Elf Archer

Sir Pavel's page

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I never understood the point of this. I could live with the alignment restriction and I'm just going to houserule over this if it stays, but I really don't see how this silly multiclass restriction staying in the Paladin class is adding any fun or balance to the class. I just think that it is totally unecessary.

I find that since so many of the Combat Feats require you to use a full-round action in melee round after round, that it just becomes WAY too easy for an enemy to break a combo you are building up. All the enemy has to do is move 10ft or somehow prevent you from being able to use a full-round action for a round.

If you really want to keep the combo mechanic in the game, my suggestion would be to make it so that you can at least use the melee feats as a standard action, so that you could still use a move action.

Hi, I have a friend in Iraq who wants to order the first issue of Pathfinder. I told him about how you are sent a PDF version of the adventure if you subscribe, but I'm not sure if that is true for customers who don't subscribe.

He wants to have it shipped to his house in the US and use the PDF while in Iraq, basically. Will this happen if he orders it now?