Smilinggm |

Russell Jones wrote:
Smilinggm wrote:I also just noticed this Dragotha's Touch AC is only 12. That is wayyy to low IMHO.Take a look at other dragons' touch ACs as they age. That chink just keeps getting bigger; I think 12 is actually pretty darn decent for a dragon of his stature, compared to other draconic touch ACs I've seen.
Yes but There are several easy ways to buff touch AC. Mage Armor, Rings of Protection, Anything that gives a deflection bonus. Heck with just mage armor alone this would boost his touch ac up to 16. I know 16 is low compaired to 57, but it is an easy improvment to make. I also have a problem with giving every dragon a Dex of 10. Just because they are amoung the biggest creatrues around does not mean that they can not have a better Dex. In my home games I always give any dragon encounterd differet stats than the ones listed in the book, then I apply their racial and size mods. I will also mix up breath weapons just for fun.