to fit these guidelines:

Character Creation
1) 15-Point Buy, 1st Level,
2) Core races plus tiefling only,
3) Two traits. It is required that you pick one from the campaign traits.

4) No evil characters. 

5) Max HP at first level (roll or average thereafter).
6) Max starting gold
7) Archetype stacking is allowed, assuming the bonuses don't overlap.

If you prefer 20-point buy, feel free to tell me, but I think with a large party 15-point buy is better for balancing reasons. I am budgeable with this, though.

Secondly, if possible, could you perhaps know one another in pairs, in-character? If your background or character's integrity is challenged by this then feel free to ignore it, it's just a preference of mine.

A couple of house rules I will be using:

Group initiative: I roll initiative for everyone, and instead of acting in turns, you act in groups determined by the average of your rolls and the opponents' rolls.

Step Progression: Because PbPs are slow, I use the Step advancement system to add to the sense of progression.

For skills, if you wish to perform one, just state which skill and roll the dice with the appropriate modifier.

This is the OOC thread, so I ask that most OOC comments are kept here.

Ask any questions if you have them.


It has been a long month.

The light of the evening sun shimmers across Kobold's Claw. Shadows from newly raised buildings accompany the running river. There is a rising chatter from the centre of town, where the townsfolk have all gathered.

As you all approach the town square, you arrive to a small gathering: several of the family patriarchs and matriarchs, most with expressions of content, are conversing with one another. They turn to you; Eldred Thatcher and Randall Coop step forward. "This ain't half-shabby for a month's worth of work," old Eldred pipes up with a toothy smile.

"What she's trying to say," Randall Coop adds, with a hint of irritation in his voice, "Is that we're off to a great start, and we're all grateful for the initiative you've shown."

Their banter carries on for a few minutes before one of the younger adults breaks them apart. As the evening slips into night, the crowd dissipates.

It has been a long month.

But it is only just beginning.


It has been a long month. The scent of fresh grass fills the large room. While mostly empty, apart from some chairs and the big table, it has enough room to fit several dozens. The wooden door, ajar, lets in a warm summer's breeze. Outside, a growing chatter can be heard.

As you are all settled around the grand table, several people, heads of families and independent folks, all pour in. Lady Elise Angevine leads the flock of men and women with a pleased look. "The mill has ground its first batch of grain. The smell of bread is wafting throughout the village."

The chatter grows - more joyous, more cheerful. Nods of approval can be seen in your direction. The chatter slowly shift into a chant.

"New Celtara!"

"New Celtara!"


The rumble carries on for some time as the crowd disperses, shouting in joy. Lady Elise stays behind with you. There is a smile on her lips. "The villagers are pleased. I am confident that New Celtara will be a great place to live."

It has been a long month.

"But this is only the beginning."

Is it merely tradition, or is it because of balancing issues?


The Hearthfinder Society consists of:
Calavas Orlosky (NG Half-Elf Sorcerer)
Lyle Brandt (NG Human Rogue)
Khalil Jabir (NG Human Fighter)
Alexei (NG Half-Elf Wizard)
Nimeon (LG Half-Elf Paladin)
Kalaya (CG Human Witch)

What needs to be decided and confirmed right now is:

Which alignment are you?

Are you sponsored or independent? If sponsored, suggest a sponsor, and affiliation.

If independent, your starting BP will be 15. You will have no entitlements.

If sponsored, either 20, 25 or 30, dependent on the identity of the sponsor. You will receive objectives from the sponsor that may be detrimental (such as "accumulate X BP for me" or "venture to area X and retrieve this item for us/me.")

Also: who fills the Ruler position? Which title would he or she hold? Mayor or Lord, or...?

Once this has been resolved, there is also a matter of how to run the Kingdom building. I suggest a separate thread for this. There is also the matter of how to run this in-character - I suggest that when the end of the month arrives, the technical crunch of kingdom building occurs.

You will also have to explore tiles and claim them, as per the rules. For the sake of the story, we will do "Month 0" in regards of Kingdom building, so you actually have a village to start with. For this special edition month, you have no build limits - so you can build as many buildings as your BP allows. For simplicity's sake, the BP you start with is what you have after claiming and preparing the city district.

Optional: do you want quests from the village? Not only in the sense of "I wish somebody could retrieve X from Y" but also "villagers request the construction of X".

Optional: I am considering also letting other villages grow and develop around in the Stolen Lands. Does this idea appeal?

Optional: Do you wish to make a second character that can fill leadership roles? The reason behind this is the guarantee of a backup in case of untimely death, and the removal of the need for NPCs to fill leadership roles (YMMV if this is good or bad).


The Redeemers of Lost Dominion consists of:
Korvin (CG Goblin Rogue)
Msosth the Grey (NG Kobold Witch)
Alrich (Half-Orc Oracle)
Kezzin (CG Kobold Wizard)
Irikar (Goblin Inquisitor)
Falger Ortio (Human Magus)

What needs to be decided and confirmed right now is:

Which alignment are you? Consensus seems NG, but please confirm.

Are you sponsored or independent? If sponsored, suggest a sponsor, and affiliation.

If independent, your starting BP will be 15. You will have no entitlements.

If sponsored, either 20, 25 or 30, dependent on the identity of the sponsor. You will receive objectives from the sponsor that may be detrimental (such as "accumulate X BP for me" or "venture to area X and retrieve this item for us/me.")

Also: who fills the Ruler position? Which title would he or she hold? Mayor or Lord, or...?

Once this has been resolved, there is also a matter of how to run the Kingdom building. I suggest a separate thread for this. There is also the matter of how to run this in-character - I suggest that when the end of the month arrives, the technical crunch of kingdom building occurs.

You will also have to explore tiles and claim them, as per the rules. For the sake of the story, we will do "Month 0" in regards of Kingdom building, so you actually have a village to start with. For this special edition month, you have no build limits - so you can build as many buildings as your BP allows.

Optional: do you want quests from the village? Not only in the sense of "I wish somebody could retrieve X from Y" but also "villagers request the construction of X".

Optional: I am considering also letting other villages grow and develop around in the Stolen Lands. Does this idea appeal?

Welcome to the OOC thread! Please report here, as there are many matters that need to be discussed.

First of all, I haven't separated you into groups yet. This is because I wasn't quite sure which party members would have the best interactions with one another, and which ones were alignment-compatible. This is relevant, as you will decide what alignment your village is - it gives you different bonuses.

Second: Here is a map of the Stolen Lands. When the groups have been decided, each group will have to decide where on this map their village is founded. We can decide through agreement, or a random roll, which group gets to pick first, second and third.

Third: I mentioned we will discuss the second trait to be chosen. The reason I asked you to hold this off is that I was considering some campaign-related traits - ones that could increase leadership score if given the appropriate leadership role, or something like "Noble Parents", which is similar to Rich Parents, except it gives you more BP to spend for the village. I haven't made any of these at the moment, however, but ideas are welcome.

Fourth, I will need your email or some suggestion on how to share documents and information, so you can get the updated Kingdom building rules that we will be using.

Fifth: There's the matter of "who is the village's ruler" this is a separate issue for each group, but it still warrants discussion.

There was more, but my brain decided to malfunction. I am tired and stressed.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them.

In my current Kingmaker game, I am trying to make new villains because the overall plot and direction of the game has gone too far away for the original villains to be any good.

However, I am not good at creating villains, stat-block-wise. How far is too far?

Currently, the idea is that there are four people, lead by some as-of-yet unknown entity are heavily opposed to the player character's kingdom for one reason or the other. I'm thinking said entity is a gestalt heavens oracle/ starsoul sorcerer 20/20, simply to be ridiculous, but even I realise that may be way too much.

However, for the four villains, my current ideas are thusly:

A: A crossblooded draconic/stormborn sorcerer. He specialises in lightning magic and dispel magic, through elemental focus, destructive dispel and spell focus (evocation). Personality-wise, he is likely sanguine, the insane one, the hothead who loves the thrill of combat. - at the moment, I have him statted out at 11th level and 19th level. At 11th level, he is throwing out lightning bolts and electrified fireballs that deal 10d6+11 damage with a DC 25 reflex save for half. Looking at my player's character sheets, only the monk has a decent chance of dodging, at something like 40%. Is this too much?

B: An oracle of bones. Of course specialising in necromancy. Blindness/Deafness, Bestow Curse, Ray of Enervation, negative levels, undead armies, the standard drill. There's also potential for psychological warfare, seeing as one of the PC's wife died, and they never found her body. Likely the choleric one.

C: A diviner wizard. Responsible for anti-scrying, scrying on the player characters (justifying the DM meta-knowledge, go go) and generally being the douchebag and the "face" of this villain group - a melancholic personality. Have him statted out at 9th level currently.

No idea about the fourth one. Possibly a phlegmatic martial monk, or some form of martial character. Could ramp it up to eleven by making a cleric.

I realise it's difficult to know if they are too strong or too weak without any actual stat blocks to show - but there's also the concern that, for instance, the sorcerer would one-shot the party wizard (who, of course, has 8 con and 30 hit points). I've killed off some characters during the course of the campaign, but I don't want to be a jerk by showing up with way too powerful villains.

So... any tips?

It has been a hundred years since the great war ravaged the Stolen Lands. Celtara, a now-lost nation of providence, arose from the middle of nowhere in the Kamelands, and within years stretched from the Nomen Heights to the Slough. A nation known for its open mind, it grew to become the centre of magical research and cultural openmindedness as its populace lived in harmony with a multitude of monstrous races. It was envy and fear that sparked the war. Brevoy allied with the rest of the River Kingdoms in an attempt to decimate the free-willed nation.

They barely succeeded.

The Stolen Lands are once again free. The River Kingdoms are in shambles, as the wrath of Celtara was fierce to behold. Brevoy struggles with a civil war. Word of hostilities betwixt Numeria and Mendev is plentiful, as are rumours that both nations desire to conquer Brevoy.

