Mask Golem

Siren's Mask's page

43 posts (66 including aliases). 1 review. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 3 aliases.

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My greatest concerns for this class(which I was active about in the playtest), is that they didn't fill the void the hunter had in class ablities from level 9 to 19 as well as the enhancement bonuses to animal focus. The class got a total of 4 teamwork feats and its normal spell progression only for 10 levels strait,that's it. This void made it feel bland.

The issue with animal focus, was its interaction with the animal companion, namely that as an enhancement bonus and thus it is able to be replicated by items.By having a key class feature that offers no real bonus at higher levels could never elevate the hunters companion above a rangers or druids. Not only that the bonus type didn't feel unique, the hunters parent class the ranger gets untyped bonuses to its key features, and the hunters counterpart the inquisitor gets sacred bonuses. The hunter was mainly being sold to us as "the animal companion" class. Yet its animal companion was pretty normal, and not nearly the strongest available (consider mad dog barb, pre-retconed black sable marine, a few cavilers, and the existence of the summoner). I have hope that the divine hunter archetypes' animal companion alleviates this, or we have more useful and less situational animal focus choice.

The feral hunter sounds amazing but two things jump out at me: one, I dread the possibility of the "solo" style animal focus bonuses being enhancement. Because yeah all of mine and my groups martials typical strive for a belt of physical perfection at higher levels, thus rendering a cool class ability less useful.

The second concern is its wildshape. Yes the hunter gets same progression as druid (yes!), but is restricted to animals (no biggie), but has 3/4 bab and no way to buff its hit ( especially if its animal focus bonus is enhancement bonus). So why not just play a druid with more options and better spell casting? I am not saying this snarky, I really love the idea for this archetype, I am just concerned. Team work feats have been listed as the way to get this buff to hit, but unless the feral hunter gets a replacement or inquisitors solo tactics I fear for this archtype.

Guess we will have to wait and see, but I am hopeful.

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I am a GM of 13 years, In our home games I've had many players take crane wing. I have seen how it can be abused. This is no different than many of the other options in the game(I personally found snake style at higher levels, combined with a +10 or 20 item to sense motive to be for more powerful). I always liked the dynamics and flavor of the style feats as it brought the ability to create martial characters able to do impossible stunts. In my, and my groups opinion, these sorts of stunts or feat investments represented a level of mastery attainable by martials, that was the equivalent of spell perfection, or as we play it archmage tier.

Nevertheless we tweaked crane style to allow for loop holes in martial fight against it. We made it so that a person had to threaten the target for it to be employed. This resulted in all sorts of weird feat combinations from lunge to combat patrol, that created an escalating arms race of martial mastery. This proved to be very fun for my players and made a title like Blade Master or Sword Lord mean a little more than "I hit with big weapon". I agree that the feat could be abused and could have used some tweaking, I think the change makes it highly undesirable for the investment, especially if you are not a monk. I would also not like to see this feat be condemned to only being used by unarmed combatants as it was on of the cool options weapon based fighters could take. Just my 2 coppers

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Love this class! But i think there may be a slight oversight with a bloodline.

Two of my players are building Bloodragers. I am having them build a 5th level, 10th, 16th, and 20th versions. One of them turns to me as tells me that the arcane bloodline is more dragon themed than the dragon bloodline. I didn't believe it so I took a look, by level 16 sure enough the arcane blood line can have better energy resistance, and actually turn into a dragon. Now this is awesome, but it kinda outshines the bloodline actually based upon dragons, considering that one spell gives the arcane blood line a breath weapon, 5 natural attacks,the same natural armor, flight, and in some cases a new movement speed.

my suggestion is to replace dragon form on the arcane list with Undead anatomy III, or giant form I. Then replace tail slap on the dragon bloodline with, the ability to turn into dragon ( though limited to what type you picked in beginning). The fact that the dragon bloodline can never actually turn into a dragon, via powers or his limited spell progression, and another bloodline can is kind of ironic.

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Simple question, do multiple castings of resist energy stack. As in can i cast it multiple times to gain resistance to fire, cold, electricity and acid. I ask because my party is about to fight a buch of elementals and the druid wants to cast the communal version four times, giving everyone in the party ER 30 vs everything.

I ask because I dont know if you can only have this spell cast once on you, and each successive casting replaces the older version. Or that each casting counts as a separate buff, thus allowing all to be sustained at once.Currently in game so if anyone has a speedy answer to this, i would be very appreciative.

Thank you for your help.

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It appears that David Bowie moonlights as Damiel, the Alchemist Iconic ;) (pg 24)

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So let me first start of by saying that I love the People of the North player companion.It is full of flavor and delivers on crunch. Those who haven't bought it should.

