SirBushido's page

Organized Play Member. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Wiggz wrote:

A while back we ran through the Second Darkness AP, and our group consisted of an Elven Void Mage, a Dwarven Evangelist (Madness Domain) and a set of twins, a Half-Elven Summoner and a Half-Elven Master Summoner. I ran the Summoner and built him to be effective in melee and especially as a mounted warrior - my first and only mounted character. He was arguably the most powerful character I've ever played, certainly the toughest melee character which is saying something.

The route I went was to fight with a longspear at early levels, basically fighting from behind my eidolon. Then, at 9th level - the level after which my eidolon was able to grow to Large size and become an effective mount - I took a single level of Dragoon for the feats and weapon proficiencies and thereafter fought most of my battles from astride the eidolon.

Lots of little tricks in this build. I took the Eldritch Heritage feats for the Orcish bloodline. That gave me significant strength boosts and the power Touch of Rage worked perfectly with a pouncing eidolon. Don't forget about abilities like Shield Ally and Aspect... together you should be an incredibly mobile and deadly tank.

If you have any questions about the build, please don't hesitate to ask.

I'll snatch up this opportunity. I'd love to get your build!

Full BAB I think Fixes monk in general. He's a fighter with options, to me it seems like a Monk with Full BAB is everything the Fighter should have been.

Add in Tongues at Second level as well.

Scorn Earth would be sick too.

Beating A Dead Horse wrote:

The name here says it all.

Personal preference I think. Me I prefer the anti-pally- not least because it's harder to fall ;)

2nd vote for ridiculous wall of Undead. Time stop and summoning is deadly at higher levels.

Roleplaying gold mine is spot on. Your campaign sounds absolutely amazing.