The Stolen Lands ache to be reclaimed, however. While many dangers still lurk in its marshes and forests, in its hills and lakes, a multitude of people have fled from the uprisings in Brevoy to settle down and find peace - for how long, only time will tell. . .


As the intro text suggests, this is the aftermath of a great war that has ravaged the Stolen Lands - ca. AR 4820.

I am looking for 4-5 players.

This campaign will be a rather sandbox-heavy campaign that utilises a slightly modified kingdom building ruleset. You do not have to know the rules beforehand, but be aware that it does consist of some management. In the beginning of this campaign, you will be settlers who found a new village somewhere in the Stolen Lands - but what happens beyond there is up to you. As the years pass, it is your choice if you wish to develop beyond a mere village into a city or nation. Other villages will be formed, other nations may arise, and greater threats still may pour upon the great plains of the Stolen Lands.

Will you succeed?

Character creation rules:
Races: The standard races from the Core Rulebook will be permitted, as well as modified Goblin and Kobold races. Alternate racial traits from the Advanced Player's Guide (APG) will also be allowed.
Classes: All Base classes from the Core Rulebook, APG and Ultimate Magic (UM) and Ultimate Combat (UC) will be allowed. Most prestige classes from the Core Rulebook, APG and Inner Sea World Guide (ISWG) will be allowed. Keep in mind that I am not fond of Druids or Synthesist Summoners.
Archetypes: Most archetypes from the Core Rulebook, APG, UM and UC will be allowed. Other archetypes will require approval.
Favoured Class: The alternate favoured class bonuses from APG will be allowed. If Paizo releases options for the Gunslinger, Magus, Ninja and/or Samurai, I will allow you to retcon your favoured class bonuses if desired.
Alignment: I prefer the Good and Neutral alignments. More importantly, however, is that your character's goal is the success of the village/city/future nation - as such, evil characters may be permitted.
Ability Scores: 15-point buy; no stat above 18 (prior to racial modifiers), no stat below 8 (after racial modifiers).
Feats: All feats from the Core Rulebook, APG, UM, UC and ISWG will be allowed. Other feats must be approved.
Traits: Characters start with one trait. Before the game starts, we will discuss the second trait. Other traits may be granted by the GM as the game progresses.
Hit Points: Characters will start out with Maximum hit points for their class at 1st level. After first level, you roll for hit points.
Starting Gold: Characters will start with average gold for their class.
Words of Power: Will be permitted.
Book of the River Nations: All feats and prestige classes from this book will be permitted.
• Note: As the GM, I have the last word. If I spot any blatant game-breaking cheese, I will ask you to change it. When errata is released for UM and UC, I will look at it and possibly enforce it as well.
• Another Note: I do have some suggestions for house-rules, and am very tempted to implement some of Kirthfinder's rules. If you are heavily opposed to this, feel free to say so - if you're in favour of the idea, then mention this too.

Sootscale Kobolds:

Kobolds of the Sootscale tribe had been integrated so thoroughly into the forgotten nation of Celtara, their social and mental aspects are now vastly different from those of regular kobolds. Once known as researchers, scholars and riflemen, now they are only somewhat accepted, as they still face stigma from those who are not native to the once-again Stolen Lands.

Racial traits
+2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Strength: Sootscale Kobolds are cultivated and nimble, but their small stature makes them weak.
Small: Kobolds are Small creatures and gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty to their Combat Maneuver Bonus (CMB) and Combat Maneuver Defense (CMD), and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.
Normal Speed: Kobolds have a base speed of 30 feet.
Darkvision: Kobolds can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
Crafty: Kobolds gain a +2 racial bonus on a Craft skill of their choice.
Stalker: Perception and Stealth are always class skills for kobolds.
Light Sensitivity: Kobolds are dazzled as long as they remain in an area of bright light.
Breath Weapon: Choose an element. Once per day, a Kobold may breathe a 30-ft. cone that deals 1d6 points of chosen energy damage. This damage increases by 1d6 for every two levels the kobold attains. The targets receive a reflex save for half damage (10 + 1/2 level + Con).
Languages: Kobolds begin play speaking Draconic. Kobolds with a high intelligence score can choose any of these bonus languages: Common, Goblin, Orc and Undercommon.

Gargaraxan Goblins:

Goblins of the Gargaraxan tribe had been integrated so thoroughly in the forgotten nation of Celtara, their social and mental aspects are now vastly different from those of regular goblins. Known as scouts, writers and brewers, now they are only somewhat accepted, as they still face stigma from those who are not native to the once-again Stolen Lands.

+2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -2 Strength: Gargaraxan Goblins are perceptive and nimble, but their smaller stature makes them weaker than bigger races.
Small: Goblins are Small creatures and gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty to their Combat Maneuver Bonus (CMB) and Combat Maneuver Defense (CMD), and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.
Normal Speed: Goblins have a base speed of 30 feet.
Darkvision: Goblins can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
Sneaky: Goblins gain a +4 racial bonus to Stealth checks.
Stalker: Perception and Stealth are always class skills for goblins.
Nimble Attacks: Goblins receive Weapon Finesse as a free bonus feat.
Swarming: Goblins are used to living and fighting communally with other goblins. Up to two goblins can share the same square at the same time. If two goblins that are occupying the same square attack the same foe, they are considered to be flanking that foe as if they were in two opposite squares.
Languages: Goblins begin play speaking Goblin. Goblins with a high intelligence score can choose any of these bonus languages: Common, Draconic, Dwarven and Orc.

Remember, your character's primary motivation should be amongst the lines of wanting a peaceful life, and wanting the village to succeed. This motivation can change as the game progresses, of course. Also, your character does not have to be from Brevoy or the Stolen Lands. Most of the people (NPCs) are.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask! If you have any concerns, raise them. If I missed something, feel free to make a fool out of me, point and laugh as I desperately try to cover up my shortcomings.

The modified Kingdom building rules are almost finished for beta-testing. If you have any questions about these, go ahead, but they become mostly relevant if you're selected.

Recruitment will end within a week.


I am considering starting up a campaign again - a Golarion-based campaign which utilises the Kingdom ruling system from Kingmaker extensively, modified to take care of some imbalances.

It might be situated in the Stolen Lands, as there are maps for this already. I might take my time to create maps for other areas of Golarion too, if there is any interest.

Anyone interested?


I understand this is likely the wrong forum to post this, but I believe the people I wish to reach will be most easily found here.

For those of you who were in my campaigns - Tilnar, michaelane, jeremeziah, DeathQuaker, Dreaming Warforged, and the rest of you (I apologise, I don't remember all of your names...):

I want to apologise for my sudden disappearance a couple of months ago. To make a long and personal story short, real life overwhelmed me - to the point that I was unable, both out of shame and stress, to explain that I could no longer carry on any of my games.

Part of what happened was burnout. For those of you who remember, I was positively mental in undertaking the task of doing 5 campaigns at the same time - and in the end, you players were the ones that had to have a campaign in which you dedicated time in crash and burn. This was my fault. I should have been wiser.

I apologise for wasting your time the way I did.

Welcome to a DM Patcher spectacular!

Goblin bounty restored!

With best interest of our town of Sandpoint in mind, we, Mayor Kendra Deverin and Sheriff Balor Hemlock will offer ten, that is, 10 gold pieces for every goblin ear delivered to the town hall.

WANTED: Chief Gutwad

We, Mayor Kendra Devering and Sheriff Balor Hemlock, hereby offer a bounty of three-hundred, that is, 300 gold pieces to those who can deliver the head of the Licktoads tribe's Chieftain, Gutwad.

These posters have been decorating several boards and posting poles throughout the town of Sandpoint since this morning. Even the Rusty Dragon has agreed to display them on the front door, which is only fitting with Ameiko's known fondness for the adventuring sort. The chatter is a cloud above Sandpoint today, citizens loudly discussing who might be so brave as to try to claim the bounty.

It is with great cheer from the entirety of the Rusty Dragon's patrons that Ameiko announces a free drink on the house. You are all enjoying the cool summer breeze from your table, next to the open window. When Ameiko comes carrying several pitchers, some held in oddly improbable locations, she's got a gleam in her eye that you haven't quite seen before.

"Here you go, she beams, handing you all pitchers filled with your favourite drinks. "Well, what're your thoughts? You lot would make a great team, I'd wager."

"Yeah, you'd be the ones I'd bet my coin for if this ludicrous wager makes it through." Sandru's voice is quite distinct through the cheer and song that has emerged - Bethana is running with several oversized platters with even bigger pitchers, a show quite on its own. Sandru throws an arm around Ameiko. You can hear a loud discussion about who the victors would be in a 'who can gather the most ears' competition buzzing. "And I'm not just saying that because of Ameiko."

"You'd think something like this would make Sandpoint morose," old Koya says from the adjacent table, her voice surprisingly clear and loud. "I for one am glad to see some life returned to my home, after all those goblin attacks."

Ameiko sighs, slipping out of Sandru's one-armed embrace with half a grin. Sandru looks slightly disappointed. Her voice does seem a bit... hollow. "Well, I have a tavern to run. Give it some thought, won't you?"

"Indeed! I'll see you later, Jasper. Anen," he bows to Anen and whisks away from the table with silken steps before she can even retort. Koya is laughing, a hoarse yet warming croak.

"Ah, to be young again..." Koya says wistfully. "Promise me, if you do attempt this perilous quest that you stay safe, and return to tell an old woman of the deeds of the young... I promised to meet Father Abstalar for some tea. You take care now."

She rises with surprising vigour for someone of her age. She smiles, a warm smile, before she leaves you all to enjoy your drinks...

Welcome to the Jade Regent OOC and Discussion thread!

To recap, this Jade Regent adventure path will follow the adventures of:

Anen Elaradre, Half-Elf Bard;
Kili Klippenshell, Gnome Oracle;
Ceru, Gnome Rogue;
Jasper Lind, Varisian Monk;
Parsifal Foghain, Half-Elf Paladin;
Thaddeus Pruitt, Human Magus.

