Speed 40ft (+10ft from Trade domain)
Melee Club -1 (1d6-1, x2, B)
Ranged Club +1 (1d6-1, x2, B, 10ft)
Sling stone +1 (d3-1, x2, B, 50ft)
Str 8 Dex 12 Con 8 Int 12 Wis 14 Cha 18
Base Attack +0, CMB -1, CMD 10
Trade Domain granted ability:
Silver-Tongued Haggler (Su): Whenever you make a Bluff, Diplomacy, or Sense Motive check, you can, as afree action, grant yourself a bonus on the roll equal to 1/2 your cleric level (minimum +1). You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.
Leadership Domain granted ability:
Inspiring Command (Su): As a standard action, you can issue an inspiring command to your allies. The inspiring command affects one ally plus one additional ally for every three cleric levels you possess, who must all be within 30 feet of you. Affected allies gain a +2 insight bonus on attack rolls, AC, combat maneuver defense, and skill checks for 1 round. This is a language-dependent mind-affecting effect.
Pioneer Trait:
+1 ride, horse.
Natural Born Leader Trait:
All cohorts, followers, or summoned creatures under your leadership gain a +1 morale bonus on Will saves to avoid mind-affecting effects. If you ever take the Leadership feat, you gain a +1 trait bonus to your Leadership score.
Channel positive energy 7/day 1d6.
Selective Channeling:
Can choose 4 (cha) targets in area not to be affected by channeling
Spell focus (Conjuration)
Proficient with light armour, medium armour, shields (except tower shields), simple weapons and light crossbow.
0: 3
* Guidance
* Virtue
* Purify Food & Water
1: (2/day + 1 domain/day)
* Magic Stone
* Summon Monster I
d bless
Parade Armour (Studded leather equiv. +3/+5/-1)
Wooden Holy Symbol of Abadar
Light Steel shield (not normally worn)
Sling stones
Pack saddle
Sirian Rogarvia grew up the son of a mayor in a small town on the borders of the Stolen Lands. Inspired by the local cleric of Abadar, he joined the religion as an acolyte and studied the Laws (both those of Man and Abadar). Devoting himself to the establishment of trade, order, law and good leadership he excelled and was transferred to New Stetven to train as a lawyer.
He quickly realised that the Nobility of New Stetven were corrupt! Following the guidance of Adabar he attempted to fight the corruption from within.
The nobles of Brevoy were less than impressed to have a young, charismatic and idealistic firebrand lawyer raising an outcry among the people. Simply killing Sirian was too dangerous though - Abadar might be weak in Brevoy, but murdering one of his clerics could bring inquisitions and sanctions that would be annoying, if not dangerous.
A sympathetic Abdar lawyer was consulted, but Sirian was within his rights - however, the lawyer pointed out, the nobles could simply recognise Sirian as being divinely inspired and order him to follow Abadar’s first principle of founding civilisation in the wilderness. Given Sirian had almost no combat training at all and was known to have a weak constitution and physique, odds were this would be a suicide mission and would look good to the church of Abadar.
Sirian was summoned before the court, praised for his good works and informed that he was to be made a missionary to the stolen lands. Stunned, he didn’t react as he was hustled outside, given a horse, fancy looking armour (that didn’t fit), a rod of office (that looked a lot like it might have been an ornate bedpost), a shield with the heraldry of Abadar and the best wishes of the kingdom.
He asked for a crossbow, and was quietly he was told the crossbow and bolts were waiting for him if he was still here when the sun rose. The implication was obvious.
24 hours later he was on his way to his new life.
At first glance Sirian looks impressive as he rides in on his horse with his fancy armour, shield and rod. At second glance the rod is just painted wood, the shield is unscratched, the armour is too big and Sirian himself is too thin, and too pale to pass as a warrior.
The horse is great though.
18 years old, 5'7", 140lbs.
Sirian is a true believer in crusading within the law. He is a city man. A lawyer. Not some Paladin. He has been outmaneuver though, and now he needs to establish a city and a temple in order to prove himself. He intends to do whatever he needs to do.