The Jester

Smilinggm's page

Organized Play Member. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Russell Jones wrote:
Smilinggm wrote:
I also just noticed this Dragotha's Touch AC is only 12. That is wayyy to low IMHO.
Take a look at other dragons' touch ACs as they age. That chink just keeps getting bigger; I think 12 is actually pretty darn decent for a dragon of his stature, compared to other draconic touch ACs I've seen.

Yes but There are several easy ways to buff touch AC. Mage Armor, Rings of Protection, Anything that gives a deflection bonus. Heck with just mage armor alone this would boost his touch ac up to 16. I know 16 is low compaired to 57, but it is an easy improvment to make. I also have a problem with giving every dragon a Dex of 10. Just because they are amoung the biggest creatrues around does not mean that they can not have a better Dex. In my home games I always give any dragon encounterd differet stats than the ones listed in the book, then I apply their racial and size mods. I will also mix up breath weapons just for fun.

I also just noticed this Dragotha's Touch AC is only 12. That is wayyy to low IMHO. Any high level caster worth his salt should be able to hit every time with a ranged touch attack. Getting through his SR and various resistances and immunities will be the hardest part. Otherwise IMHO this is the real chink in Dragotha's hide and I believe this will be his downfall.

I have to know is there any plans to add Unholy Toughness (Ex), to the SRD.

Savaun Blackhawk wrote:

Because there are many systems that are much better than 3.5. Cutting back to the core rules doesn't change that. All of the OGL supplements can be easily converted, though.

I will agree to completly and 100% disagree with you. But if you must convert to C&C go ahead. I still see no reason to do so. I agree that there are other systems out there & I have played many fo them. In my 25 years of gaming I still like D&D 3.5 the best. So I agree to disagree.

Savaun Blackhawk wrote:

Is it blasphemy to post this on here? :p

Anyway, my group and I have grown a little tired of the rules of 3.x. Things are getting entirely too difficult to manage during large battles. Far too many feats and rules for combat.

We want fun, like back in the day. So, Ive decided to do a conversion of AoW to Castles and Crusades which is loosely based on the D20 OGL, with mixes of OD&D, AD&D, and AD&D 2nd.

Would anyone be interested in this? Will I be kicked off the boards for mentioning non WoC products?


So why not just cut back to the core rules and be done with it. I see no need for Castles and Crusades let a lone a conversion to C&C. I love all of the rules and options that have been presented by 3.5D&D and all of the OGL supplements.

So my vote is No, I am not interested!

1 DM 12 Players in 2 solid groups of 6 playing in Greyhawk. And sadly there is enough intrest for 3rd group of 6, but I do not have the time for the 3rd group at this time but I have promised them that I will start again after the 1st group finishes. So looks like I will be running AoW for the next 2 years at least. Location Evansville IN.

wraith_bones wrote:
ive beem away for awhile and would like to rejoin when i return from iraq

Yes the Evansville Gaming Guild (EGG) is Still alive and well. We Meet at Comic Quest Every Sat Night from 5:30pm till 10:30pm. We have about about 60 paid members and about 30 to 40 people show up at each meating.

Check out these Web Sites:

Sorry for taking so long to see this post. I Just do not get to this board that often.