Sir Ophiuchus |

Hello all!
For the past year and a half, I've been playing in a weekly Pathfinder game with a fantastic GM. He hasn't GM'd much before, but his worldbuilding and description is brilliant, and we have a great story going on. Several of us are also experienced roleplayers, which helps. We started at level 1 and we've now just hit level 10, leveling about every 3/4 sessions.
Now, however, we've got a problem. He's a great GM, but we think he finds it hard to understand how to devise challenging combat encounters for the party at this level, and to figure out a reasonable CL (which I found hard as well when I GM'd Pathfinder).
Since you guys are uniformly wonderful and wise, I have permission from him to ask you for ideas to rock the casbah for our encounters, and to give us a hard time! He'll be reading the thread, and possibly commenting, so any advice you can give - behind spoiler tags please - would be massively helpful.
Useful information
- We tend to only have one combat encounter a session. When we have more than one, they're almost never the same game day. This makes it hard to balance, and means we're more comfortable blowing all our limited-use stuff. The party has an airship base, and tends to operate from there, so there's very little dungeon-crawling attrition.
- Party access to flight is currently just the wizard, though everyone has some way to negate falling (repeat, airship).
- The party is:
-- Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 6 / Oracle (Lame, Flame) 1 / Rage Prophet 3, with spell sunder and rage-cycling, though not massively optimised for attacking.
-- Ranger (Wild Stalker) 10, who is a DPS machine, and easily does more than 100hp damage in two rounds.
-- Bard 10, who mostly buffs the hell out of everyone and casts enchantments.
-- Cleric 1 / Inquisitor 9, who buffs himself and others with spells, and messes up the enemy with judgements.
-- Wizard (Conjurer) 10, who buffs and summons, for the most part.
- House rule is that all PCs *and* all monsters have max HP.
If you need any additional information, ask away! Help us Pathfinder forums, you're our only hope! Be cruel to us and destroy us with nasty horrible evil encounters. We want to fight them!!
And remember, actual encounter suggestions in spoiler tags!