Holy Vindicator

Socar's page

*** Venture-Agent, Illinois—Kakankee 71 posts (74 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 27 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

Organized Play Characters

Dark Archive patrick schreurs 125
(0 posts)

Scarab Sages patrick schreurs 537
(0 posts)
Grand Lodge Ensard

Male Elf Paladin / 5 (0 posts)
Luonim the Vast
Scarab Sages Arcabia

Male Gnome Wizard / 3 (0 posts)

Sovereign Court Grimaud

Male Human Orical / 3 (0 posts)

The Exchange S' Nac
(0 posts)

Grand Lodge Ah nold
(0 posts)
Ratfolk Caravan Guard
The Exchange Peg Driftwood

Male Ratfolk (0 posts)

Scarab Sages Trustworthy
(0 posts)

The Concordance Gobber
(0 posts)

Silver Crusade patrick schreurs 961
(0 posts)

The Concordance patrick schreurs 556
(0 posts)

Wayfinders Ulsel Wud

Male Shirren Mystic (Xenodruid) / 1 (0 posts)
Wayfinders Krann

Male Haan Envoy / 1 (0 posts)

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) McWilliams
(0 posts)

Dataphiles 144
(0 posts)

Exo-Guardians S' Al
(0 posts)

Acquisitives Soqar
(0 posts)
Exo-Guardians Palladinn

Male Kasathas Soldier (Divine Champion) (0 posts)

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) patrick schreurs 78
(0 posts)

Grand Archive patrick schreurs 935
(0 posts)
Lieutentant Pavo Voc
Grand Archive Bobbbbb

Male Human Fighter / 1 (0 posts)

Vigilant Seal Cleric 56
(0 posts)
Sir Holton
Vigilant Seal Will Henry McWilliams

Male Human paladin (0 posts)

Vigilant Seal undead Paladin
(0 posts)

Liberty's Edge Waholic Rollinghill

Male Human Cleric/2 (0 posts)

Scarab Sages Kornelius
(0 posts)


Grand Lodge patrick schreurs
(3 posts)