Flying Blade

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sspitfire1 wrote:
Doc || Allegiant Gemstone Co. wrote:
As far as I'm concerned, the guy has at the very least revealed some glaring issues with the combat system. Should all be thanking him rather than trying to lynch him for supposed "hacking".
That implies that it was his intention to do so. It seems pretty clear from his self-aggrandization that his intention was anything but helping the game.

The tears are real, btw I'll 1v1 you anytime. Your trash man...

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I threw up reading this...

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sspitfire1 wrote:

At 1 minute 47 seconds or so Slappy takes damage while in dead sprint. Regardless of all circumstances, if he is moving any faster than a walk he should gain the provoking condition after taking damage. He clearly does not gain provoking. I am calling hacks if no one else will. I'm sure the devs are looking into this now.

In fact, the entire fight against Cheatle in the early part of the video (Cheatle has the cleaver), Slappy is both moving AND taking damage AND attacking- but never provoking. Whatever Slappy is doing, it is not skill. It is illegal abuse of the game systems. I hope he gets a good slam in the face for it by GW.

But if you really want to see proof that something is going on behind the scenes, skip to 4 minutes and 20 seconds. It will cut to a new scene where Slappy is seen charging forward with his spear. He is provoking opportunity! Not 6 seconds later in the video he is still running around attacking people with the spear, but no longer provoking.

At 5.14 you see Slappy provoking while moving again. Whatever it is that Slappy turns on to negate provoking, he forgets to reactivate it here- or doesn't think he needs it to win. During that time he suffers the first stun we see affect him in the video; but not, apparently, the first one that is directed at him.

At 8.50 we get back to him moving, attacking and not provoking again- coincidentally also when he has people who have managed to target him and are dealing damage.

The final nail in the coffin is this: If Slappy is pulsing q/e back and forth in rapid succession, the movement in his character is imperceptible to the human eye- if the movements are even registering at all by the game. That requires machine speed and precision. Human fingers can't sustain that kind of activity for prolonged periods without the cadence breaking down, at the very least.

You could have just admitted your bad at PVP, that would have saved you multiple paragraphs.

I have already admitted after watching my video in greater detail that it does look like my character is desynced. Although I did not know about this until after making the video. Anyways I am sure the devs have already seen this and will look into it because it seems to be an issue when crossing hex borders. There is plenty of times during that fight where I was red and provoking opportunity, it is not my fault your teams targeting skills were too pitiful to burn me down.
If I already got haters, must mean I am doing something right!
Thanks for the giggle mate :D

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If I didn't know better I would almost think you guys were upset for getting beat and accusing me of hacking ? As you can see in the video I get stunned multiple times. And my guess as to why hold person did not work for you is because you can still cast it with no power, it just doesn't do anything. You probably had no power. I've done that so many times with string bolas. I am red very few times in this fight so that may make targeting me much harder?

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Last video until player husks come out. As always, I urge others to post their footage.

Also next weekend I will be hosting a 2v2 PVP tournament in Golgotha. I will post more info and details pertaining to this event at a later period.