I have a couple of PbP-habits that you should be aware of. Feel free to contest them or ask questions if necessary:

First of all, in regards of skill checks, if you wish to use a skill, declare that you are using it, and do the necessary roll. As an example, if you decide to go carefully through the jungle, simply roll the perception check, instead of asking if you need to roll one. I will roll secret checks when necessary, and ask you if you have to do a roll, but help me save time by declaring and rolling as necessary.

Secondly, I ask that you follow this thread as much as the other one. This thread is named the OOC thread for a reason - please refrain from OOC-only posts in the IC thread.

Thirdly, whenever combat occurs, I will roll your initiatives, calculate the average of your values, and compare it to the enemies' initiative. Because PbP combat easily gets confusing, there won't be individual turns. Instead, you act on a group initiative, and when you post, you act (with "I wait for X to do his/her move before I do Y" if necessary for your actions to make sense). When all five of you have done your actions, the enemy acts as a group, round over, new round. Does this make sense?

In regards of skill checks and take 10s: the rules specify that the only skill you cannot Take 10 with is Use Magic Device. I, however, feel that this can break immersion in regards of Knowledge skills (since the DC is 10 for a large quantity of information - such as being able to identify every stone, mineral or metal; or identify every single dangerous construction; or identify somebody's ethnicity or accent; or know historically significant events...which means everybody with a 10 in int knows all of that...) and as such, you also cannot take 10 on Knowledge skills unless you have a rank in the knowledge skill.

Take 20 rules apply as usual.

For levelling, we will be utilising the The Step System.

Lastly, I may add other rules for how I wish you do certain things in regards of skill checks and the like. This will not be sprung on you without warning, however. Your opinions do matter to me, and I am here to make this an enjoyable experience.

The adventure will start on Monday, so let us spend the weekend to discuss the path ahead of us.

Welcome to yet another DM Patcher Adventure Path spctacular!


Gethric & Chavalaka:

Location: Bailer's Retreat, Midland
Known for its rich gossip and strong drinks, you thought it appropriate to enjoy drinks and a meal at the Bailer's Retreat. The choice turned out to be wise as well: rumours of a riot were on everyone's lips, and when the ground began to tremble, you were all but certain it occurred. The guards that occupied the tavern left in a hurry, giving you all a stern order: "Stay inside, if you value your lives!"

The first scream was not the last. The innkeeper, a known former guard, barred the door. When a severed head was thrown through an open window, the turmoil of the streets was not just a jest. The innkeeper scurried all the patrons down into the basement, you two included, when the riot outside started to smash the door - and in the darkness, you listened to the muffled screams as the streets of Korvosa were tainted with blood.

It was morning when the door down to the basement was opened. A pair of guards, survivors, ushered you out of the tavern, where several dead bodies and dismembered limbs were about. As you prepare to step outside, Gethric finds that one of his daggers have gone missing - and in its place is a card; as Chavakala tightens her scarf, another card flutters out - and on the back of both cards is a message. . .

Vesera & Vyshael:

Location: Leftover's, East Shore
Having visited the Theurmanexus College earlier today, you both found yourselves headed to the same place after some errands; not moments later after entering Leftover's did the thundering begin in the streets. It was on insistance of the innkeeper, one-armed Portenus Gaskelinni, that you stayed inside. He closed the windows and barred the doors. "Been a nasty couple o'days. Lots o'talk about His Highness and th' Royal Queen. Been a few people who's died to this already, each death bloodier than th' last."

It was just the three of you; the sound of the chaos outside only grew louder. The march of men clad in heavy armour could be heard. It was a long pair of hours until silence struck...

"Don't reckon you should head out t'th' streets yet," Portenus told you shortly after. "Best you stay here for th' night, rooms on me. As thanks for keepin' me company."

Given separate rooms, the night went by quietly - a stark contrast to the havoc that had occurred outside.

When morning comes, and you prepare to leave your rooms, you find a card stuck to the door - and on the back of it, a message. . .

Yenrry & Milena:

Location: The Wise Dragon Inn, the Heights
As the night took a violent turn, it was desperation that brought you to the Wise Dragon - and several younger people, students at the University of Korvosa, thought likewise. While the establishment is quite large, you were still cramped together with other students. When the first scream rang through the street, Yenrry was almost trampled to death by the panick that spread throughout the building. The innkeeper guided you both to the small library, asking Milena to look after Yenrry. Left in peace, it was a long pair of hours until silence struck...

Nobody was allowed to leave until the next morning, and you spent the night in the library. Yenrry's condition improved rather quickly, and by morning, you are both feeling well, if not slightly tired. The innkeeper arrives shortly after. "I apologise for having you stay the night in the library. Last night... it was horrible. Well and truly horrible... I have arranged breakfast for you both. On the house."

He leaves shortly after, allowing you both to get your bearings. The atmosphere in the building is tense, though the sight of good food lessens it somewhat. When Milena sits down, a card drops out from her sleeve; when Yenrry settles down in his chair, another card comes aflutter from above, landing on his nose. On the back of both cards is a message. . .

The 26TH of Erastus, 10:00 AM - Morning

Outside, the streets are tainted with blood. Guards are heaving bodies onto great wooden wagons - though from what you can see, those who joined the dead are not as numerous as the bloodshed suggests. Priests of Pharasma are walking the streets, their heavy hoods cast over their heads. People have dared venture into the streets. There is no conflict, only mourning and grief. Some have started scrubbing the blood away. The morning sky is still crimson, with dark clouds heaving across the horizon. Yesterday has been given a name:

The Bloody Oathday.

Welcome to the Curse of the Crimson Throne OOC and Discussion thread!

To recap, this CotCT adventure path will follow the adventures of:

Chavakala, Human Oracle;
Yenrry Clockweaver, Halfling Bard;
Sister Milena Tag, Human Monk;
Gethric Orted, Halfling Rogue;
Vesera Arkona, Half-Elf Witch?;
Vyshiel Invisus, Half-Elf Wizard.

I have a couple of PbP-habits that you should be aware of. Feel free to contest them or ask questions if necessary:

First of all, in regards of skill checks, if you wish to use a skill, declare that you are using it, and do the necessary roll. As an example, if you decide to go carefully through the jungle, simply roll the perception check, instead of asking if you need to roll one. I will roll secret checks when necessary, and ask you if you have to do a roll, but help me save time by declaring and rolling as necessary.

Secondly, I ask that you follow this thread as much as the other one. This thread is named the OOC thread for a reason - please refrain from OOC-only posts in the IC thread.

Thirdly, whenever combat occurs, I will roll your initiatives, calculate the average of your values, and compare it to the enemies' initiative. Because PbP combat easily gets confusing, there won't be individual turns. Instead, you act on a group initiative, and when you post, you act (with "I wait for X to do his/her move before I do Y" if necessary for your actions to make sense). When all five of you have done your actions, the enemy acts as a group, round over, new round. Does this make sense?

In regards of skill checks and take 10s: the rules specify that the only skill you cannot Take 10 with is Use Magic Device. I, however, feel that this can break immersion in regards of Knowledge skills (since the DC is 10 for a large quantity of information - such as being able to identify every stone, mineral or metal; or identify every single dangerous construction; or identify somebody's ethnicity or accent; or know historically significant events...which means everybody with a 10 in int knows all of that...) and as such, you also cannot take 10 on Knowledge skills unless you have a rank in the knowledge skill.

Take 20 rules apply as usual.

Lastly, I may add other rules for how I wish you do certain things in regards of skill checks and the like. This will not be sprung on you without warning, however. Your opinions do matter to me, and I am here to make this an enjoyable experience.

Now, please keep in mind that this week might be busy for some of you; if any of you are attending Gen Con, I ask that you inform us posthaste.

Let us get to discuss the path in front of us!

Time for the new AP! This will be the last campaign I start in a long while, so those of you concerned, have no fear!

Recruitment will end Friday the 5th of August

What you should know before applying

First, I am reserving two slots for two players. As such, I am only looking for 3 or 4 players (for an ideal group of 5). One of them will be playing a Gnome Oracle; the other one will be playing a Bard.

Second, download the Jade Regent Player's Guide if you haven't already - the information is necessary to understand the adventure and create an appropriate backstory for your character. I ask that you also pay close attention to the Building Relationships, Romances and Caravans section.

I am primarily looking for roleplaying, not rollplaying. I wish to explore a story, not mechanics. However, this is an adventure path, and as such, it assumes that your characters are somewhat competent.

As with my previous topics, I also request that you have the time and dedication to post daily - even during weekends - preferably more. If real-life requires your attention, I ask that you inform me and the other players - the ability to communicate is key.

If possible, also tell me which time zone you are in, so I can adjust to posting habits as swiftly as possible.

Also, diversity is heavily encouraged, both in regards of class and race. Ultimately, though, you will be judged on character concept, roleplaying interaction and character chemistry.

As a warning: failure to roleplay here will automatically exclude you from the selection process.

A word about Romances: I hope to include them. I understand that it is a subject many are uncomfortable with; it won't be enforced. If it does occur, it will not be explicit, not from my side.

Character creation
• Races: I will only allow the standard races from the Core Rulebook. Alternate racial traits from the Advanced Player's Guide (APG) will also be allowed.
• Classes: All Base classes from the Core Rulebook, APG, Ultimate Magic (UM) and Ultimate Combat (UC) will be allowed. Most prestige classes from the Core Rulebook, APG and Inner Sea World Guide (ISWG) will be allowed.
• Archetypes: All archetypes from the Core Rulebook, APG, UM and UC will be allowed. Other archetypes will require approval (e.g. Hound Master for Cavaliers).
• Favoured Class: The alternate favoured class bonuses from APG will be allowed. If Paizo releases options for the Gunslinger, Magus, Ninja and/or Samurai, I will allow you to retcon your favoured class bonuses if desired.
• Alignment: I will only allow Good and Neutral alignments.
• Ability Scores: 20-point buy; no stat above 18 (prior to racial modifiers), no stat below 8 (after racial modifiers).
• Feats: All feats from the Core Rulebook, APG, UM, UC and ISWG will be allowed. Other feats must be approved.
• Traits: Characters will start with three traits. One of these traits MUST be a Jade Regent Campaign Trait.
• Hit Points: Characters will start out with Maximum hit points for their class at 1st level.
• Starting Gold: Characters will start with maximum gold for their class.
• Words of Power: Will be permitted.
• Houseruling: I am not a fan of the errata to Heirloom Weapon. As such, I will run it as it was post-nerf. (Warning: Heirloom Falcata, not recommended.)
• Note: As the DM, I have the last word. If I spot any blatant game-breaking cheese, I will ask you to change it. When errata is released for UM and UC, I will look at it and possibly enforce it as well.

