Modoru Redgrave

Sir Brensen's page

10 posts. Alias of Brian Minhinnick (RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16).


Don't forget, I'm your contact for trophy selling. I will award you with gold to bring you up to your current WBL. Someone can feel free to go back and tally up the gold from the loot you've found. There were several magical items and few mundane things if memory serves. You can sell it for the standard 50% selling rates.

After loot is sold and distributed, everyone needs to tally up the total worth of their gear and liquid assets. Then subtract it from 65,000 GP. You get the difference as the reward for your trophies. For example your current gear/money total is worth 24,000 GP you would get 33,000 GP in platinum pieces.

Any non-cursed magical items are available at standard prices.

"Sounds fine. I'm here all day. Just come whenever you're ready."

"Lets see..." Brensen says, taking the list and scanning it over. "Quite the haul you've got here. I'll give you 3,560 Platinum coins for them."

"Giant lady tells me you've got trophies for me?" Sir Brensen asks after approaching Viorel and Balbeck. "I'd be happy to make you an offer for them."

I'll have to add up all the loot tomorrow since it's really late for me. After that we can assume you went with/will go with Rosa.

"I only know the name because they mentioned it. You may want to talk to Balbeck Morann over there." The paladin says, pointing to the slumbering drunken sage off in one corner of the common room. "He's supposedly an expert on the history of the area, though mostly he just gets drunk." Brensen's sneer is more than enough to indicate his opinion of the man.

"I believe they already went into Kenabres a few days ago. They are bound to return this way eventually though if they mean to retake the Fort of the Nail. I could deliver a message for you if you'd like. Does your group have any trophies to sell me?"

"If you are referring to Paralictor Vance and his companion then yes, I had brief words with them. When they returned from the wastes I asked them if they had any trophies to sell me, but he told me that their unit was destroyed by undead. He was planning on going into the city to find a messenger I believe. I also saw you here a few days ago. Were you successful out in the Wound?"

Assuming the others will deposit their various bird bits as well.

"Oh my. These look like cockatrice feet." He says examining the smaller legs, before picking one up and taking a small bite. He quickly spits it out into a pile of concrete-like dust on the table. "These big fellas look like terror birds." The pink feathered one draws particular interest. "One of them a half-fiend at that." He considers for a moment counting out some things on his fingers. "Good haul for a day boys, I'll give you 8,100 GP for the lot." He unlocks his chest and counts out 81 platinum coins into a leather bag, handing it over to the crusaders.

Sir Brensen's Table (Jin, Peitry, Kenan, Brensen)

"Greetings!" The paladin says with a smile. "Back so soon? At least you all appear to be in one piece. Do you have anything for me?"

A tall dark haired man walks over to the table of crusaders. "Excuse me folks, I couldn't help but noticing that you're crusaders. New ones by the sound of it. My name is Sir Brensen, Paladin of Iomedae and knight to Queen Galfrey. I just wanted to make you aware of a program the church is running in conjunction with the new draft. The call for a crusade has proven very popular amongst the good peoples of the north, and they have given generously to aid us in our cause. The church has decided that the best way to use this money is as a reward for the slaying of supernaturally evil creatures on the other side of the river. So, once you head out into the wastes, make sure to keep a trophy from everything you kill. Bring back what you've got to me next time you're in town and I'll pay you based on the difficulty of the creatures you defeated. Payments will be made equally to each member of the group. Well, thank you for your time. Enjoy your evening, if you have any questions I'll be over there." He finishes, pointing to a table off to one side where his gear is resting.