
Smith's page

10 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


I like the class. My only change would be to have the mage follow the spell progression of the wizard but one level later. I'm not sure what I would do for the 1st level of the class, though. The greater versatility of the mage is then offset by having to wait longer for spells.

I must agree, I loved those books. Never used 'em but loved 'em anyway.

It's taking us a while to get threw AoW. Savage Tide may well be finished before we finish the second AP:)

The Overload gave me the confidence to start before all the adventures were published but I think it would be better to have them all in hand. Unfortunately, I do not have that kind of patience.

farewell2kings wrote:

I would like to see a DM's toolbox to help quickly build encounters, towns, NPCs....encounter tables!!! encounter tables!!! Encounter tables and tools using all of the monster manuals and WotC books, not just OGL, which is what 3rd party publishers are limited to.

I second this motion. I'd also like to see completely developed towns and cities, complete with full maps and NPCs. I no longer have the time to build these for myself and would gladly pay somebody to do this for me. I really enjoyed the development of Saltmarsh in the DMG II.

farewell2kings wrote:

....and no more books without an index.....

Well said!!

I don't have those articles. Can someone give me a summary?

I aspire to be a munchkin. I'm just really, really bad at it. But I refuse to give up. Practice makes perfect or so I've been told. I think my problem is that I can't stay focussed long enough on one or two traits. I always get sucked in by the "wouldn't it be cool if..." flashes that come into my head that come to me during play. I know, though, that eventually I'll get there.

I'll get there...

The Hand of Vecna is the same in both the 3.0 and 3.5 DMG

Synchronized feather falling.

I really liked my halfling sorcerer, Tiny Tim. The DM didn't, though. He was dead within three hours.

I'm amazed at the creativity of these first characters. Mine was red box with the crayon dice. I was about 12 years old. Rolled up a halfling thief named....Bilbo. He died pretty quick. I then quickly made a human fighter. Named him Boromir. I actually wanted a magic user but my friend had already killed Gandalf around the same time Bilbo died. He got dibs on Merlin and I couldn't think of any other wizards. We actually went through quite a few characters before we started making up our own names. Talk about a group of creative kids!