How to apply
I require much from applicants. While I do not require a full character sheet, I do request that you give me your race, class, alignment, ability scores, saves, skills and traits. As such, a full sheet is recommended. If selected, a full sheet is required.

In addition: Please reply to the following questions. Afterwards, interact with one another as patrons at the Rusty Dragon for an evening, Ameiko having left to run some personal errands, leaving Bethana in charge.

1. Which NPC does your character know? What is your character's attachment to said character?
2. What motivation would your character have to join the caravan?
3. What will your character contribute to the group?
4. What are your plans for your character mechanically?
5. What are your plans for your character from a story-perspective?
6. What do you think of the Caravan mechanic presented in the Jade Regent Player's Guide? Does it seem unnecessary, or do you think it will add to the campaign?
7. What is your opinion on the concept of romances in a roleplaying game? Would you pursue one, or prefer that they remain an untouched subject?

Roleplaying Introduction
Bethana is quick to take your orders, with a smile on her face and a song in her throat. The Rusty Dragon is quiet tonight, compared to other eves, and the lack of Ameiko's presence is noteworthy. Yet the little halfling rushing back and forth from the kitchen is a sight on its own, and she provides ample service and conversation where need be. The rattle of rain starts and a cold breeze is washing in from an open window. "Sounds like a storm's brewing," Bethana calls out from the kitchen. The heavy cascade of thunder follows shortly. "That's a storm, all right... Might be best to stay here in the warmth until it's over. Wouldn't do you any good to get sick in the cold rain, right?"

As the title suggests, I am going to run a Curse of the Crimson Throne game - and it will be gritty. Korvosa will be darker and bloodier than ever before - if this does not appeal, you may want to stay clear.

What you should know before applying

First, download the Curse of the Crimson Thone Player's Guide if you haven't already - the information is necessary to understand the adventure and create an appropriate backstory for your character.

I am primarily looking for roleplaying, not rollplaying. I wish to explore a story, not mechanics. That said, this is an adventure path. Unoptimised characters will face difficulties, though min-maxing is also not necessary.

I will be changing elements to up the importance of the player characters - to what degree depends entirely on the players.

As with my previous topics, I also request that you have the time and dedication to post daily - even during weekends - preferably more. If real-life requires your attention, I ask that you inform me and the other players - the ability to communicate is key.

If possible, also tell me which timezone you are in, so I can adjust to posting habits as swiftly as possible.

Lastly, diversity is heavily encouraged, both in regards of class and race. Ultimately, though, you will be judged on character concept, roleplaying interaction and character chemistry.

As a warning: failure to roleplay here will automatically exclude you from the selection process.

Character creation
• Races: Standard races from the Core Rulebook only. Racial options from the APG will be allowed.
• Classes: All classes (Base and Prestige) from the Core Rulebook, APG and Ultimate Magic will be allowed. All archetypes will be allowed. Archetype stacking will be allowed - as long as the class features do not replace one another (as per the actual archetype rules).
• Favoured Class: The favoured class options from the Core Rulebook and APG will be acceptable. If the Magus receives some form of favoured class bonus in the near future, after the campaign has started, I will allow Magus players to retcon their favoured class bonus to this new class bonus if they so wish.
• Alignment: I will only allow Good and Neutral alignments.
• Ability Scores: Characters must be created with 20-point buy. No stat can be raised above 18 (prior to racial modifiers), and no stat can be lowered below 8 (prior to racial modifiers).
• Feats: Any feat from the Core Rulebook, APG, UM and ISWG will be allowed. Any other feat from Paizo-compatible systems must be approved by me.
• Traits: Characters will start with three traits. One of these traits MUST be a Curse of the Crimson Throne Campaign Trait.
• Hit Points: Characters will start out with Maximum hit points for their class at 1st level.
• Starting Gold: Characters will start with maximum gold for their class.
• The Words of Power system will be permitted for casters. For balance reasons, Borrow Future will not be an allowed Word Spell, unless it receives heavy errata.
• A note about Ultimate Combat: Since it will be released in the end of July (according to the Paizo site), I will most likely allow the book and its archetypes/feats when it is released. As such, if you desire to change your character come the book, I am likely to allow this.

How to apply
I require much from applicants. While I do not require a full character sheet, I do request that you give me your race, class, alignment, ability scores, saves, skills and traits. As such, a full sheet is recommended. If selected, a full sheet is required.

In addition: Please reply to the following questions. The plot hook for Curse of the Crimson Throne that brings you together is the desire to exert vengeance on Gaedren Lamm. Afterwards, interact with one another as patrons at the Leftover's, a tavern in the East Shore, when the palpable tension seems to reach a bloody peak...

1. How did Gaedren Lamm ruin your life?
2. What do you think of the tension at the royal court between King Eodred II and the Royal Queen Ileosa?
3. Do you think you could change Korvosa for the better? How?
4. What will your character contribute to the group?
5. What are your plans for your character mechanically?
6. What are your plans for your character from a story-perspective?
7. Consider your character's heritage: could he (or she) possibly be of noble or royal blood, or is he (or she) a lowborn commoner?

Role-playing introduction
Even the bard stopped playing. The ground is shaking, and in the silence you can hear the yells of a large crowd, some condemning the Royal Queen Ileosa, some proclaiming that King Eodred II has died. Insults and profanity paint the air. The drink feels stale and there's a telling feeling that tonight, blood will be shed. The barkeep has already barred the door - a wise choice, by the sound of the streets...

Welcome to another DM Patcher Adventure Path extravaganza!
Be it so known that the bearers of this charter, lead by Jonas Medvyed and Kragath Lightbringer, have been granted the right of exploration and travel within the wilderness region known as the Greenbelt, charged by the Swordlords of Restov, with authority vested within them by the office of the Dragonscale Throne. Exploration should be limited to an area no further than thirty-six miles east and west and sixty miles south of Oleg’s Trading Post. The carriers of this charter should also strive against banditry and other unlawful behavior to be encountered. The punishment for unrepentant banditry remains, as always, execution by sword or rope. So witnessed on this 24th day of Calistril, under watchful eye of the Lordship of Restov, Dame Sarrona Lebeda of House Lebeda, Lord Kozek Lodovka of House Lodovka, Lord Gurev Medvyed of House Medvyed, and authority granted by Lord Noleski Surtova, current Regent of the Dragonscale Throne.

Lord Regent Noleski Surtova
Lord Mayor Ioseph Sellemius
Dame Sarrona Lebeda
Lord Kozek Lodovka
Lord Gurev Medvyed
Swordlord Jamandi Aldori
Swordlord Krovax Lightbringer
Swordlord Trine Fervourblade

Jonas Medvyed
Kragath Lightbringer
Ingle Farwen
Gathien Toran
Peregrine Fetch

As you exit the manor of Lord Mayor Ioseph, the oppressing air whisks away from your shoulders. The night's feast had gone from light-hearted, with good wine and food, to grave and thought-inducing as your names were called out like that of a death sentence. The Lord Mayor's presence in particular was solemn and joyless, the man with a perpetual morose frown. The presence of Lord Mevyed and Swordlord Lightbringer did make for a more comfortable environment, yet the prickly gazes of the other lords were constant, and strenuous. The task had been presented, however, and the terms had been stated. After questions, and some haggling, the agreement eventually took place - tomorrow, the Greenbelt is to be conquered.

The Lord Mayor has arranged everything: Tonight, you have rooms at the Golden Arrow Inn, one of Restov's most prominent (and expensive) inns, famous for its soft beds (and wenches) - you each have been given a key to your rooms. Tomorrow morning, Restov's leading merchant will bring some of his best horses, and a cart filled with supplies: all sponsored by Lord Medvyed and Swordlord Lightbringer. The only clause was to include a sixth member, who would meet you at Oleg's Trading Post in two days, in the expedition - and as vital was that his name be signed on the charter. They told you nothing of who he (or she) was.

The evening has shifted into night. The Golden Arrow is in sight. Tomorrow, it all begins.

Since we are waiting to hear from Rorgrym, in-character, this evening and tomorrow will be spent roleplaying - no skill checks yet. If he has yet to mention a word come your arrival at Oleg's, then I will give his spot to somebody else - likely Evan. We'll see.

Looking over goods and services, there's a listed price difference for a heavy and a light horse - but in the description it says nothing about what the difference is between them.

Could anybody help me?

Welcome to yet another DM Patcher Adventure Path extravaganza!

As always, remember to check the OOC thread regularly for any OOC discussions - please refrain from OOC-only posts in this thread.

The last week on the Jenivere has been peaceful after the storm. Captain Kovack informed you during last night's supper that there should be another week before arriving in Eleder - lest a storm brews up again. The skies today, however, haven't a single cloud in the far-off horison; the sun bathes the Jenivere in its warmth.

After departing from Senghor, the Jenivere accomodates twenty in a mixture of crew and passengers. Having spent over a hundred days since its initial departure from Magnimar, you have all gotten to know each other and are likely on first-name basis - though not every passenger seems too well intent on conversing, and some of the crew members focus almost solely on their job.

The sun is ascending its highest peak. The waters are calm and the Jenivere is drifting ever forward. The deck is pleasantly cool, and it is here most of the crew and its passengers spend the afternoon.

