
Slashcard's page

Organized Play Member. 35 posts (79 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 alias.

Grand Lodge

Just thought I would ask.

On top of that though, who are some of your favorites?

As well, What's your favorite album of the year so far?

Many people cited 2011 as the year of Prog, and I would admit that there were a cavalcade of releases that were/are pretty good. The new Anglagard and Big Big Train albums seem to be getting a lot of recognition (rightfully so).

Personally, my favorite so far seems to be "Map of the Past" by It Bites ("Fog Electric" by North Atlantic Oscillation is in a close 2nd though).

Grand Lodge

11 people marked this as a favorite.

So, I created a static, printable spell sheet for Pathfinder. I did this mostly because of the lack of a decent "Do-It-Yourself" option. Personally, I do not favor pregenerated spell cards, and wanted the option to add specific class abilities and such (granted through Bloodlines, Mysteries, Etc.).

I won't consume your time with too much talk though, I'll provide a link through Google docs. If you go to print, it displays the document fine. I noticed that in Google docs, I saw some lines that were not in the originally formatting. (Saving the document prevents this issue as well.)

Let me know what you think, if you think there should be anything added in subsequent versions.

I've also submitted this for consideration to PathfinderDB.

Slashcard's Spell Sheet

Grand Lodge

Hello everyone,

I am making this thread, because I am curious about the tips and tricks of the trade for online campaigns.

I have many years of experience in pen and paper RPGs, and have been in love with the Pathfinder system for about 2 years. However, I have no experience in running, or playing in an online campaign.

The reason for an online campaign arises from the fact I am currently on an island located in The Great Lakes, and will be here till the beginning of November. Unfortunately enough to say, the number of people I have to play with on this island is relatively zilch. So I figured this would be a good opportunity for something new, and might open up a door I hadn't thought of until now.

I've reviewed some of the campaigns currently running for a basic idea of what is going on. I've viewed the Messageboard formatting. So I am kind of curious of where to go from here?

Any suggestions? Any tips that are not explicitly expressed, but are implied?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!