Purging Lotus Bell
Aura faint evocation; CL 3rd
Slot none; Price 18,000 gp; Weight -
This opulent lotus is sculpted from a fine, clear resin and treated with a light blue tint. At its core, a crystalline bauble hovers above the pistil. The bell always maintains an upright position, floating roughly a foot above the owner's head.
Three times per day, as a swift action, the owner can activate the bell, causing the crystal orb to strike the lotus' interior. This causes a clear resonating chime to surge forth, refreshing both mind and body. Any creatures within 30 ft of the owner, suffering from the effects of a failed saving throw, may attempt a second throw to end any persisting effects with a +4 competence bonus.
In addition the bell can function as a musical instrument for any creature with the bardic performance class feature. Using the bell in this manner requires no hands, and treats the owner as +1 level higher when determining the effects of bardic performance.
Requirements Craft Wonderous Item, saving finale, timely inspiration, mage hand; Cost 9,000 gp