Feel free to interact with one another now - no dice rolls yet, though, just actions and speech.

Welcome to the Kingmaker OOC and Discussion thread!

To recap, this Kingmaker adventure path will follow the adventures of:

Kragath Lightbringer;
Ingle Farwen;
Evan Freehame;
Peregrine Fetch;
Jonas Medvyed;
Gathien Toran;

I have a couple of PbP-habits that you should be aware of. Feel free to contest them or ask questions if necessary:

First of all, in regards of skill checks, if you wish to use a skill, declare that you are using it, and do the necessary roll. As an example, if you decide to go carefully through the jungle, simply roll the perception check, instead of asking if you need to roll one. I will roll secret checks when necessary, and ask you if you have to do a roll, but help me save time by declaring and rolling as necessary.

Secondly, I ask that you follow this thread as much as the other one. This thread is named the OOC thread for a reason - please refrain from OOC-only posts in the IC thread.

Thirdly, whenever combat occurs, I will roll your initiatives,
calculate the average of your values, and compare it to the enemies' initiative. Because PbP combat easily gets confusing, there won't be individual turns. Instead, you act on a group initiative, and when you post, you act (with "I wait for X to do his/her move before I do Y" if necessary for your actions to make sense). When all five of you have done your actions, the enemy acts as a group, round over, new round. Does this make sense?

Lastly, I may add other rules for how I wish you do certain things in regards of skill checks and the like. This will not be sprung on you without warning, however. Your opinions do matter to me, and I am here to make this an enjoyable experience.

Now, this AP in particular will require a lot of effort from my side, so please do not be surprised if it doesn't start before Saturday. This, however, gives us concrete time to personalise the adventure path. I will also post some background information that may help immerse you.

Let us get to discuss the path in front of us!

Welcome to the OOC and Discussion thread!

To recount, this adventure will follow:
Lilly, the half-orc Druid;
Kythas, the elf Ranger;
Avarthiel, the elf Wizard;
Kystra, the half-elf Oracle;
Dantes, the dwarf Monk.

I will start the adventure within 24 hours.

I have a couple of PbP-habits that you should be aware of. Feel free to contest them or ask questions if necessary:

First of all, in regards of skill checks, if you wish to use a skill, declare that you are using it, and do the necessary roll. As an example, if you decide to go carefully through the jungle, simply roll the perception check, instead of asking if you need to roll one. I will roll secret checks when necessary, and ask you if you have to do a roll, but help me save time by declaring and rolling as necessary.

Secondly, I ask that you follow this thread as much as the other one. This thread is named the OOC thread for a reason - please refrain from OOC-only posts in the IC thread.

Thirdly, whenever combat occurs, I will roll your initiatives,
calculate the average of your values, and compare it to the enemies' initiative. Because PbP combat easily gets confusing, there won't be individual turns. Instead, you act on a group initiative, and when you post, you act (with "I wait for X to do his/her move before I do Y" if necessary for your actions to make sense). When all five of you have done your actions, the enemy acts as a group, round over, new round. Does this make sense?

Lastly, I may add other rules for how I wish you do certain things in regards of skill checks and the like. This will not be sprung on you without warning, however. Your opinions do matter to me, and I am here to make this an enjoyable experience.

Now, let us congregate and discuss the Serpent's Skull adventure path, expectations, backgrounds, and everything revelant (and irrelevant).

Inspired by GM Todd's recruitment topic (kudos to you) I will be following a slightly different recruitment structure than my previous topics.

What you should know before applying
First, download the Serpent's Skull Player's Guide if you haven't - the information is necessary to understand the adventure and create an appropriate backstory for your character.

I am primarily looking for roleplaying, not rollplaying. I wish to explore a story, not mechanics. That said, this is an adventure path. Unoptimised characters will face difficulties. Min-maxing is, however, not a necessity.

As with my previous topics, I also request that you have the time and dedication to post daily - even during weekends - preferably more. If real-life requires your attention, I ask that you inform me and the other players - the ability to communicate is key.

If possible, also tell me which timezone you are in, so I can adjust to posting habits as swiftly as possible.

Lastly, diversity is heavily encouraged. My last two recruitment topics had well over 90% humans, and a multitude of fighters/clerics/bards. Different races and different classes will therefore be prioritised.

Character creation
• Races: Standard races from the Core Rulebook only will be allowed. Racial options from the APG will be allowed.
• Classes: All classes (Base and Prestige) from the Core Rulebook, APG and Ultimate Magic will be allowed. All archetypes will be allowed. Archetype stacking will be allowed - as long as the class features do not replace one another (as per the actual archetype rules).
• Favoured Class: The favoured class options from the Core Rulebook and APG will be acceptable. If the Magus receives some form of favoured class bonus in the near future, after the campaign has started, I will allow Magus players to retcon their favoured class bonus to this new class bonus if they so wish.
• Alignment: I will only allow Good and Neutral alignments.
• Ability Scores: Characters must be created with 20-point buy. No stat can be raised above 18 (prior to racial modifiers), and no stat can be lowered below 8 (prior to racial modifiers).
• Feats: Any feat from the Core Rulebook, APG, UM and ISWG will be allowed. Any other feat from Paizo-compatible systems must be approved by me.
• Traits: Characters will start with three traits. One of these traits MUST be a Serpent's Skull Campaign Trait.
• Hit Points: Characters will start out with Maximum hit points for their class at 1st level.
• Starting Gold: Characters will start with maximum gold for their class.
• The Words of Power system will be permitted for casters. For balance reasons, Borrow Future will not be an allowed Word Spell, unless it receives heavy errata.
• A note about Ultimate Combat: Since it will be released in the end of July (according to the Paizo site), I will most likely allow the book and its archetypes/feats when it is released. As such, if you desire to change your character come the book, I am likely to allow this.

How to apply
I will require more from applicants this time around. While I do not require a full character sheet, I do request that you give me your race, class, ability scores, saves, skills and traits. As such, a full sheet is recommended. If selected, a full sheet is required.

As such, a full sheet is recommended. If selected, a full sheet is required.

In addition, I would like you to answer the following questions. Afterwards, interact with one another as passengers or sailors on the Jenivere.
1. Why are you on the Jenivere?
2. What is your motivation to travel to Sargava?
3. What will your character contribute to the group?
4. What are your plans for your character mechanically?
5. What are your plans for your character from a story-perspective?

Keep in mind that as per the AP, the trip to Sargava is indeed cut short - this is not a nautical adventure.

Role-playing introduction
The ship's been off shore for over a week now. A deadly storm almost spelt the end for you, yet the captain's successful navigation has left the passengers of the Jenivere overjoyed. Tonight, the ship's cook decided to pull all the stops and has prepared a grand feast, with roasted fish, mushroom stew, crab cakes, oysters... the kegs have been opened as well. Shanties are sung as the sunset leaves for a breathtaking horison up on the deck - truly, the night is wont to celebration.

Recruitment will close on Thursday the 14th.

Inspired by GM Todd's recruitment topic (kudos to you) I will be following a slightly different recruitment structure than my previous topics.

What you should know before applying
First, download the Kingmaker Player's Guide if you haven't already - the information is necessary to understand the adventure and create an appropriate backstory for your character.

I am primarily looking for roleplaying, not rollplaying. I wish to explore a story, not mechanics. That said, this is an adventure path. Unoptimised characters will face difficulties. Min-maxing is, however, not a necessity.

As with my previous topics, I also request that you have the time and dedication to post daily - even during weekends - preferably more. If real-life requires your attention, I ask that you inform me and the other players - the ability to communicate is key.

If possible, also tell me which timezone you are in, so I can adjust to posting habits as swiftly as possible.

Lastly, diversity is heavily encouraged. My last two recruitment topics had well over 90% humans, and a multitude of fighters/clerics/bards. Different races and different classes will therefore be prioritised.

Character creation
• Races: Standard races from the Core Rulebook only will be allowed. Racial options from the APG will be allowed.
• Classes: All classes (Base and Prestige) from the Core Rulebook, APG and Ultimate Magic will be allowed. All archetypes will be allowed. Archetype stacking will be allowed - as long as the class features do not replace one another (as per the actual archetype rules).
• Favoured Class: The favoured class options from the Core Rulebook and APG will be acceptable. If the Magus receives some form of favoured class bonus in the near future, after the campaign has started, I will allow Magus players to retcon their favoured class bonus to this new class bonus if they so wish.
• Alignment: I will only allow Good and Neutral alignments.
• Ability Scores: Characters must be created with 25-point buy. No stat can be raised above 18 (prior to racial modifiers), and no stat can be lowered below 8 (prior to racial modifiers).
• Feats: Any feat from the Core Rulebook, APG, UM and ISWG will be allowed. Any other feat from Paizo-compatible systems must be approved by me.
• Traits: Characters will start with three traits. One of these traits MUST be a Kingmaker Campaign Trait.
• Hit Points: Characters will start out with Maximum hit points for their class at 1st level.
• Starting Gold: Characters will start with maximum gold for their class.
• The Words of Power system will be permitted for casters. For balance reasons, Borrow Future will not be an allowed Word Spell, unless it receives heavy errata.
• A note about Ultimate Combat: Since it will be released in the end of July (according to the Paizo site), I will most likely allow the book and its archetypes/feats when it is released. As such, if you desire to change your character come the book, I am likely to allow this.

How to apply
I will require more from applicants this time around. While I do not require a full character sheet, I do request that you give me your race, class, ability scores, saves, skills and traits. As such, a full sheet is recommended. If selected, a full sheet is required.

In addition, I would like you to answer the following questions. Afterwards, interact with one another as prospectors and adventurers invited to feast with the Swordlords of Brevoy, to convince the swordlords that you are the man (or woman) they need.
1. Why are you interested in working with the Swordlords of Brevoy?
2. What is your motivation to reclaim the Stolen Lands?
3. What will your character contribute to the group?
4. What are your plans for your character mechanically?
5. What are your plans for your character from a story-perspective?

