Friendly Fighter

Sir Roland Peredren's page

10 posts. Organized Play character for Cole Cummings.


Liberty's Edge

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I've been looking into this myself. The rules are obviously written with things like Doors in mind.

I am Society for Creative Anachronism heavy fighter who fights in steel (Pathfinder) "Half-Plate". I can tell you, my plate armor is not even a 1/4" thick (If it was, I wouldn't be able to move!)

Typically steel body armor is made from 20gauge steel 3/80" (.0375) thickness. But since it's heroic fantasy and we're dealing with medieval steel we'll jack the thickness up to 16gauge 1/16" (.0625) thickness.
(1/4" would be 3gauge (.25))

Armor hit points is: 5xAC bonus for each INCH of thickness

This would mean that 16gauge Full Plate Armor would be 5x9x.0625"=3HP rounded up.
1/4" Full Plate (which btw is heavy enough to stop a .45caliber bullet at 20', we tested it :D ) would have a whopping 11hp but only a Dwarf could fight in it.

Plate Armor is very complicated. It's put together with rivets, leather straps, precisely articulated joints and sliding services and is designed to distribute weight across the body so it doesn't unduly hamper movement, or pull swings with momentum. (mine still does, its a huge disadvantage in speed to fight in steel vs. lighter materials)

So Heavy Full Plate Armor, the kind a Jousting Knight would wear, which weighs around 90lbs (from Claude Blair's European Armour Circa 1066-Circa 1700.) but since we've added thickness we'll just say 100lbs. Would be rocking 3HP and a Hardness of 10.

This is more accurate. It reflects the historical movement in tactics, once heavy plate armor was introduced, of attacking a knight's Armor instead of trying to kill the knight himself. Footmen employed Heavy Maces, Picks and Bec de Corbin type weapons specially designed to break the armor of these battlefield juggernauts. Once you get past the Hardness of the armor and damage it the Knight would have to retire from the field to repair his armor.
Keep in mind that a Heavy Mace does 1d8dmg, a Heavy Pick does 1d6dmg and even the highly specialized 2-handed Bec de Corbin does 1d10. That means only an attacker's STR modifier would have a chance of dealing damage to Full Plate, and only if Max Dmg was rolled on the die.

Liberty's Edge

In gleaming plate and blue and white accented in gold tabard the very image of an Andoran Eagle Knight mounts the steps down from the upstairs private rooms.

"So it is my understanding that the undead are to be "freed" by whatever means necessary.
Tombs are to be purged of artifacts when evil and purged of evil when good.
And fellow Pathfinders that are "neutral" in name only are to be thwarted but not killed.

I apologize for my absence, the hills south of the Aspodell Mountains has been seeing an increase in incursions by my former countrymen. I have pushed the corpse of many a Chelixian naive from my lance the last months. Pah! I hate killing men."

He stops to draw a mug of beer from the casks behind the bar and takes a seat with his fellow knights to join the discussion.

Liberty's Edge

Now, My Fellow Knights. What business have we?

In My travels I have run across various "evil" Pathfinders. I realize that one cannot be truly evil to be in the guild but there are many who are "neutral" in word only. In what way could we possibly bring these wayward souls back into the light?

Another issue; Tomb raiding. Desecration of tombs is sacrilege. However , when one is in the tomb of an evil cult or ancient worshipers of fiends what say we on the subject?

Other Business? Please bring it forward.

Liberty's Edge

With the Exploration of the Thessalonian Tomb of Wrath (In Wrath's Shadow) I have been Knighted an Eagle Knight of Andoran!

Liberty's Edge

It is up to the individual to decide what laws are unjust and take what actions, if any, should be taken. And of course bare the responsibility for those actions. That is the price of Freedom.

A "slave" is someone who is being held against their will. If they would rather stay they are not slaves but are choosing to exchange servitude for whatever the "owner" offers. We Eagle Knights seek to free people that wish to be freed. I contend that given the choice, nine people out of ten will choose freedom over servitude. I mean to make sure those nine have that choice.

Liberty's Edge

Vernar wrote:

Eagle Knights !!!

You never change always to eager to follow orders, never to question or reinterpret them.
Thats why I left, lets call it a difference of opinion, just because I used fireballs to free slaves from their servitude sending them onto there true reward. They said no you've got to drag them around and tend them, feed them, cloth them.
Really! who wants those weak willed loosers hanging around if their not prepared to help themselves rise from their situation ,why should I have to be burdened with them.
The Strong survive and learn to fight for their freedom......
The lesson is harsh but the rewards are great .

Former Eagle Knight

A Shame you feel that way. Most slaves just want a chance at a normal happy life. Why not help them achieve that? Are you so busy? Or so cruel.

I agree with you about the following orders though. Sometimes orders, such as in the realm of unjust laws, are not to be followed. Of course there is a price to being part of the organization. Sometimes that is following orders that are against your personal interpretation of the situation.

Liberty's Edge

Oxirane wrote:
If I remember right, they were using child slaves to make the drug, so that's certainly a good reason to put a stop to it. And many people would consider addiction a kind of slavery.

You can not justify curtailing your own people's freedom because Kings elsewhere enslave their children.

Liberty's Edge

I was born in Cheliax, even served in the Cheliax army. I saw the rise of Thrune. Tyranny often starts with "good" intentions for people who "need to have decisions made for them for their own good". It is a slippery slope.

Liberty's Edge

Well I followed orders. But the Faction will get a ear full about this.

Liberty's Edge

I always liked that part of the country. Tis cool on the armor.
I will travel north then to support the Magnimarian's quest for freedom. Already I am aship sailing back from Xian Tia having successfully reactivated the braid of One Hundred Masters (and one dwarf) for the Society.