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SnakeyViperSkin's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Envoy's Alliance

SuperBidi wrote:
SnakeyViperSkin wrote:

Does anyone else believe with all the restrictions of battle forms, that losing an action was warranted? I think its a tad too much and would personally rank Darkened Forest Form lower as a result.

The loss of an action makes slow, stunned, flight, or any other circumstance in which an action is required that much more debilitating than for other PCs. Again this is all on top of current battle form limitations

Just don't use it when you're Slowed or Stunned. It's meant for caster oriented Animists, you use it when you need to shift to melee. If you want a gish Vessel Spell to use most of the time, Embodiment of Battle is much more suited.

I doubt anyone would use any battle form under those conditions to begin with but if you were already in form you would be brought down to this spell's default effectiveness. I believe just casting the named spell is more efficient if a caster needs (why?) to melee. Embodiment of Battle is much more suited and thus should be higher ranked then Darkened. This focus spell is functional and cool but mechanically not worth the rating presented in the guide. Also flying in combat sucks major with this; that's a sin

Envoy's Alliance

Does anyone else believe with all the restrictions of battle forms, that losing an action was warranted? I think its a tad too much and would personally rank Darkened Forest Form lower as a result.

The loss of an action makes slow, stunned, flight, or any other circumstance in which an action is required that much more debilitating than for other PCs. Again this is all on top of current battle form limitations

Envoy's Alliance

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TheFinish wrote:
Yes, if your Draconic Exemplar is Adamantine, you can choose Bludgeoning or one of the listed damage types for your resistance.

Thank you for your help.

Envoy's Alliance

If your draconic exemplar is an adamantine dragon can you choose physical? The wording sounds like you can and that its optional to choose an elemental resistance. Could def be reading it wrong.

"Draconic magic safeguards you against harm. You gain resistance equal to half your level (minimum 1) to the damage type associated with your draconic exemplar. Double this resistance against damage of that type dealt to you by dragons. If your draconic exemplar is associated with bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage, instead of gaining resistance to that type you can choose acid, cold, fire, electricity, or sonic"