
Slashcard's page

Organized Play Member. 35 posts (79 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 alias.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

If you end up getting a bandcamp page going, let me know. I really enjoyed the song you posted. It has a very classic feel to it; all the way from the instrumental choices, to the filtering/programming.

I'll have to check out Samla Mammas Manna, but I do enjoy Beardfish. I first was introduced to Beardfish through their album "Sleeping In Traffic: Part Two". I was listening to Morow a while back, and "The Hunter" came on, and I was quite intrigued. It is quite awesome that you were able to play together with them. :)

As well, Thinking Plague is very interesting, but definitely the acquired taste you mentioned it to be.

GregH wrote:


(And Rush, and Yes, and King Crimson, and a little Dream Theatre, and Flower Kings, and Transatlantic, and SAGA...)


Haha, there is a lot of love for Marillion here (and in the Prog Community). Admittedly, the only song I can recall of the top of my head is "Lavender". Perhaps I should remedy that.

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

As people have been saying, the witch has an amazing spell list. In fact, in my personal opinion, they have just about the best spell list.

Not only do they get quite a bit of the best of all worlds (and then some once adding their Patron into the mix), but they also get an excellent combination that isn't restricted by alignment or class function issues. On top of all that spell feats start to play in a whole new manner of effectiveness with the witch, because not only are you receiving the bonuses of your feats, but you're most probably intermittently taking bonuses away from those you're casting your spells on.

Top notch class, I say.

Grand Lodge

11 people marked this as a favorite.

So, I created a static, printable spell sheet for Pathfinder. I did this mostly because of the lack of a decent "Do-It-Yourself" option. Personally, I do not favor pregenerated spell cards, and wanted the option to add specific class abilities and such (granted through Bloodlines, Mysteries, Etc.).

I won't consume your time with too much talk though, I'll provide a link through Google docs. If you go to print, it displays the document fine. I noticed that in Google docs, I saw some lines that were not in the originally formatting. (Saving the document prevents this issue as well.)

Let me know what you think, if you think there should be anything added in subsequent versions.

I've also submitted this for consideration to PathfinderDB.

Slashcard's Spell Sheet