Role-playing introduction
It is rumoured that the journey will begin tomorrow. The tension around the Swordlords of Brevoy is palpable in the mansion. No names have been called - The decision has yet to be made. Dinner awaits to be served still. Servants are eagerly awaiting orders, trotting around with crystal glasses and bottles of rare wine. The smell of roasted boar is slowly protruding from the kitchen.

Recruitment will close on Thursday the 14th.

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

The concept of take 10 is simple enough to understand, I find: in non-strenuous situations you fall back to basics and produce an average result, to avoid the risk of failure but also of great success.

But which skills can you take 10 with? And which skills can't you? Though I am an awful searcher, I can't find any information on if there are any skills in which you are unable to take 10 - the rules on take 20 are quite clear, but from the skill description they are not the same - one is habit, the other is continuous effort for the best result.

Can anybody help?


One of my players in Carrion Crown did an aid another to help a character research one of the topics in the first part of Carrion Crown - standard procedure, roll a d4 for the amount of hours, roll a d20 and get results. As per the Carrion Crown guide, this can only be done once per day.

The assisting player then proceeded to do research on another topic on his own.

My question is: Should I count the assisting player as having done his daily research through the aid another action?

Welcome to Curse of the Crimson Throne, a DM Patcher experience.

16th of Gozran, 4708 AR - The adventure begins.

Each day is different. Korvosa has grown louder by each passing day in the last couple of weeks, yet the taste of the air today is laden with tension. Yesterday has gained the name of Bloody Oathday, named after the bloodshed that spilled out on the streets. And any mention of the Royal King Eodred II, or Queen Ileosa, incites some response. Yet after the uprising yesterday, today is quiet...


This morning has been rough on the temple. There was a large upstart at several taverns last night: while the details of the fight eludes you, your early morning duties involved tending to six corpses and seventeen injured men and women. After separating several of the injured, who attacked each other when remarks of the Queen were uttered, you retreated to find some peace and quiet.

The altar room is empty. As you approach Pharasma's altar to pray, you find a card lying on top, between the already lit candles. Curious, you turn it around, and find a message...


in Korvosa, the institution that is the temple of Desna is one of the more prominent buildings in the city - and the priests have been grateful to have you staying with them since you arrived.. After breaking your fast and preparing for today's endeavours, you heard rumours of a big brawl that had happened last night, and that over thirty people had died. Thinking that today could be more dangerous than the last couple of days, you return to fetch your arms and shield - only to find a card lying next to them. Curious, you turn it around, to read a message...


The bar brawl that occurred in the inn where you were staying last night was gruesome, and the barkeep was quick to get you off the stage after your performance. Told to bar the door just to be safe, you took no chances and spent the night listening to screams and arguments, of King Eodred's sudden illness and Queen Ileosa's treacherous nature. While it never seemed to stop, sleep overcame you after a long while.

When you wake up the inn is quiet. As you walk down to where the brawl had begun, you find that a blood bath had indeed occurred last night - the barkeep is being interrogated by some of the city guards. When they spot you, you are asked to return to your room - your innocence vouched for by the barkeep. When you return, you find a card laying on top of your belongings. And on the back is a message...


Bar brawls occurred daily at the tavern you were staying at, yet last night's fight had been brutal - and even though you scare off most people with your muscles, they were almost intent on getting you involved. You retreated to your room before the first murder happened - even with your skill at arms, going out to quench them would have been a death wish. As the night went by, quiet eventually washed over the city, and you found sleep at last.

You wake up to somebody bellowing outside your door; by the sound of it, it is the establishment's owner. As you open to answer it, he informs you that he has to close down the tavern for a while - so the guards can investigate. Asked to leave, you start to pack your belongings - only to find a card on top of your shield. On the back of it is a message...


You were out yesterday in the streets of Korvosa, following a lead that somebody had given you on Gaedren's whereabouts - a lead that had proven to be false. Returning to the temple of Desna, you found your way was blocked by a bar brawl that had gotten out on the streets - one that was violent and bloody. Trying to make your way through, you were attacked and viciously harmed. Despite retaliating, the violence only grew as the day succumbed into the deepest night, and you fled. The wound you suffered, however, took its toll. As you advanced the stairs up to the temple, you collapsed.

You wake up under the care of the high priest of the temple, whose healing magics has closed the wound; he is sad when he tells you he cannot do much more, having to spare his energies to tend to all the other ones who are injured. He leaves in a hurry, and asks you to rest for the day.

After he departs, a breeze is carried in from the window above your bed. Something else flutters in too - landing on your stomach, it is a card - and behind it reads a message...

You suffer no lasting damage or trauma, and you are at full health.

Welcome to DM Patcher's Carrion Crown!

20th of Neth, 4709 AR - Journey begins.

It has been seventeen days since Professor Lorrimor passed away. The letter that arrived with the grave news was delivered to you personally by a courier, who went on his merry way immediately after confirming your identity. The letter was penned by a steady hand. Tears decorated the edges of the parchment - it was signed by Kendra Lorrimor, his daughter.

But it was more than a hopeful invitation to the funeral. The letter mentioned his will - and your names - and it was of utmost imporance that you could arrive to be there during the reading. However long the trip would take, you arrived in time for the funeral, to the small town of Ravengro...

It is early morning. The skies are dark, and the clouds seem to be on the verge of weeping. The Lorrimor residence is quiet, almost deserted. The garden is untended; thorns have begun creeping up the iron gates that wall off the residence. After a couple of minutes of waiting, the door to the manse opens. A woman emerges from the doorway and advances towards you at a rather slow pace. Her eyes are red and puffy. She is wearing dark-red mourning robes, a black cloak cast over her shoulders. Her hair is tied up in a topknot. When she sees you by the gates, her expression is a mixture of curiosity, relief and sorrow. "Are you...? The letters arrived in time?"

She shakes her head softly and curtsies for you. "I...I apologise, where are my manners? My name is Kendra Lorrimor. My father... the funeral will be held up north, in the Restlands."

"Thank you for... for coming. I...there are few who wish to pay their respects to my father, with things the way they are in town these days."

The tone of her voice is bitter - and sad. She wipes away the small hint of a tear in her eye. She looks at all of you, her lips tugged into a mournful smile.

Welcome to a DM Patcher experience! To recap:

Jeremiziah - Torsten Olæsson (Human Barbarian)
Nazard - Venedictos (Human Cleric)
Sir Not Appearing In This Film - Aerys Trajyon (Human Sorcerer)
Edgar Lamoureux - Viktor Stasiuk (Human Magus)
Rune - Valerya Dragonsbreath (Half-Elf Ranger?)

The campaign will start tomorrow. In the meanwhile, please get acquainted and let us delve into your backstories to cover the gaps (if any).

Welcome to a DM Patcher experience. To recap:

Deevor - Parneth Servias (Human Cleric)
The Dorf - Pace Gambol (Human Fighter)
DreamingWarforged - Djal (Half-Elf Ranger)
Hu5tru - Iolana (Human Bard)
michaelane - Chavakala (Human Oracle)

I will start the campaign tomorrow. Please get comfortable.

Welcome to yet another recruitment thread! In my madness, I am looking for 4-5 players, one group only, to roam the streets of Korvosa, and find themselves involved in the conspiracies of the throne. Remember to download the Curse of the Crimson Throne Player's Guide from the Paizo website to understand the setting of this adventure path; here are the application rules.

Recruitment will close on Friday, the 24th of June.

• Races: All standard races from the Core Rulebook only will be allowed. Racial options from the APG will be allowed.
• Classes: All classes (Base and Prestige) from the Core Rulebook, APG and Ultimate Magic will be allowed. All archetypes will be allowed. Archetype stacking will be allowed - as long as the class features do not replace one another (as per the actual archetype rules).
• Favoured Class: The favoured class options from the Core Rulebook and APG will be acceptable. If the Magus receives some form of favoured class bonus in the near future, after the campaign has started, I will allow Magus players to retcon their favoured class bonus to this new class bonus if they so wish.
• Alignment: I will only allow Good and Neutral alignments.
• Ability Scores: Characters must be created with 20-point buy. No stat can be raised above 18 (prior to racial modifiers), and no stat can be lowered below 8 (prior to racial modifiers).
• Feats: Any feat from the Core Rulebook, APG and UM will be allowed. Any other feat from Paizo-compatible systems must be approved by me.
• Traits: Characters will start with three traits. One of these traits MUST be a Curse of the Crimson Throne Campaign Trait.
• Hit Points: Characters will start out with Maximum hit points for their class at 1st level.
• Starting Gold: Characters will start with maximum gold for their class.
• The Words of Power system will be permitted for casters. For balance reasons, Borrow Future will not be an allowed Word Spell, unless it receives heavy errata.

Before you apply, I am looking for roleplayers who can post a minimum of once per day, preferably twice per day (or more) - and if a week passes without any explanation of absence, you will be booted and replaced. However, if I am warned beforehand of absence, this is of course acceptable. So please make sure you have the time and dedication before you apply.

Also, I ask that you supply a finished character sheet and a basic outline for your character's background to display your concept - if you are chosen I will ask for a slightly more elaborate background.

I encourage you to mix backgrounds as well.

If you have any other questions, go ahead and ask.

Welcome to another recruitment topic! I will be looking for 4-5 players, one group only, to venture through Ustalav and be its saviours. Here are the rules for submission, and remember to download the Carrion Crown Player's Guide from the Paizo website to understand the setting of this adventure path.

Recruitment will close on Friday, the 24th of June.

