
Sir Vice's page

Organized Play Member. 9 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 15 Organized Play characters.

Has anyone ever set up an underground greenhouse to grow food? I figure it would be mostly fungus. Would continual light nourish plants?

It's not listed in the prereq list, but is mentioned. I have all the listed prereqs already yet the program I am using says I am not qualified to take that class. I am a Kyton-Spawn Tiefling, not Drow. Must I be a Drow or is PCGen incorrect?

So my Shadowdancer wants to take a new rogue talent. I noticed the 'Sneak Training' talent from Pathfinder Adventure Path #130: City in the Lion's Eye. It states: The rogue counts as having the sneak attack class feature of a rogue of her level for the purpose of meeting prestige class requirements, although this talent doesn’t improve the rogue’s existing sneak attack ability or grant her the sneak attack class feature if she doesn’t already have it. This talent is most useful for rogues that lack the sneak attack class feature, such as those with the phantom thief archetype. Does this mean I can use sneak attack or not?

Trying to make a sadistic character. Probably a Dhamphir and was considering the Summoner class with a Kyton eidolon. Or maybe an Enchantress (Sorcerer?). She's not necessarily evil, just likes to cause pain. Any ideas? Is there anything even remotely like Vicissitude from V:tM in Pathfinder?

I merged the Vigilante class with a Third-Party Druid archetype called the Lunar Guardian (Ascension Games--Path of Shadows). This is a class for misfits, guardians of nature, and those that like to fight in the dark. Use darkness to your advantage for once!

Alignment: Any.

Hit Die: d8.

Class skills: Acrobatics, Climb, Craft, Escape Artist, Handle Animal, Heal, Knowledge (Geo & Nature), Perception, Ride, Sense Motive, Slight of Hand, Spellcraft, Stealth, Survival, Swim.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: As Druid.

Skill Ranks Per Level: 4 + Int modifier.

BAB and Saves: As Druid.

Spells: As Lunar Guardian's Nature Bond (character should choose Domain option). Also has Spontaneous Casting Feature and Orisons.

Character chooses Stalker or Avenger as Vigilante Specialization without the bonuses from that class feature.

Other Features/ Abilities: Light Blindness, Nature Sense, Druid Bonus Languages, Wild Empathy, Night Sight, Trackless Step, Resist Darkness, Wild Shape replaced by Vigilante Talent (at 4th level and every 2 levels thereafter), Disease Immunity, Eyes of the Moon, Timeless Body.


Is there anything anywhere in Pathfinder that will return undead to the living?

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Are all touch attack spells eligible for use with Spectral Hand, or is it only ones specifically designated 'range touch attack'?