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Party is this sorc maybe 2 cavalier Bow focused fighter Skill monkey rogue and switch hitter ranger and i was going to go oracle for heals and talking to god i randomly had the thought what if i go oracle bard and go full on cheerleader. I’m not familiar with bard and this will be my first oracle but I’ve bin playing other casters sorc cleric and druid so oracle doesn’t seem like a hard thing to learn my question is will i cripple myself if i try this? Both use cha as there casting stat and their abilities so i don’t see a clash. I also don’t want to get to level 10 and go s%+~...

Any ideas/advice or big red signs that say no you fool don’t!

also ive never really multi classed. if you do and both share a class skill is it still just a +3 or dose it stack im guessing no?

So a couple questions. some time soon im going to play my first Oracle and would like some tips tricks do's dont's on it. from the look of it it seems oracle is to cleric as sorcerer is to wizard. anyway im looking to be a support caster/healer 1-800-CAL-LGOD. mostlikely a catfolk if the dm allowes it for the boost to dex and cha. thinking of going with tongues curse and the life mystery. not set in stone and open to ideas.

next is this what alignment would a bodyguard thats purpose is to protect and obey character x for no personal gain and would give there life in a second for said person. im thinking lawful good but dont want a preachy character that bites off the mages head for bringing a raw chicken to life and making it do the chicken dance. im looking for unquestionable loyalty and obedience to a person but anything that happens that dosent effect him or his charge is none of his concern.

second personalaty is the set free slave that will do anything for the person that set them free there new master is there world and nothing else matters to them. the person they are loyal too would probibly be some form of good.

any ideas are welcomed

ok so here is the idea. my group decided to start a new adventure group at lvl one maybe two. me and my friend are deciding to be a little sneeky and let the party figure it out. the idea is im playing a elf wizard and hes going to play a half elf fighter. we look like identical twins. im a bookworm that is a kluts and pretty much stupid when anything other than spells are involved. ive already got my charcter worked out but her "my twin sister" (but really my daughter) is a fighter like her dad was.

im curious as to how half elfs age do they go by elf age or human im figuring they live half as long as elfs give or take ill ask the dm because he may have house rules.

so im trying to help with ideas for a elven fighter example the skimpy elf armor and a pretty elven blade of some sort and would like any ideas for this. she will be a on foot focused fighter with the support of a "god wizard" he seems to want a two handed blade like a greatsword or falchon sorry for horrid spelling.

she will probibly get to around level 10 maybe higher id like weapon ideas feat and maybe armor ideas for the fighter. my wizard has already been figured out.

thanks in advanced

Im a little new to the game and would like to see some creative out of the box spell ideas people use that normaly are not done. id like to see what people come up with or have done that have interesting effects.

ill try to keep this short.

so far ive only played sorcerers and im wanting to dip into wizards.
i want some advice on how the spell book functions. i have familiars in mind so dont really need info on that but your free to give any advice you want and ill read it.

the corebook is kind of vague on cantrips it says they are infinint in the discription but the table lists them as a set number of spells per day where the sorcerer class can uses theres infinintly. im between conj or illusion as a specialized school and would like info on which one may be a better pick i like both but need to pick one and then a fiew that I suck at or just dont like (opposed) id like some info on what ones are less likely to be missed.

the thing that has me confused is this when it says prepare daily is it i can wright down any spell on the lists i have access too and then thost are treated as memorised spells I can cast any time I want as long as I have the power to do it. (example hmm bulls str?... *opens book glances at page* ahh yes now i remember) fighter you are now stronger! barbarian hold still a moment... you are now on crack!

Or is it my book holds x spells and today I think I will need bulls str 3 times so I must scribe it 3 times into my book?

time to cast *wizard opens book waves hand over the page the symboles glow and come to life dancing off the page swierrling around the wizard dissappearing as he reads them focusing them into the spell* fighter you are now stronger! (now only two lines of bulls str remain in the book untill added again)

in short how is a wizard using there book? is it a quick referance to x different spells untill out of spell power? Or is it like a magical ammo clip that can fire anything in it but only the bullets I decided to load that day

PS Im planing on a God wizard not a Glass Cannon I manipulate the battlefield so my party *Cough* pawns *Cough Cough* win. why use a volly of fireballs when a barrel full of monkeys on crack is so much more fun... *finger pyramid of evil contemplation*

I just started playing the game only have the core book and have skimmed my friends UM and APG when i can. My question here the core book says the raven can speak common and i know there’s some improved ones that can. But what I’m looking to do is make a friendly female wizard with a smart ass just plain mean cat that talks s&~% when it feels like. I know all familiars get speak with master but i want it to be able to speak with anyone.
I’d have the DM set up rules where i can’t use the pet to go send messages to people unless i use the spells i normally would need to cast. I don’t want the talking for any game breaking reason it’s purely for role play so i can be the nice person and the a~&@&~@ all in one.
Also thoughts of making the girl kind of ditsy in social interactions and the cat pretty much face palming would be fun. She would still have the high (Int) a wizard needs but for RP she would be kind of stupid and the cat always on her case and ashamed of master half the time. I’d like to make it happen but it’s not too important just seems fun next time I’m asked to fill a caster roll. But the grumpy old man with the sarcastic raven could be fun too i suppose.

PS. The familiar is not limited to a cat (in my opinion a flying familiar is better for alot of reasons and wizards shouldent need stealth) I’m just trying to pick something cute and fluffy that type of girl would keep as a pet I've been told of a cat with wings that sounds interesting but I’m pretty sure it can’t speak and I believe it’s an improved familiar