• Races: All standard races from the Core Rulebook only will be allowed. Racial options from the APG will be allowed. I may allow Dhampir, Changelings and Orcs, as they fit the setting.
• Classes: All classes (Base and Prestige) from the Core Rulebook, APG and Ultimate Magic will be allowed. All archetypes will be allowed. Archetype stacking will be allowed - as long as the class features do not replace one another (as per the actual archetype rules).
• Favoured Class: The favoured class options from the Core Rulebook and APG will be acceptable. If the Magus receives some form of favoured class bonus in the near future, after the campaign has started, I will allow Magus players to retcon their favoured class bonus to this new class bonus if they so wish.
• Alignment: I will only allow Good and Neutral alignments.
• Ability Scores: Characters must be created with 20-point buy. No stat can be raised above 18 (prior to racial modifiers), and no stat can be lowered below 8 (prior to racial modifiers).
• Feats: Any feat from the Core Rulebook, APG and UM will be allowed. Any other feat from Paizo-compatible systems must be approved by me.
• Traits: Characters will start with three traits. One of these traits MUST be a Carrion Crown Campaign Trait.
• Hit Points: Characters will start out with Maximum hit points for their class at 1st level.
• Starting Gold: Characters will start with maximum gold for their class.
• The Words of Power system will be permitted for casters. For balance reasons, Borrow Future will not be an allowed Word Spell, unless it receives heavy errata.

Before you apply, I am looking for roleplayers who can post a minimum of once per day, preferably twice per day (or more) - and if a week passes without any explanation of absence, you will be booted and replaced. However, if I am warned beforehand of absence, this is of course acceptable. So please make sure you have the time and dedication before you apply.

Also, I ask that you supply a finished character sheet and a basic outline for your character's background to display your concept - if you are chosen I will ask for a slightly more elaborate background.

I encourage you to mix backgrounds as well.

If you have any other questions, go ahead and ask.

Which AP would ignite your interest? At the moment I am running Legacy of Fire and a homebrew campaign - yet due to RL circumstances I find myself with a LOT more free time and can actually afford to run another AP. (or two.)

So which APs would people join?

Mount Archus is quite impressive from the base of the mountain - its spires coated in perpetual white snow. At the top, in plain view, is Snöfjell Academy; it's difficult to believe the trip down took three days. Winter recently arrived as well; it has never been cold on the mountain, but the snow has poured down almost excessively, and while the sight is beautiful, it was the reason for your delay down the mountain.

At the base, Snöfjell village offered a warm night at the inn; in the morning, you prepared for the expedition into the Snowmoss Caverns by purchasing supplies funded by the Snöfjell Academy: torches, rations, rope and grappling hooks, flint and tinder...everything necessary for the caverns!

The entrance of the cavern is quite a sight; its walls seem to be made of silver, with moss stretching from one wall to the other. Less than a hundred feet in, darkness consumes the pathway. Luckily, Frum Cruss knows the way through the caverns to the place where he found the crystals...

...or so he thought. After the tunnel split for the fifth time, the path is oddly obscure. The torches are still burning strongly, yet it's the moss that seems to grow thicker with every glance. You almost decide to return to the entrance when the earthquake hits - the torches fall from your grasp into the moss, which extinguishes them immediately. After a small eternity, the tremors stop. You all feel shaken...

Welcome! As suggested, an earthquake just hit. You're all alright, game-mechanics wise, so no worries about health or conditions. Let's get this show on the road!

Alright, so let's get this show on the road! Let me summarise what we've decided so far.

Ævux - Darche Schneider (Kincade/Felpurr? Alchemist)
Saint Caleth - Coross Kelson (Human Magus)
Qi - Frum Cruss (Gnome Rogue)
Shane Gifford - Zachary McDonald (Tiefling Sorcerer)
Yucala - Lucca (Human Inquisitor)
Edgar Lamoureux - Skender Ruggova (Human Soulknife)
Harmor - ??? (??? Cleric)

Start of Adventure
In the adventure academy (name to be decided upon), the researcher Frum Cruss has been studying odd minerals in a cave system at the root of the mountain. Having shared the fruits of his research with Professor Schneider, the two of them have managed to arrange an expedition with four of the school's pupils: Zachary, Skender, Lucca and Coross. However, the terms of condition for the expedition is that one of the school's healers join them. ??? (Harmor) was equally interested in this mysterious foundings, and joins them in this expedition.

(just the generic prologue)

Known facts
All characters have a crystal each - they are all eeriely similar.

I might have missed something, but I am admittedly a little tired, heh. Feel free to remind me.

I've been seeing some topics here and there on the subject, but I have no clue what a gestalt character is.

Can somebody elaborate, please?

Apologies if this is an oft asked question.

Since there was a LOT of interest gauged for this, I will open a recruitment topic.

Again, I will warn any recruits that I am currently running two APs and one module, and am a player in 4 APs, and as such I will not devote the same attention to this as I am to those. That doesn't mean I will neglect this, but if the pace picks up in any of the aforementioned APs I will be prioritising them over this.

Having said that, here are the creation guidelines.

• Races: Most humanoid races will be allowed, as long as they are small or medium. I will not allow races with level adjustments.
• Classes: All classes (Base and Prestige) from the Core Rulebook, APG and Ultimate Magic will be allowed. Ultimate Combat Playtest will be allowed. Psionics Unleashed will be allowed.
• Alignment: I will allow all alignments except NE and CE.
• Ability Scores: Characters must be created with 20-point buy.
• Feats: Any feats from the Core Rulebook, APG, UM, UC (Ultimate Combat), PU (Psionics Unleashed) and Godling-related feats will be allowed. I will also allow Bestiary feats.
• Traits: Characters will start with three traits. One of these must be campaign-related traits - however, you get to make these in tandem with me so they fit your character.
• Hit Points: Characters will start out with Maximum hit points for their class at 1st level.
• Starting Gold: Characters will start with maximum gold for their class.

I will recruit five players for this.

Now, this will be even more important: since nothing apart from the generic storyline is set in stone - that is, destroying the plot crystals to save the world - the world's geography, backstory and societal norms are not determined. However, I will be consistent and every statement that makes it as "fact" will not later be randomly retconned.

One criteria is that you all must know one another - either through blood relations, friendships, apprenticeships, ect.

Also, to fulfill the stereotypical cliche, your age must fall between 15 and 30, regardless of race. If you want to be older, I need to know why.

Any questions? If not, feel free to submit your characters. I don't know when this will start, but we'll see what happens. This will also be a good topic to muse the assumptions of the world. I have thoughts, but I will address them when you ask.

I seem to be starting a lot of projects, so I will say right off the bat that this will not be receiving the same attention as the APs I'm running nor the campaigns that I'm in - but again, this also depends on interest.

I'm not going to lie, the idea isn't original; it's rather cliche, but sometimes we want our fills of this. The concept is simple:

CONCEPT (because bolding things can be cool - but not always)
Basically, the world is supported by mana crystals - or shrines - or altars - or some sort of mechanism or macguffin. However, this process is slowly killing the world, either by draining its energies, or summoning the evil demon of hell who was sealed hundreds of years ago by heroes of old. After some event, the heroes have to stop these plot crystals to save the world, but this won't be easy. Essentially, to the world, the players are becoming villains, and as more and more of these plot crystals are getting destroyed/shut down, the bigger the bounty on their heads becomes.

Essentially, there'd be brainstorming about how your characters came around to realising that the world was dying - it would start small-scale, in your hometown, and slowly expand depending on where you decide to go next. There would be a main quest: shut down the plot crystals, and fight off the world as they try to stop you from saving it.

Since it's a homebrew world, that means most of the assumptions of Golarion go right out the window. The only definite restriction would be the NE and CE alignments - LE would be allowed, on the premise that they never backstab their own party members. After all, casualties are fine if it's for the greater good.

Races would be core rulebook - plus bestiary races: tengu, goblin, kobold, aasimar, tiefling, gillman, so on. As long as it's humanoid and has a stat-block. No level adjustments, though.

As for character creation rules, I have no clue. This is really just a topic to see who'd be interested in a run-of-the-mill improvised cliche-fest. It'd also be practice for any creation I would do in the future. As such, consistency is key.

Well, this is a post gauging interest. What I want to play on is the generic JRPG cliche but then add a mix of WRPG to make it gritty and not always happy ending. You try to save the world, get nothing in return, possibly you make everything worse, you won't be remembered as heroes (possibly), so on. The theme, essentially, is to play the misunderstood heroes who are treated as villains as they fight off the world they try to save (and hell, maybe they do turn evil.)

Questions? Thoughts?


The Journey begins.

Evening falls. The chatter from the marketplace is slowly fading away as the desert wind lets out an eerie, soft howl. The skies grow dark as dusk sets in, the sun sinking into the horizon to the east. The night chill crawls into the town of Solku, as an unusual liveliness sets out amidst the streets; the hard-working labourers of the town finally have a night off.

The room is lit up by a lantern hanging above the wooden table. Gavarel enters the door behind Abbas and Gilfroy, giving them a courteous bow. "I apologise for the distraction. There have been some change of plans."

He closes the door, walking up past the two of them. As he settles down on the opposite side of the table, his face seems mildly agitated; it's difficult to tell. Only his eyebrows seem different from the otherwise monotonous expression you have seen before. "As I was about to say before the interruption, I believe we have come to an agreement, Priest Abbas. As by Dawnmother Petrice's request, you and your friend aid us, and we in return help with opening the church."

Outside of the room, the four siblings are waiting for Garavel to call them in. Two lanterns light up the long corridor, strung up by the closed shutters. The second floor offers little in regards of decorations, though there are pieces of furniture to sit on. Shadows are cast from the lanterns, long ones that stretch far into the corridors, until darkness is all that is left. Outside, the muffled tavern life grows louder, as the evening goes on.

Just making doubly sure, you have all met Garavel by now.


The Journey begins.

Early morning. Merchants have barely begun setting up their stalls and the faintest breeze whisks the sand from one side of the road to the other. The sun is dawning from the east; despite twilight, the temperature is rising fast. The air gradually fills up with the scent of breakfast being made, from houses to taverns to stalls.

Garavel stands impatiently by the city gate, reining several camels, while giving orders of preparation to Marketus and Yantur. "Marketus, the bag by the hut over there contains empty waterskins. Start loading them up in the camels' saddlebags. Yantur, get me the map from the table by the hut."

