Cayden Cailean

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Organized Play Member. 19 posts (78 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character. 1 alias.



Thanks Dave for the update and more interested in playing this AP.


I just downloaded it and did a quick read. I am impressed with it and making it my next module to run with my players. I surprised that it is a free module given the amount of content. I love the old edition feel with the cover and maps. The pregenerated characters is nice and will offer them to my players. The main enemy is a nice adversary and love the new monster with it. Over all, I love this module and the price is too good for the amount of hours you will get from it.


I am new DM and never played a sorcerer. I got the rulebook and the module Crypt of the EverFlame. One of my players rolled a elven one and I not sure if I understand them so here are some questions about his 1 level character.

1. It looks from table 3-14 that sorcerers can cast unlimited o level spell but limited to his 4 known from table 3-14?

2. He took the Draconic bloodline of a black dragon. He has claws from it and want to fight with both. What is penalties with claws for each hand if he didn't take two weapon fighting feat?

3. When can he use his Bonus Spells? If I read correctly, it is the level next to each spell?

4. When can he take the Bonus feat? I know he has one on first level and he choose Arcane Strike.

5. He wants to use his feat Arcane Strike on his claws. Can he use like that and does it effect both claws?

Thanks in advance


Thanks for the links.


A friend wants to convert his 3.5 Scout to Pathfinder. Has anyone posted a conversion for a Pathfinder Scout so it easy for my friend?


I got this for the Swashbuckler and play tested last Saturday. This class is way better then 3.5 version and going to test the alchemy next session.
It is a great product and great work Adamant Entertainment.


When on the Golarion calendar (year and month) does this adventure path begin?


Well, I should say our group Rockies Follies did but I did the final stoke with my rapier. We surrounded him (much to our mage anger) and took lots of his hits before he went down. I roll a freakish amount of 1 so it was strange to hit CabbageHead three times and more amazing to do the final stroke. Sorry for my ramble but I feeling good about this

Our group is made up of the following;

Latigo the human mage
Elrohir the elf scout
Drell the half elf (? he quiet about this) monk
John Henry the urban ranger
Kran the dwarf thief
Aromaz the human swashbuckler (me)

We are using Beta rules for the adventure.


Ohh, nice. What are the pregens for this?


This sound so cool and can't wait.


Our group is playing the first module with Beta rules.

We doing the rooftop chase and had some bad roles. At one point, it looked like a scene from The Happening! After that event, we earned the group name "Rockies Follies".


My gaming group at great time playing the first Module . We are using Beta rules and like the flow of the rules. Fun part came on the rooftop scene and I took a fall. Somehow survived and more incredible I grapped our suspect!

Just have to share this and great job Paizo.


fray wrote:

Ooops, you can't use the [img] tag...






NecroticBanana wrote:
As i said, i'm about to play in the pathfinder series for the first time, but i dont know what kind of character to make, i didnt get a chance to talk in depth with the DM yet and from what i understand he may change a few minor things, but on the whole it will be the same. so for those that have already checked it out, can you give me a couple of pointers?

Same here and would also like help.


Thanks again.


Thanks Lilith and yes Trent.


Anyone made character sheet? Please share.
Thanks in advance.


Will there be any information on the church of Torag in future products? I want to create a dwarf cleric and wanted background.
Thanks in advance