Frost Giant

SnowDM's page

10 posts (62 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


Sorry about the double post and thank you for your quick reply :-)

It really helped on how I'll play it from here.

Some more general questions:

1) given your love of dinosaurs, did you ever consider becoming a paleontologist?

2) I'm becoming more interested in Lovecraft's universe(cosmology?), especially from reading your thread. Where would you recommend someone who knows very little about it to start? Which book/short story?

3) I believe you mentioned playing RPGs with your father and sister the first time you GMed. Does your father and/or sister still play?

Hi James

I would like your advice on a couple of thing from Rise of the Runelords. Sorry if it is a bit long the setup
My players read this thread so

RotR spoiler:

I don't know how much you were involved with him, but we are running the hardcover book, and at the end of chapter 3 the PCs were heading to Hook Mountain Clanhold, when they noticed the hill giant Razmus (from the appendix) spying on them in the Valley of Broken Trees.
They chased and attacked him, but felt bad about it and stopped in a stand-off to talk to him. But the wizard, a bit greedy, decided to cast Detect Magic to see if he carried magic items. Razmus thought he attacked, and they beat him down to negative HPs. Again they felt bad (especially since a holy weapon failed to do extra damage), so they stabilized him, took his gear and left him there.
I'm wondering how he will react now? He obviously resents the PCs but on the other hand they spared him. Do you think he'd join Mokmurian to seek revenge? (they asked him about Sihedrons and stuff) or do something else?

Lucrecia fled Fort Rannick because Kaven warned her about the PCs. She didn't believe him at first, but as they attacked from above, dealing with the Kreeg leadership and were cutting their way to her she withdrew with Kaven, to Barl Breakbone's side.
My question is, will she fight to the death alongside Barl? or will she run away if she is brought low enough on HP, and leave Barl to fend for himself?

Thanks for any insights

I would also love to own a book like this!

The forums are invaluable for finding knowledge and advice, but it isn't easy.
Having a book handy would make it a lot easier

Hello James

First off I want to thank you for taking the time to answer all our questions :-) I love how you guys and gals at paizo interact with the community.

Onwards to the questions:
How many times have you experienced a total party kill? Either GMing og as a player?
How have you dealt with it?

I GM mostly and for more than a decade I never had a TPK, but then when we started running Adventure Paths, we've had a couple happen.
Our Council of Thieves ended with at TPK at the end of the 4th book.
Now on Rise of the Runelords, Thistletop almost turned into one and the Shadow Clock did become one.

As a GM it really bummed me out, and the CoT campaign ended because of it, but we decided to power through RotR.
Any advice for dealing with TPKs?

I hope none of my players read the next part, but they shouldn't spoil RotR for themselves ;-)

RotR spoilr:

Speaking of RotR and TPKs, Am I terrible for wanting my players to fall against Karzoug in the end? It is just because reading the entry on what happens if he wins, and how he becomes fantastically difficult to defeat really make me run an, eventually, mythic campaign with new heroes to take up the mantle and beat him at his strongest, with all his ancient armies

Thanks for any insights you may offer :-)

Anthony Adam wrote:
Check your printer settings when the printer dialog pops up. on my Epson, I get the option to print 2 or 4 pages to a page, which lets the printer driver and printer do all the work for me :)
Nickolas Russell wrote:

...Hmm, I may add extra tabs that accomplish this for layout and formatting sake. Meanwhile, like Galeazzo and Anthony Adam said, look into your printer options, it may be able to do what you want.

Thank you everybody, glad you all like it!

Thanks that did what I wanted it to :-) I just wanted a sheet where I could tick off the days and keep track of how much time passed quickly

This Calendar is pretty rocking awesome but I have a question:
I'm not really well versed in Excel but is it possible to make each month take up less space? So I don't have to print out a page a month? But can fit maybe half a year to an A4 page?

I've always tended to avoid them as GM before pathfinder especially now a lot of the old ones can get more use but I've always hated save-or-die mechanics sure it makes for an intense roll but losing a character with tons of backstory and subplots on a single roll is a well anticlimatic, but if the players start throwing such abilities around willy nilly the NPC bosses will respond in kind...

Sounds like a good idea to let them no the risk somehow though how to do it without breaking immersion is tough

No particular order
Magic Missile the good ol'
Dimension Door is always handy for quick get away
Mad Monkeys is just a barrel of fun
Breath of Life is useful and has nice flavor
Prestidigitation gets used for anything ;-)
I find the Create Pit line pretty funny and cool
Fireball the good ol'
Grease can be funny especially when combined with fire
Haste kind of have to be there
Wishes are also funny to see in play when used old school

Don't see it that often but one of the players in my group does tend to think of it more often and pay for nifty abilities to be permanent and spare the spell slot. Also as a DM my NPcs don't use dispel magic that often unless it makes sense for them to have those abilities

Tried the search function but couldn't find an answer so I was wondering if the PCs delve into an evil temple and the high priest there have set up glyphs of warding to blast people not of the evil faith whether they should get xp for it, when they don't get xp for him flamestriking them or summoning monsters at them? But that is during the encounter against him; he has cast the other spells ahead of time and aren't missing them from his daily allotment of spells. So part of me thinks to use the rules for magic traps CR and part of me thinks that's the deal when facing a high-level cleric...


In a similiar vein as the summoned monsters what if he has the leadership feat and a cohort? Is the cohort part of his CR or not?

Thanks for any insights you guys can give