His orders are loud but there is no mirth or enjoyment in his tone; he keeps staring at the road to the centre of the town, waiting for the other four makeshift adventurers to arrive. The first silhouette appears in the horizon. "At last," he calls out.

And it begins. Whoever posts first of the four "unintroduced" ones arrives first. EDIT: My intention was that you have already been assigned to the cavaran and have met with Garavel already.

Welcome! Ominous kitty is watching you sleep.

I will again list the players for the Sceptre of Flame group, and they are:

DaWay - Llathander
PoorWanderingOne - Durant
Nazard - Gilfroy Fezziwig
dathom - Badi Al'Mukhabat Nabih Ka'im
Papa-DRB - Abbas
overfiend_87 - Bahram Kalor

Now, we have an interesting situation here in that everybody but Gilfroy has the Finding Haleen trait. This could be a problem - I do encourage somebody changing traits, but it isn't strictly necessary. You could be a large family, or maybe there are more than one Haleen - yet everybody's description of the woman is the same? Intriguing. (or dull, your judgement, truly.) Do not feel pressured into changing traits, however.

What I want, prior to our beginning, is for you to discuss your backgrounds and get familiar with one another. Melding backgrounds is also encouraged, though this is expected for everybody with Finding Haleen as a campaign trait.

When the campaign starts, you will all have been travelling for a little over a week, from the town of Solku - and as such, you should all know each other on a name basis. I still want you to describe yourselves, and I won't frown upon an introduction - whether in past tense to when you first met one another or how else you prefer.

I will announce when we start, right now I need to do a LOT of preparations. Feel free to ask any questions you might have.

If I may: This is my first AP. And while I have myself to blame for hosting two groups instead of one, please be patient while I figure out how to handle everything. I will do my best to be a worthy DM.

Welcome! Rahr ferocious kitty avatar.

I will again list the players for the Crown of Dawn group, and they are:

nomadicc - Sihdrin
Anatidate - Hazem Al Kareem
Stomphoof - Marketus Jackson
Sir Jolt - Yantur "The Sly"
KMBCross - Khasud al-Rasad
Sunshadow21 - Alfred Windbottom

Now, Sihdrin, Hazem, Khasud and Alfred, it appears all four of you have the Reclaiming Your Roots Campaign trait (something I just now realised). This won't be a problem - if you want to change it, that's fine. I believe you can use it to weave in your backgrounds. Maybe some of you could be siblings - though this is ultimately up to you.

What I want, prior to our beginning, is for you to discuss your backgrounds and get familiar with one another. Melding backgrounds is also encouraged, but not required.

When the campaign starts, you will all have been travelling for a little over a week, from the town of Solku - and as such, you should all know each other on a name basis. I still want you to describe yourselves, and I won't frown upon an introduction - whether in past tense to when you first met one another or how else you prefer.

I will announce when we start, right now I need to do a LOT of preparations. Feel free to ask any questions you might have.

If I may: This is my first AP. And while I have myself to blame for hosting two groups instead of one, please be patient while I figure out how to handle everything. I will do my best to be a worthy DM.

Alright, I feel prepared to do an adventure path, and I have been convinced to run Legacy of Fire. I will run it for 4-6 players.

I prefer posters who can post on a daily basis. A day's absence every now and then is perfectly fine, but unexplained absence for more than a day is very disruptive. If a week passes by without a player posting, I will remove said player and possibly seek out a replacement.

Also, recruitment will end Sunday the 5th, or Monday the 6th of June, as I have exams coming up; I will also be moving the 4th of June. As such, I need some time to recuperate.

Now, onto character creation guidelines;

• Races: All standard races from the Core Rulebook will be allowed. Racial options from the APG will be allowed.
• Classes: All classes (Base and Prestige) from the Core Rulebook, APG and Ultimate Magic will be allowed. The Ninja and Samurai will also be allowed, as per the current Ultimate Combat playtest.
• Favoured Class: The favoured class options from the Core Rulebook and APG will be acceptable. If the Magus receives some form of favoured class bonus in the near future, after the campaign has started, I will allow Magus players to retcon their favoured class bonus to this new class bonus if they so wish.
• Alignment: I will only allow Good and Neutral alignments.
• Ability Scores: Characters must be created with 20-point buy. No stat can be raised above 18 (prior to racial modifiers), and no stat can be lowered below 8 (prior to racial modifiers).
• Feats: Any feat from the Core Rulebook, APG and UM will be allowed. Any other feat from Paizo-compatible systems must be approved by me.
• Traits: Characters will start with three traits. One of these traits MUST be a Legacy of Fire Campaign Trait.
• Hit Points: Characters will start out with Maximum hit points for their class at 1st level.
• Starting Gold: Characters will start with maximum gold for their class.
• The Words of Power system will be permitted for casters. For balance reasons, Borrow Future will not be an allowed Word Spell, unless it receives heavy errata.

Preferably, the party makeup should consist of your core roles: a tank, a damage dealer, a healer, a spellcaster and a face. Fulfilling more than one role is of course perfectly acceptable.

Also, the characters will be travelling together with the other characters for at least a week prior to the start of the adventure; I encourage applicants to come up with backstories together (though this is no requirement).

Furthermore, keep in mind that Legacy of Fire is (mainly) set in Katapesh; savannah and desert environments are aplenty.

The only unofficial requirement I have otherwise is that you create a generally party-friendly character.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Let me elaborate. I understand to some degree the concept behind a druid: keepers of balance, tree-huggers, shamans, preserver of nature, of community, and so on. Yet having named these enormous over-generalisations, I can't wrap my head around their... role. Their purpose. Not their purpose as a class, but purpose in a party.

I will admit to inherent bias here. When I think druid, I think secrecy. Seclusion. Holier-than-thou; yes, even more so than your generic lawful stupid paladin. I think of somebody raised into something cult-esque where tradition is everything and all that matters is nature (or any derivatives thereof).

I can imagine characters from all the other classes in Pathfinder (including the Magus) coming from a wide variety of societies, whether it be tribes, cities, villages, and such, but for the druid I am having difficulties. I'm unable to see how a druid would at all be involved in any adventuring party without it being "for the sake of nature" (or its destruction), and I am having difficulties imagining a druid as anything other than a stick-in-the-mud.

So, what I ask of you is: can you show me the druid in a wider perspective? Anecdotes, character backgrounds, NPCs, ect. I want to see the "extremes" of druids. I want to know how it is ... "logical", I use that word with caution, for a druid, for instance, to have grown up in a city alongside the other adventurers as children without being ... "corrupted" to a stick-in-the-mud. I want to know how a druidic villain can be interesting without resorting to "the end justifies to means." (actually, that one is pretty neat, I suppose).

I want to see the druid as more than my own narrow view. And please refrain from writing an enormous essay about how wrong I am - I am asking so that I may expand my view in the first place.

Generally, I have a fair enough grasp on the rules and understanding of the game; as a player, I'd rather run characters that are interesting (slash real, though that term is subjective) rather than a sheet of numbers where I have to dump-stat Cha/Int/any stat without purpose.

Essentially, I have three characters, linked below, that are "finished". Might be important to point out that the summoner and inquisitor have their dump stat as con, which is me being mega-original and going for sickly-during-childhood; probably not optimal, but I'll live (hurr hurr).

What I do want to know, though, is generally what could be done to improve the characters. Feats, traits, skills, generally what enormous flaws can be spotted on the characters that would make him/her a massive liability (as opposed to useful enough that the low health won't be too big a problem).

I should also tell you I'm new to being a player. I don't know what optimal values are, what the average AC/attack/saves for enemies or PCs of particular levels are, and so on.


It's a dreary day - the rain has poured since last night. The clouds are thick, a carpet that drapes the sky from one end to the other; the sun barely gleams through. Travellers huddle in through the city gates to find shelter, while disgruntled guards point the way and give directions. Since the earthquake struck, hopeful adventurers have set out to find and explore the fortress, and few have returned. Worried friends and family members have approached the Eagle Garrison with concerns of the mysterious 'fallen fortress', and Captain Kerlion has promised answers.

"The fortress is half a day's travel south from here," the captain addresses Anath, his expression stern. The guards are peering curiously, and travellers stare as they head into the centre of the city. "There are no roads there; when you get to the crossroads, you will need to travel the plains. Be cautious."

He glances over the five aspiring adventurers, not without pity. The rain has halted to a dribble, but the skies seem darker now than before. "Do not hesitate to flee if you must," he calls out to them. "There is no shame in cowardice if you can return to fight another day. Do not waste your lives if you can keep them. I wish you the best of luck."

And with that, he sees the adventurers off as they leave Absalom through the southern gate.


You have received a map of the Cairnlands, marked with the location of the destination.


As part of this expedition, the Eagle Garrison has contributed with rations for four days; you have not had the time to share these with your allies yet.


When it was decided you would join the expedition, you thought it wise to read up on the history of the place. While your research was scarce, you did find a Scroll of Magic Weapon amidst some of the books of the subject.


An admirer approached you last night, all flustered and bashful, explaining that she had heard you were leaving last night. She gave you a labeled Potion of Cure Light Wounds and asked that you returned safely, and if you did, that you would find her.


Late last night you found a bag poorly hidden behind some barrels outside your inn; after careful examination, you realise that this was flash powder, and sure to come in use.

You are outside the city, with a clear path south to your destination. What do you do?

I'm curious about how the favoured class progression (+1/2 to effective level when calculating your Oracle's curse ability) works, specifically in regards of the Haunted curse. For all other curses, it's very straight-forward, but for the Haunted curse it directly adds a spell at 10th level (assuming you put all 10 favoured class selections into +1/2 effective level) that doesn't have a set spell level (wizards and sorcerers have it as a 7th level spell, druids as an 8th).

So what happens? Does the oracle possess the spell in these circumstances but doesn't have a spell slot to actually use it?

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