My issue is with the Viking archetype. At first I was very excited about this archetype, thinking that the fighter got some loving. I then started looking at the numbers and comparing it to a normal Barbarian and base line fighter,and it looks to me to be a poor mans Barbarian, am I missing something?

Its a fighter who gets a very cool intimidate ability instead of bravery( big plus here). He looses armor training in favor of shield defense (+1 ac when using a shield 4th, 7th, 11th, 15th) and trades weapon training 1,2,3,4 for rage at - 3 level, and can replace fighter bonus feats with rage powers after level 6. He looses heavy armor prof, tower shield prof.

The only main fighter abilities he keeps are weapon master and armor mastery.

It does not state that he gets Mighty or greater rage.

The barbarian still gets fast movement and a better skill selection.
I guess trap sense and fearsome are a push, same with uncanny dodge and DR vs. shield defense. They are equal in armor weapon prof. Indomitable will and tireless rage are comparable to armor and weapon mastery.

access to rage and rage power are amazing but at a lover level and with the sacrifice to weapon and armor training, is it worth it? Compared to a barbarian by level 20 he looses 20hp and 40 skill points. Am I missing something? Why would someone not just play a barbarian?

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The Block Knight wrote:

Sigh. Glad to see the trend of people writing misinformed reviews based on mismanaged expectations hasn't stopped.

Granted, if I'm going to talk the talk then I should walk the walk. I don't have my copy yet, still waiting on my FLGS, but once I've read it I'll post a review.

Normally when person attacks someone about their

"misinformation" they tend to have at least a little information themselves on the subject material. You sir are an exception, with your talking the talk and walking the walk, you would think you might start walking before you started talking.

If you had read the book, and were refuting my claim, I would have excepted your condemnation toward my review with a little weight.

On the other hand I think some clarity is in order. I did not write that review in a bout of "nerd rage" as a personal attack on Paizo (now settle down zealous fan-boys). I love Paizo, I own a great deal of their products and all of the inner sea related material.I have been constantly impressed with 4 and 5 star books, however I understand they can't always turn out a winner. Does this mean I am going to stop supporting Paizo? No, it does not. Does this mean I thought the quality of this one product was severely lacking? Yes. I wrote that review based not only on "crunch" and "fluff" ratio. I found barely any "crunch", and the "fluff" as I said in my review was not all that new, 6 paragraphs on the Knights of OZEM, and most of it rehashed or basic information you would know about Lastwall if you had the inner sea guide. The product in and of itself is sub-par, if you compare it with other inner sea and Golarion guides it is dismally apparent. For me the most interesting thing in the book was the origin of the knights of OZEM's name.

Now if you dislike my review,write your own. But do not write three paragraphs of self-righteous fan-boy drivel when you don't even have a basis for your claims.

P.s I will not be engaging in escalating back and forth arguments, I have said my peace. Thank you and good day.

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PHB wrote:

Quarry (Ex)

At 11th level, a ranger can, as a standard action, denote one target within his line of sight as his quarry. Whenever he is following the tracks of his quarry, a ranger can take 10 on his Survival skill checks while moving at normal speed, without penalty. In addition, he receives a +2 insight bonus on attack rolls made against his quarry, and all critical threats are automatically confirmed. A ranger can have no more than one quarry at a time and the creature's type must correspond to one of his favored enemy types. He can dismiss this effect at any time as a free action, but he cannot select a new quarry for 24 hours. If the ranger sees proof that his quarry is dead, he can select a new quarry after waiting 1 hour.

Ranger archetypes like the Wild stalker, Warden and Freebooter loose favored enemy, but still retain Quarry and improved quarry, so how is this suppose to work if the Quarry ability is dependent upon favored enemy? Possible errata, FAQ? Or has this been answered somewhere and I haven't found it?

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1)Different crafting techniques for armor that are none magical, i.e Elven breastplate(normal breastplate, 10% lighter, only -5ft movement speed in heavy and medium armor, -1 to ac), Dwarven(double weight, movement speed halved, -1 max dex bonus, +1 ac, + 1 dr/adamantium). I think a few "style" templates like this added to existing armor would curb the need for newer armors and provide a cool flare for item customization.

2) Pikes(not to be confused with pole-arms) for foot soldiers, like the Sarissa(13-21ft), Swiss pike(10-25ft)and many others that allowed for "stack"-able unit formations that made well organized armies deadly.

3) New materials to craft things from, like mythical Asgardian metal "uru", Plato's Orichalcum, Amazonium- Wonder woman's bracelet or even simple Damascus steel.